When he first entered the Ling Xiao Treasure Hall, why did Taishang Laojun and Yuan Shi Tianzun not intervene to stop him, Luo Nan had already gotten the answer from the Lingxiao Treasure Hall.

Because Taishang Laojun and Yuan Shi Tianzun were already dissatisfied with Zhang Bairen, but they were jealous of the existence of Hongjun Daoren, they did not dare to directly attack the Jade Emperor.

At that time, it coincided with the Heavenly Palace of Luonan, so he also silently withdrew his forces, intending to borrow Luonan’s hand and punish the Jade Emperor.

However, Ronan never knew why the Buddha did not appear in time.

Because it seems that the relationship between Rulai and the Jade Emperor is obviously much closer.

And now, hearing the monkey’s words, Luo Nanfang understood that it was Sun Wukong who helped him stop Rulai.

Luo Nan did not doubt in the slightest that Sun Wukong would lie in this matter, because that was not the character of the Great Sage.

At the moment, Luo Nan was also grateful in his heart: “Thank you so much for the help of the Great Sage in the first place!” ”

“Hey, you don’t have to thank you specifically, Old Sun helped you at the time, and he also thought that you boy was very temperamental.” Only when I saw you kill Maitreya’s child, my heart was even more relieved, hahahahaha! ”

Immediately afterward, a series of cheerful laughter rang out.

And this cheerful laughter also made Luo Nan understand one thing, that is, the Great Saint did not seem to be happy in the Lei Yin Temple, and there was no sense of belonging.

Otherwise, I would never have laughed so much after Maitreya Buddha’s death.

But if you don’t have the slightest sense of belonging, and life is not smooth, why stay here?

Thinking of this, Luo Nan’s brow frowned slightly: “But the Great Saint is trapped here by Narulai?” Do you need me to wish you a chance to get out of trouble? ”

Sun Wukong’s voice soon came: “That old man who was trapped in me at the beginning, but now he can’t trap me, I am trapped by Amitabha Buddha at the moment, and it is already the limit to be able to send out the sound, don’t say that it is you, even if Sanqing comes, it may not be able to save me.” ”

Hearing this, Luo Nan’s heart moved: “The Great Saint was trapped because he intercepted Rulai in the first place?” ”

“This matter has passed, you should not feel guilty in your heart, and besides, being trapped here is not a bad thing for me, but it makes me see a breakthrough opportunity.” I am now sending you a message in the hope that you will do me a favor! ”

“The Great Sage said it doesn’t matter, as long as I can do it, it will be done!”

Luo Nan said flatly, he was extremely fond of the Qi Heaven Great Sage, plus now Sun Wukong was trapped by Amitabha Buddha because he helped him intercept Rulai that day, this is to help everything!

“Within three years, I will go to the Lingtai Fangzhi Mountain Oblique Moon Sanxing Cave to find my master and pass on a word for me.”

Lonan asked, “What?” ”

“What the old grandson owes to him has already been paid off, so that they will not see each other again, otherwise…”

Otherwise, what happened after that, Luo Nan didn’t hear, because Qi Tian Dasheng had stopped abruptly at this point.

Ronan asked a few questions in his heart, but he did not respond.

Obviously, the Tao between them has been cut off by some force.

And if there is no accident, it must be the power of Amitabha Buddha!

However, although he did not hear the words behind the Great Sage clearly, according to the tone of the Great Sage, Luo Nan could also guess the follow-up.

“It’s better not to see each other after that, otherwise… Not the enemy of the division!! ”

After a silent thought in his heart, Ronan closed this thought in his mind for the time being.

Continue to control the black lotus in the body with peace of mind, absorbing the remnants of the golden lotus in the surrounding space.

After half a column of incense time, with the appearance of the ninth golden stripe above the black lotus, this absorption action finally stopped!


On the edge of West Niuhe Chau, several Terran Yasheng and Luonan stood side by side.

“Luo Nan, you fought Maitreya Buddha before, and the power of chaos in your body should have been exhausted, do you need me to wait for you to open the door to the endless chaotic void and replenish the power of chaos?”

“You don’t have to worry, when you absorb the power of chaos, I will protect you and never let you get lost in the endless chaotic void!”

The Fuxi Clan and the Fu Ren Clan asked Luo Nan one by one.

Luo Nan shook his head, “When I was promoted to the Great Luo Golden Immortal Realm earlier, the amount of Chaos Power consumed in my body had already been replenished, and at this moment it was already in a state of fullness.” ”

Although the usual death is reborn, it will not restore the chaotic power in the body.

However, each time the Great Realm was raised, it would restore the chaotic power in Luo Nan’s body to its peak state.

Moreover, what Luo Nan didn’t say was that after breaking through to the Great Luo Golden Immortal Realm before, the chaotic power that could be contained in his body had changed from ten silks to twenty silks, doubling again!

This is definitely quite a huge increase in Lonan’s strength.

“So what’s the best, so what’s next for you?” The Fulins cared about the Tao.

Luo Nan secretly thought to himself, Sun Wukong asked him to pass the message, but gave a three-year deadline, as long as the transmission was completed within three years.

And going to Asgard and smashing the alliance between the Golden Palace and the Nile God Domain is a top priority!

If this matter cannot be resolved, the war of the Terran sub-saints in the Olympian world is bound to reach a stalemate.

The five sub-saints of the Terran race were already good to Luonan, and they did not say anything about rescuing Luonan many times, and this time they were even more important to hit Luonan with the Great Thunder Yin Temple.

This kind of kindness, Ronan naturally remembered in his heart.

Therefore, at this moment, in the face of the Fu Ren Clan inquiry, Luo Nan also responded directly: “I am ready to leave the Pangu World immediately and go to Asgard!” ”

“Well, that’s fine, but be careful, the nine planes of the World Tree have always been in the fog, and they can’t snoop clearly, no one knows what is in it, if you can’t do anything, retreat quickly!”

Fu Xi instructed.

After seeing Luo Nan nodding, Shen Nong pointed at Luo Nan’s body again, “I have planted a soul imprint on your body, and if I get lost in the Endless Chaos Void after that, I can also go deep into the Endless Chaos Void through this soul imprint and bring you back!” ”

Luo Nan heard the words and hugged his fist in worship, “Thank you Emperor Yan! ”

When the words fell, Luo Nan didn’t say much more, and directly moved the Writing Secret Technique into a stream of light and disappeared above the West Cow He Zhou! _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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