When Luo Nan opened his eyes, he saw several women surrounding him with worried faces.

Lonan got up and took a step.

But the figure seemed to pass through the void, and without causing any spatial fluctuations, it appeared in front of several women and said softly, “Let you worry.” ”

“As long as you’re okay!”

Seeing that Luo Nan was not hindered, all the women were relieved.

Immediately afterward, all the women focused on the strange movements that Ronan had previously unfolded.

Logically, there are countless ways to achieve teleportation effects at extreme speed, but no matter how many pieces of speed, they will leave a trajectory in space that can be perceived.

If the teleportation effect is achieved by crossing the space, it will inevitably cause a certain degree of spatial fluctuation!

Nowadays, the cultivation of several women is not weak, and both their vision and perception are quite sensitive.

However, none of them perceived the fluctuations in space, and they did not find that Lonan left a spatial trajectory when he walked through.

If you have this ability in battle, your whereabouts will not be able to be detected by the foresight, and there is no problem in saying that you are haunted.

“Big Brother, is this your retreat cultivation magic power?”

Alyssa blinked her big watery eyes and looked at Lonan longingly.

Luo Nan nodded, “This is just a superficial application of my cultivation of divine powers, but there are also applications that make him go deeper.” ”

When the women heard this, a trace of shock appeared on their faces!

The magic power that is enough to be haunted in battle, so that the enemy can not catch the whereabouts, is actually only a superficial application.

How mysterious is that deeper application?

And just when the girls were surprised by this, Luo Nan’s eyes also flashed a trace of surprise: “Alyssa, your cultivation has reached the seventh order of the Great Luo Golden Immortal?” ”

“Well, in the third baptism pool, I successfully broke through to the Golden Immortal Realm, directly reached the cultivation of the Eighth Order Golden Immortal, and then entered the Fourth Baptism Pool and broke through to the Great Luo Golden Immortal Realm and reached the seventh order!”

Alyssa nodded with a smile of joy on her face.

After all, in terms of cultivation alone, she is now the highest among all the women.

Even Wu Mengyu and Song Yuyan had only just entered the Great Luo Golden Immortal Realm.

When Luo Nan heard this, he also secretly smirked, thinking that this heaven and earth care was really great.

As long as you break through the big realm, you will directly start at the seventh or eighth order, and lead others too much.

“It’s a pity that I couldn’t directly break through to the Eighth Order, otherwise I would have been able to enter the Fifth Baptistery Pool and definitely reach the limit of the Great Luo Golden Immortal.”

Lonan said with some pity.

Alyssa nodded at first, but quickly shook her head again: “Alyssa is already very satisfied to be able to reach this point.” ”


Luo Nan raised an eyebrow, Alyssa could be said to have directly jumped from the True Immortal Realm to become a Seventh Order Great Luo Golden Immortal, and the leaps of the level added up to more than Luo Nan, it can be said that she has made a lot of money.

Thinking too much about it is really a bit insatiable.

Finally, Ronan set his sights on the Nine-Tailed Fox Spirit.

However, the nine-tailed fox was quite depressed at the moment.

Everyone else was greatly enhanced in the baptistery, and only the ascension of her cultivation was pitiful.

After all, it really needs to be said, the Nine-Tailed Fox’s original cultivation was just a heavenly immortal, and it could only enter the first-level and second-level baptism pool, and now it was only a cultivation behavior that had just entered the True Immortal Realm, and it was simply impossible to see compared with others.

After all, as aborigines, there is still a big difference in nature between them and Ronan, who are blessed by the Dao.

After comforting the Nine-Tailed Fox for a few words, Ronan asked about the situation of his retreat these days.

But the girls have also stayed here and not gone out, so they don’t know the outside world.

After Ronan summoned the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda and took all the women in and protected them, he shouted out the name of Tartaros.

A moment later the baptistry is located on the mountain. At the top of the peak, a black and purple light suddenly appeared.

The light gradually expanded, and soon a purple-black portal formed in front of Ronan.

Seeing this portal, Lonan did not hesitate and stepped directly into it.

After practicing the Void Sutra, Luo Nan’s mastery of the Way of Space had reached an appalling level.

Even just by glancing at this purple-black portal, you can see what kind of scene is behind that portal.

The surrounding space distorted, and a moment later, Lonan’s figure reappeared on the altar.

However, what was waiting for Ronan on the altar at this moment was no longer Tartaros, but a strong man whom Lonan did not know.

This strong man’s face was expressionless, and his body was covered with muscles like a knife carved and an axe, full of explosive power.

The probing technique flashed in Luo Nan’s eyes, directly taking the information of the person in front of him into his eyes!

Name: Hyporion

Level: 1v349 (Quasi-Saint)

Identity: The heir of the first god king Uranos and the mother earth god Gaia, one of the twelve titan gods, the first sun god of the Olympus world, the god of war!

Seeing the identity of the person in front of him, Luo Nan’s eyes also flashed a touch of surprise.

The name of Xu Perion, Luo Nan naturally knew, other bad things, the sun god Helios who was originally shot by Houyi’s arrow, was the son of Xu Perion.

However, in the Olympian world, the gods have always been very indifferent to blood relations, and it can be said that they do not care at all.

When Helios had defected from the Titan camp and was willing to be Zeus’s lackey, Hyporion had already acted as if he did not have this son.

Therefore, in the face of killing his son and enemy, Hyporion did not have any special reaction.

At this moment, facing Luonan, Xu Perion had no expression on his face and said directly: “The battle on the front line has begun, and I am here to wait for your retreat to end on the orders of Lord Tartaros.”

Now that you have appeared, I will rush to the front battlefield, as for you can do as you please! ”

After saying this, Hyporion disappeared directly above the altar.

And Lonan, the zui angle is to raise a dangerous arc: “This great opportunity for harvesting experience, how can I let it go…”

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