Looking at Luo Nan in front of him, Hou Yi was full of confusion.

How could he never have imagined that this powerful being who easily killed eleven Eighth and Ninth Order Great Luo Golden Immortals would actually be Luo Nan!

“The last time I saw you, you were just a true immortal, and I didn’t expect that now you actually …”

Hou Yi couldn’t help but sigh.

When they first met in the Olympus world, he was a Ninth Order Great Luo, and Luo Nan was just a little guy from the True Immortal Realm.

But now a few years had passed, although he had traveled through many worlds and successfully advanced from the Ninth Order Great Luo to the Ultimate Realm of Great Luo, he was only one foot away from the Quasi-Divine Realm of the extravagant hopes.

However, what he did not expect was that this former little brother, his combat strength had actually surpassed himself!

“Just luck.”

Ronan waved his hand and said indifferently.

This statement made Hou Yi roll his eyes, thinking how could I not have this kind of luck?

“By the way, Brother Ronan, how did you end up here?” Hou Yi asked strangely.

Ronan shrugged, “I was going to the Golden Palace to do something, and when I was passing by Neverheim, someone told me that you were here, so I came looking for you.” ”

Immediately afterward, Luo Nan inspected the situation of Houyi and couldn’t help but wonder, “Brother Houyi, I see that you have now broken through to the realm of the Great Luo Golden Immortal, with your understanding of the arrow path, shouldn’t you be chased by these frost giants?” ”

Hou Yi heard this, and a trace of anger flashed on his face: “This is nature, with my strength, even if I can’t defeat these frost giants to join forces, I will definitely not fall to the end of almost dying.” The reason for this is that he encountered a quasi-saint-level frost giant and was seriously injured by it! ”

“That’s the way it is…”

Luo Nan muttered a word, then reached out and took out a Dan medicine from the storage ring and handed it to Hou Yi.

“This is the healing elixir given to me by the Shennong clan, and you should first take it and nourish your body.”

When Hou Yi heard the Shennong clan, his eyes couldn’t help but light up.

In the entire Pangu World, Shan Bi Lian Dan, except for Taishang Laojun, no one could be compared with the Shennong Clan!

Shennong’s panacea, the effect is absolutely first-class good!

Hou Yi also knew that his current situation was quite dangerous, and if he did not heal his injuries immediately, it was likely to produce extremely eye-catching sequelae, and it was even possible to cause the cultivation that had just ascended to the top to fall.

Therefore, at this moment, in the face of the elixir handed out by Luo Nan, there was no prevarication, and after holding a fist to Luo Nan and thanking him, he swallowed it directly: “There is Lao Luonan’s elder brother protecting the Fa for me!” ”

After saying that, Hou Yi began to work hard to heal his wounds.

Time flew by, and a day later, Hou Yi opened his eyes and let out a long breath of turbid breath in his mouth.

“Brother Houyi, have you recovered from your injuries?”

After seeing Hou Yi wake up, Luo Nan inquired.

“Where is it that easy?”

Hou Yi smiled bitterly and shook his head: “Just temporarily suppress the injury, so that it will not deteriorate again, if you want to fully recover, I am afraid that you will have to carefully cultivate for a hundred years.” ”

Luo Nan smacked his tongue when he heard this, thinking that these gods were fierce, even if they were injured, they would be really troublesome.

Like he is convenient, after being injured directly self-exposed, and then full of blood resurrection is not a beautiful zizi, where to use such trouble?

After Houyi got up, Ronan asked, “Brother Houyi, what are you doing here in Jotunheim?” ”

“To make a long story short, I have traveled many worlds in order to feel different arrow paths and perfect my own way. At the bottom of this canyon, there is a temple of the Frost Giant, enshrined in the body of an ancient giant. On top of that corpse was an arrow containing the ultimate arrow path of the nine planes of the World Tree! ”

Hou Yi said here, sighing softly, “It is precisely because of this that I will kill into the depths of that canyon, but I did not expect that there was another quasi-saint sitting in the town, which was seriously injured!” Unfortunately, if I can understand it, I will be able to perfect my path and step into that quasi-holy realm. ”

“Step into the quasi-holy realm?”

Hearing this, Ronan couldn’t help but flash a glint in his eyes.

Hou Yi was extremely good at attacking and attacking, and he was already quite powerful in the Great Luo Realm.

Once such a being stepped into the quasi-saint realm, its combat effectiveness was far more powerful than that of ordinary quasi-saints.

Thinking of this, Luo Nan also said directly to Houyi, “Brother Houyi, I will help you snatch that arrow!” ”

“Don’t do it!”

Hou Yi heard the words and hurriedly stopped: “The Frost Giants have thick skin and flesh, and their strength is infinite, and the Frost Giants of the Quasi-Saint Realm are already intelligent, no different from ordinary people, and their combat effectiveness is quite terrible, how can I let you risk your life for me!?” ”

Luo Nanyan flashed a trace of embarrassment on his face: “Oh, in fact, this is also my compensation for you.” ”

“Compensation? You don’t owe me anything? ”

Hou Yi looked puzzled: “If you really want to count, I still owe you a life.” ”

Luo Nan zui corner grinned: “Brother Houyi, you may not believe it when you say it, but I am in love with your wife…”

“My wife?”

Hou Yi was stunned, he beat the bare stick for hundreds of millions of years, where did the wife come from?

However, Hou Yi quickly reacted, and then asked with wide eyes and a surprised face, “You mean Chang’e?!” ”

“Hmmm!” Ronan nodded.

“You and Chang’e…”

Hou Yi’s eyebrows were raised, and he cried and laughed: “Chang’e really wants to talk about it, and I don’t even have that name, and I have never made her my wife, but because of the events of that year, she lived alone in Guanghan Palace for thousands of years, and I feel very guilty in my heart.” ”

Speaking of this, Hou Yi sincerely blessed: “She can now find her own home, I am also happy for her, you two big day, must go to drink a cup of happy wine!” ”

Seeing that Hou Yi really didn’t care about this, Luo Nan was also relieved in his heart.

After all, he did regard Houyi as a friend, but it was impossible to abandon Chang’e, and now that he could solve the problem perfectly, it was naturally better.

“Since that’s the case, then Brother Houyi will show me the way to that temple!”

Lonan said with a smile.

Hou Yi heard that it was a blank glance at Luo Nan, “You didn’t listen to me, that quasi-saint-level frost giant is too terrifying, you have this intention Big Brother is already very satisfied, don’t go to risk your life.” ”

Listening to Houyi’s persuasion, Luonan zui corner flashed a playful smile: “Does the eldest brother know Maitreya Buddha?” ”

“Of course, I know that it is one of the three Buddhas of Buddhism, second only to the Ancient Buddha of the Burning Lantern and the Buddha of Rulai, which is very powerful.” Hou Yi sighed.

“He’s dead.” Ronan said calmly.

“What? He’s dead!! Hou Yi was shocked to hear this, this is a big deal: “How did you die?” ”

Ronan pointed to himself, as if to say something very ordinary, and his voice was calm and unwavering: “I was stabbed to death with one finger.” ”


Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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