A bloody massacre that accompanied Ronan rushing into the Frost Giants swarm.

After Luo Nan opened the Super Race II and the Battle Holy Law, his own strength was already a quasi-holy level, coupled with the blessing of a variety of divine powers such as the Divine Elephant Zhen Prison Strength, where could these Frost Giants be compared?

At this moment, Luo Nan seemed to have transformed into a meat grinder, rushing into the crowd to slash and kill.

And in his ears, that ethereal voice kept ringing.

“Ding, kill the Ninth Order Great Luo Golden Immortal Realm Frost Giant, gain experience has been written!”

“Ding, kill the Eighth Order Great Luo Jin Immortal Realm Frost Giant, the experience gained has been written!”


“Ding, congratulations on your level increase to 1v256!”

With a series of sounds, Lonan’s level has finally increased!

The increase in level not only brings Luonan an increase in strength, but also makes Luonan’s movements faster and faster!

And this one-sided massacre has also become more and more intense.

If these Frost Giants had wisdom, they would naturally find that they were not opponents of Lonan at all, and they would flee with one face.

But these unwise frost giants, even if they were slaughtered at this moment, were still fiercely rushing towards Luonan without fear of death.

As for Ronan, he naturally appreciated the Frost Giant’s move to send experience.

“Ding, congratulations on your level increase to 1v257!”

“Ding, congratulations on your level increase to 1v258!”

“Ding, congratulations on your level increase to 1v259!”

When all the Frost Giants fell at Ronan’s feet, Lonan’s level, as he had estimated before, had increased by a full four levels!

The improvement of these four levels also made Luo Nan’s cultivation much stronger than before.

After killing all the Frost Giants, Ronan didn’t stop for a moment, but directly flashed his body and went deep into the open door in the center of the temple!

Inside the temple, unlike the ice and snow outside, it was gray and dark, and there was no light.

This dim environment gives people a very depressing feeling.

As Ronan walked into the temple, his voice resounded directly through the entire temple like thunder: “Your heirs are all dead, can you bear it?” ”

“Those are just the lowest-level Frost Giants, not my true heirs, even if they die?”

A hoarse voice sounded in the temple: “But you, let me be very curious, before the breath was obviously so weak, but it can show such a powerful fighting power… If you were caught, Lord Begramir would be very interested…”

When the words came out, Luo Nan only felt the temple trembling, and then an incomparably large figure appeared directly in front of Luo Nan.

This figure is as majestic as a mountain, and Ronan is as small and pitiful as an ephemera.

However, the size of the body does not represent the strength of the strength!

Facing this incomparably huge frost giant in front of him, Luo Nan’s cold face did not hesitate for a moment, and two chaotic forces converged between his palms, and then a trace of black light directly flashed.

At the same time as this black glow flickered, a shadow of hell suddenly appeared in the entire temple, and a cold breath suddenly came!

The changes in the temple, the frost giant naturally perceived it very clearly, and the hairy face also showed a little shock.

The next second, the Frost Giant directly leaned over and punched Luo Nan, in a vain attempt to interrupt Luo Nan’s magic spell.

But at this moment, the Spear of Hades in Luo Nan’s hand had already taken shape, and in the face of the punch handed by this frost giant, the black spear in Luo Nan’s hand directly came out!

The black spear that came out of his hand, the shadow of hell that descended into the temple, was also completely integrated into the black spear between the two of them.

The influx of the Hell Shadow made the power of this black spear even more powerful, and the speed soared, directly colliding with the fist of the Frost Giant!


With a loud bang, a circular shock wave, centered directly on Lonan and the Frost Giant, spread out in all directions.

The whole magnificent temple was fluttering in the midst of the work and shock waves, and the sound of collapse was incessant.

Thousands of miles away from the temple, Hou Yi saw this scene with different moods, and this level of destructive power of the secret passage was absolutely impossible for him to do.

“The battle in the temple seems to be very fierce!”

Hou Yi looked into the distance and murmured in a low voice, although he knew that Luo Nan was extremely strong, he still had some worries in his heart.

What Hou Yi didn’t know, though, was that his worries were completely superfluous.

At this moment, in the temple.

When the Frost Giant’s fist and Ronan’s black spear met, the Frost Giant’s proud powerful defense collapsed at the fingertips.

Na Jian. The hard fist, in front of the black spear that gathered the power of hell, was like a fragile tofu slag, which shattered when touched!

That thick arm was directly pierced by the black spear.

And the cold breath attached to the black light was also directly deep into the limbs and veins of the Frost Giant.

The Yellow Spring Qi from Hell was frantically devouring the life force of the Frost Giant.

“No… How is this possible… How can you have such a level of power…”

The voice of the Frost Giant was full of consternation.

If it was only the Yellow Spring Breath, he wouldn’t care at all, the Frost Giant Clan was already known for its strong vitality, and could easily expel the Yellow Spring power in its body.

However, the Yellow Spring Qi in his body at this moment was blessed by the power of chaos!

With the blessing of the power that belonged exclusively to the saints, the Yellow Spring Qi in his body was even more like a trick of the tarsal bone, not to mention expulsion, not even resistance!

This, let the Frost Giant’s eyes flash with a touch of fear!

He wanted to ask for help, but it was too late at the moment.

The rate of loss of life force was like a flood, and even he couldn’t bear it!

After only a few moments, the Frost Giant’s consciousness was already blurred, and his breath was gradually weakening.

Until ten breaths later, this huge frost giant had turned into a standing corpse!

A spear, easily destroy the saint!

That’s what Lonan is doing today! _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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