Odin’s Golden Palace stands in the very center of Asgard, and above the Golden Palace is the more famous Hall of Heroic Spirits, which enshrines the ancient gods of the Asa clan.

Unlike the other facets of the World Tree, Asgard has a complete and only external entrance, the Rainbow Bridge, guarded by Heimdall.

Only by entering through the Rainbow Bridge can you be considered a guest of Asgard.

When Ronan went to Asgard this time, he was not here to fight, so naturally he would not break into Houyi.

“Ahead, is the rainbow bridge that claims to be along with the other eight worlds!”

Hou Yi pointed to the bridge in front of him that was blooming with colorful light, and said to Luo Nan.

After Luo Nan heard the words and nodded, he flashed away with Houyi and stepped onto the rainbow bridge.

When the two men touched the rainbow bridge, a loud humming sound suddenly sounded.

“Who came?”

With this sound, a majestic man covered in golden armor appeared in front of the two.

The probing technique in Ronan’s eyes lit up and covered the Golden Armor directly.

Name: Heimdall

Level: 1v299 (Da Luo Jinxian Limit)

Identity: God of Dawn, patron saint of Asgard, one of the twelve gods of the Asa clan!

After knowing the identity of this golden armor person, Luo Nan also said directly, “I came from the Pangu World, and I have something important to talk to the God King with good intentions!” ”

“Pangu World… How dare you appear in this holy land!” ”

Heimdall’s eyes under his golden helmet froze, and his eyes stared directly at the back: “I haven’t forgotten your appearance!” ”

As he spoke, Heimdall’s figure directly exploded, and the golden spear in his hand stabbed directly at the Houyi.

Seeing Heimdall directly attack without saying a word, Houyi’s face also flashed a hint of helplessness.

At first, Lei Zhenzi met and fought with Thor in the nine planes of the World Tree, and was defeated.

When returning to the Pangu World, he was directly killed by Loki’s sneak attack, and his master Yun Zhongzi gathered several people to kill the nine planes of the World Tree, and he also took a hand in the way, causing Asgard a lot of trouble.

At this moment, Heimdall saw him directly move, which was also understandable.

However, at this moment, Houyi had already advanced to the quasi-saint realm, and there was naturally no pressure in the face of Heimdall’s attack.

Seeing Heim Darkin’s spear coming, Houyi did not dodge and directly punched forward.

Although Houyi was not good at fist and foot kung fu, his cultivation was enough to crush Heimdall.

With one punch, Heimdall’s body flew straight upside down, on the edge of the heavy rainbow bridge.

Of course, Houyi also knew what Lonan was doing when he came to Asder, so he also grasped the weight and did not let Heimdall suffer too badly.

After repelling Heimdall, Hou Yi muttered, “The last time I saw this guy, his cultivation was only at the Golden Immortal level, and I didn’t expect that a few years had passed, and it had actually soared to the limit of the Great Luo Golden Immortal, which was also too fast!” ”

Hearing Hou Yi’s doubts, Luo Nan explained, “The Furyo Clan once told me that the Nine Planes of the World Tree are different from other worlds, and before the Great Avenue Robbery began, in fact, most of the gods of the Nine Planes of the World Tree had fallen, but the power of the Great Avenue had resurrected them. And as the time of resurrection increases, their cultivation will gradually recover! ”

“At the beginning, the strength of the thunder god Sol was between five and five, and it was the Golden Immortal level. Later, when Lei Zhenzi entered the decisive battle between Asgard and Thor, Thor’s cultivation was already far stronger than that of Lei Zhenzi. Now that several years have passed, I am afraid that Thor’s strength has been restored. ”

Hearing this, Hou Yi’s eyes flashed with shock, and he obviously did not know the secret.

After all, although he had been in the World Tree for a few years, he had cultivated to be no more than the Great Luo Golden Immortal, and he had no way of understanding the secrets of this.

And just as Ronan and Houyi were talking, Heimdall had regained his feet, and there was also an extra jealousy in Houyi’s eyes.

Obviously, Fang Cai’s blow had made him understand that Hou Yi’s strength was far stronger than his.

He was not seriously injured now, and he was already merciful to Houyi’s men.

Heimdall has never been a person who does not know what to do, so after climbing up at this moment, he did not hold the golden spear and shout to kill, but in his heart to spread the news to the Golden Palace.

A moment later, Heimdall, who had received the reply, suddenly reached out and threw out a golden ball of energy.

This golden ball of energy floated in front of Ronan and Houyi and then hovered.

“The gods of the Golden Palace agree to meet you, cross the portal path, and go to the Golden Palace!”

After leaving this sentence, Heimdall’s figure disappeared on the rainbow bridge.

When Heimdall disappeared, the golden energy ball also spread in front of Ronan and Houyi, turning into a gate several meters long and wide.

In the center of the gate, there are pale golden swirls turning.

Luo Nan and Hou Yi looked at each other, made sure that the portal was not ghosted, and then stepped into it together.

The moment he stepped into the portal, Ronan only felt a cold feeling passing over his body, followed by a twist of time and space.

However, this degree of space-time distortion, with his current cultivation realm, could easily withstand it.

After a few breaths, when the distorted space-time was leveled back in, the figures of Luo Nan and Houyi appeared in a magnificent hall.

This hall is golden and luxurious, and its magnificence is far superior to that of the Jade Emperor’s Lingxiao Treasure Hall and Zeus’s Temple of the Gods!

And when the figures of Luo Nan and Houyi appeared in the hall, a mellow voice suddenly sounded in the hall.

“Friends from afar, we meet again!”

Ronan and Houyi looked up, and then they saw a young man sitting on the throne at the front of the main hall.

And this young man is none other than Thor!

Seeing this scene, Luo Nan’s eyes first flashed a look of surprise.

Shouldn’t the owner of the Golden Palace be Odin?

How did Thor sit on the throne?

And just when Luo Nan was wondering about this, a hoarse voice suddenly sounded: “Reptiles from the east have made the air smell bad!” ”

“Thor, hurry up and throw them out of this great hall!” _

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