Looking at the huge black dragon that suddenly appeared in front of him, Luo Nan was also slightly shocked in his heart, and a name immediately appeared in his mind!


In Norse mythology, Orlaug, the Creator Will, evolved in the endless chaotic void, initially giving birth to an incomparably large frost giant, Yumir.

After Yumir’s death, the Tree of the World was born from it with its body as nourishment.

Later, the gods used the tree of the world as their foundation, which separated the current nine planes.

It can be said that this whole big world was basically established with the world tree as the foundation.

And Niederhogg’s whole life has been trying to destroy the World Tree and bring real despair to the world and the gods!

To be able to do such a thing at the risk of the world, you need not only the courage to oppose everything, but also the ability to oppose everything!

From this, we can also see how powerful this black dragon really is!

These thoughts were long to say, but they were only fleeting in Ronan’s mind.

After reacting to the situation he was in now, Luo Nan did not hesitate to directly open the Super Race Two, and at the same time mobilized the chaotic power in his body under the surge of breath.

Although Niederhogg was strong, that didn’t stop Lonann from going up and trying it out.

However, just as Luo Nan was transporting the power of chaos to his fingertips and preparing to attack, the mouth of the mighty black dragon suddenly emitted a crisp female voice that was extremely inconsistent with the image.

“Hey, stop, stop, I’m not here to fight you!”

This was like the voice of a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl, coming out of the mouth of such a black dragon, which suddenly made Luo Nan’s face become very strange.

Could it be that the prestigious Niederhogg was actually a little girl?

This Nyima is also too ridiculous!!

Lonanzui corner pumping, it is really difficult to accept such a setting.

“Moreover, this sound sounds a little familiar…”

With a murmur, the probing technique in Luo Nan’s eyes flickered, and he went directly to the black dragon in front of him.

Name: Scordi

Level: 1v254 (Yasheng)

Status: One of the Three Goddesses of Norn, the goddess of destiny, daughter of Norville, the god of time, and half-sister of Noether, goddess of the night.

After seeing the information returned by the probing technique, Luo Nan couldn’t help but roll his eyes.

I never expected that the black dragon I met was a fake!

Rubbing his head, Luo Nan said helplessly, “I said that the goddess is small, you still restore your appearance, this is much more pleasing to the eye.” ”

“Hmm, you little guy is really not big or small, everyone can be your grandmother’s grandmother’s grandmother’s grandmother’s grandmother’s …”

“Stop, stop!”

Seeing that Shikoti had a tendency to continue to speak, Lonan quickly interrupted: “Goddess Sikoti, right?” Let’s not say secret words, don’t go around so many bends, you save me once from the hands of the lamp, I will say thank you here. ”

Speaking of this, Luo Nan’s words turned sharply: “But you must have your own purpose in doing this, to put it bluntly!” ”

“Well, my sister is right, you guy is really unsentimental, and the bad guys are still waiting for you here in the form of that big black dragon.”

Shi Curty has now become what she is, with a delicate body. The little girly side put . Playing with his own double ponytail, he muttered to zuiba.

If others look at it, they will certainly think of it as a little girl who does not understand the world, and they can’t imagine that this seemingly innocent lady is actually the goddess Norn who monitors the entire fate.

“The reason why I saved you is because my sister has spied some things in the long river of fate, but what can’t be told for the time being, but it is more beneficial for us to keep you free.” 」

Luo Nan raised an eyebrow, “Then what do you want to do now to stop me?” ”

As she curled her hair, she said, “According to the trajectory of fate, if you go to look for Niederhog now, the result is no different from being captured by the great monk, and you will be imprisoned for a long time.” ”

Hearing this, Luo Nan was also shocked in his heart.

He naturally knew what level of burning the lamp was, could it be that the Niederhog cultivation realm was the same as the burning lamp?

If you send yourself to the door, if no one helps, you won’t even have the opportunity to explode and escape?

But Ronan also knew in his heart that what Curetti said could not be unbelievable or not fully believed.

God knows what kind of medicine this seemingly innocent goddess is selling in her throat.

As if sensing Ronan’s doubts, Shi Koudi raised an eyebrow: “You bad guy, you still don’t believe people’s words.” Then I will tell you one more piece of news, the man you are looking for is no longer at the bottom of this deep pit. ”

“Where is that?”

Ronan asked.

Scotty stroked the hair around her ear and pointed upwards, “That guy who can shoot arrows is in Jotunheim right now, so if you want to save him, go to Jotunheim.” ”

At this point, Corner Scotty zui raised a slight smile: “And according to the reality of fate, if you go to Jotunheim, it will be of great benefit to win over the Golden Palace.” ”

After saying this, Shikody swung her white palm at Ronan, and then gradually disappeared in front of Lonan.

After Ronan urged the Lord’s Eye to carefully investigate the situation around him and confirm that Scotty had left, he began to think about what to do next.

After a long time, Luo Nan’s figure also disappeared into the deep pit!


A day later, on the edge of Neferheim, Lonan’s figure slowly emerged.

After some deliberation, he did not look for Niederhogg deeper into the pit, but prepared to go to Jotunheim to see it, as Nashikoti said.

Not because Lonan trusted what Scordy had in him, but simply because he had a feeling in his heart.

That was to go to Jotunheim, something more beneficial to him.

“Tear up!”

Lonan stretched out his hands. Get out, directly grab the weak space barrier in front of you and tear it open, and then step directly into it.

After leaving Neferheim, Lonan was truly in the midst of the World Tree.

At this moment, the eight worlds are evenly divided above the world tree.

And the closest to him is Jotunheim! _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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