
That’s something Ronan has been waiting for for a long time!

It can be said that for Ronan, there is only one thing that the baptistery represents, and that is experience!

Tons of experience!

In the world of Olympus, the cultivation of the gods is divided by the number of baptisms!

Completing a baptism is equivalent to the Heavenly Immortal Realm in the Pangu World.

Two baptisms are the True Immortal Realm, three baptisms are equal to the Golden Immortal Realm, and so on!

Of course, this does not mean that a random person who walks from the first baptism to the sixth baptistery can successfully become a saint.

If that were the case, Ya Sheng would be too worthless.

In fact, looking at the entire Olympus world, there are very few people who can enter the baptism pool to be baptized.

Most of the gods, after cultivating to achieve the realm, instilled the vitality of heaven and earth into their bodies on their own, so as to achieve the effect of baptism.

But this way, compared to entering the baptismal pool, is naturally far from the same.

Pulling the Heaven and Earth Yuan Qi into the body on its own is not much different from the ascetic cultivation of the Pangu World, and it all has to accumulate a little bit, and then get the blessings of Heaven and Earth in the breakthrough of the moment.

But entering the baptistry was different, according to the news that Lonan had learned before.

As long as the cultivation realm reaches the eighth level, you can enter the baptism pool of the corresponding level.

And the baptism pool will allow you to directly break through the limitations of the big realm!

That is to say, those who cultivate as eighth-order Heavenly Immortals will directly advance to the True Immortal Realm when they step into the Second Baptistery Pool.

The eighth-order true immortal cultivators, stepping into the third baptismal pool, will directly enter the Golden Immortal Realm.

Of course, it is not so easy to step from Da Luo to Quasi-Saint, and the requirements required are quite high.

The Baptistery, at best, could only elevate the cultivation of the gods to the limit of the Great Luo Golden Immortal.

If you want to cross this limit, you also need to reach a certain level of understanding of the Dao!

Otherwise, they would be kept out of the gates of the quasi-holy realm.

However, that threshold was still too early for Luo Nan today, and Luo Nan’s current goal was only one, that is, to first cultivate himself to reach the level of the Ninth Order Great Luo Golden Immortal.

After reaching the level of the Great Luo Golden Immortal, Luo Nan could cultivate the Void Sutra, and then, with the help of his perception of space, try to cross the threshold of that quasi-holy realm!

After all, for the space together, Ronan was already very familiar.

The earliest practice of the arcane art of writing was the application of the Tao.

And the art of fishing for the moon in the well is the ultimate evolution of the way of space.

With these two types of divine powers paving the way, coupled with the Void Sutra, Luo Nan confidently crossed the threshold of the quasi-saint, and it was not difficult!

Thinking of this, Rao is in Luojing, and his breathing is also impatient. Promoted a little.

And just as Ronan was about to step into the purple-black vortex, Tartaros next to him instructed, “When everything is over, you just need to shout my name, and I will pick you up here!” ”

After punching Tartaros in thanks, Ronan did not hesitate any longer and stepped directly into the purple-black vortex.

Stepping over a vortex is like stepping over a portal to an alien dimension.

When the shock appeared again, Ronan realized that he was on the top of a mountain at the moment.

On top of this mountain, there are five baptistry pools arranged in sequence, corresponding to the Heavenly Immortal Realm to the Quasi-Divine Realm.

The five baptismal pools, of different sizes, emit a far cry from each other.

In that level of baptismal pool, the energy contained in Luo Nan really couldn’t look at it, but in that fifth-level baptism pool, the breath that emanated faintly between them, even Luo Nan couldn’t help but be secretly shocked.

“Whew, it’s time to let them out!”

As soon as Luo Nan’s heart moved, the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda appeared directly in front of him.

At the beginning, Ronan asked for five places from Tartaros, just for the women around him.

At this moment, the base of the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda flashed with light, and several women of Luonan also appeared on the top of this mountain at the same time.

Wu Mengyu, Song Yuyan, Artemis, and Alyssa each occupy a place.

As for the last place, Luo Nan was originally reserved for Chang’e, but because Chang’e did not come, in line with the principle of not using it and wasting it, Luo Nan also lost this place to the Nine-Tailed Fox Spirit.

Now, after a long period of cultivation, there was also a quasi-saint-level source crystal provided by Luo Nan.

The cultivation of Wu Mengyu and Song Yuyan’s two daughters had both reached the fifth and sixth order Golden Immortal level, and Alyssa was slightly worse, but she had also reached the level of the ninth order true immortal.

As for Artemis, he had earlier entered the Golden Immortal Realm through Prometheus’s Rune Stone.

Ronan summed it up, and took several women with him to enter the first baptism pool first.

The first baptismal pool, corresponding to the Heavenly Immortal Realm, provided too little experience for Luonan, so Luonan quickly went to the next baptism pool after instructing several women to pay attention.

The True Immortal Baptistery Pool had improved Luo Nan’s experience a little, but it was still quite far from upgrading.

The Golden Immortal Baptistery Pool finally improved Luo Nan’s experience by a large margin, with a small half level or so.

After that, Luo Nan went directly into the Great Luo Golden Immortal-level Baptistery.

As soon as he entered the fourth baptistery, Luo Nan felt a completely different feeling from before, and endless majestic energy poured into his body like a tide.

And Luo Nan can clearly see that his experience bar is climbing little by little.

After only a few breaths, an ethereal voice sounded in Ronan’s ear.

“Ding, congratulations on your level increase to 1v271!”

The sound of the first ethereal voice made Luonan’s zui corner can’t help but raise a smile.

And that’s not the end, it’s just the beginning!

In the following time, the ethereal voice began to ring in Ronan’s ear.

“Ding, congratulations on your level increase to 1v272!”

“Ding, congratulations on your level increase to 1v273!”


Luo Nan absorbed the energy filled with energy in the baptismal pool, and the level was also step by step!

“Ding, congratulations on your level increase to 1v277!” _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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