From being ambushed by Maitreya Buddha and banished to the endless chaotic void, Lonan spoke of refining the power of chaos because of the blessing of misfortune.

From the time he strayed into the world of Great Brahma and encountered the great war of the saints, when he entered the world of the Heavenly Emperor, he was robbed and killed by the sub-saints.

Later, with the cooperation of the three sub-saints, he killed Medanzo, and finally entered the world of Olympus, making a big fuss about Mount Olympus to rescue the people he wanted, and then returned.

Listening to Luo Nan’s story, the mood of the Fu Ren Clan also fluctuated several times.

Especially when he heard about the endless chaotic void of Luonan’s exile, the Fujin Clan almost bounced straight up from the spot to find the Maitreya Buddha to settle the account!

“Those big-eared monks are really fierce, and they can even think of such a negative trick!” The Fu Ren Clan couldn’t help but scold.

Banishment to the Endless Chaos Void, it can be said that aiming at the saints below, is the road to death!

Even if Ronan was not afraid of death, if he was not lucky, there would be absolutely no possibility of escaping from the endless chaotic void.

To discern direction in the endless chaotic void is something that only Yasheng can do, even if it is a quasi-saint!

“But where blessings and misfortunes depend, where misfortunes and blessings lie!” The chaos of the Western Sect wanted you, but it could never have imagined that you would be blessed by misfortune, not only did not get lost in the endless chaotic void, but with the help of his immortal body, he forcibly refined several chaotic forces! ”

Speaking of this, a look of amazement also appeared on the face of the Fu Ren Clan.

“The Power of Chaos, also known as the Power of the Saints!” The reason why it is called this is because the power of chaos has always been mastered and used by only sub-saints and saints, and there has never been an accident in the endless years, at least in the Pangu World, never! ”

The Fu Ren Clan sighed, “You can master the power of chaos in the Golden Immortal Realm, and have the powerful combat power to fight with the quasi-saints, which is simply unprecedented after the ancients!” In the future, if you want to peek into the sub-holy realm, it will certainly be smooth sailing, but it is only a matter of time. ”

After a few words of admiration, the Flintlock Clan seemed to sound something, and suddenly looked at Luonan and wondered, “You said that you almost destroyed the Olympus Mountain, not only refining tens of thousands of gods of the Olympus God Clan, but also killing the first generation of the god king Uranos, but why didn’t the Yasheng and the saints behind the Uranos take action?” ”

Luo Nan said, “This is exactly what I want to talk to you about when I return this time.” ”

Seeing that Luo Nan had a serious face, the Fu Ren Clan also extended his hand to signal Luo Nan to elaborate.

“When I was in the Olympus world, I had a meeting with the Titan god Iapatos.”

When Lonan mentioned Iapatos, the Flintlock froze.

Only because of this Iapatos, the father of Prometheus, whom the clan admired.

The Flintlock asked, “Isn’t the saint behind Uranos related to Iapatos?” ”

Lonan nodded, “More accurate. It has to do with the sainthood behind Iapatos. ”

“The god of the Abyss of Hell, Tartaros, made a promise that as long as I pass a message to you and several other saints, I can invade Mount Olympus before I invade Mount Olympus. Make sure that no sub-saint or saint will appear before me. ”

“That’s right!” The Flintlock suddenly realized, and then asked, “What message did he ask you to convey to me?” ”

In Ronan’s mouth, two characters came out directly: “Alliance! ”

“Alliance?” Fu Ren’s brow furrowed slightly, and a hint of doubt appeared on his face.

“Yes, it’s an alliance!”

Ronan threw a loud voice: “In today’s Olympus world, a great war is about to break out!” The dark gods Eripos and Elos, who stand behind the Olympus gods, have united the giants of the Nile God Domain and Jotunheim and are about to start a final showdown with Tartaros and Gaia! ”

“In the face of Eribos, who had strong foreign aid, Tartaros and Gaia could only ask for help, hoping to form an alliance with the Terran Asan, and made a promise that as long as they finally defeated Erebos and Eros, they could give up one of the two vacated holy seats!”

Hearing this, even the Fu Ren Clan couldn’t help but breathe urgently. Promoted a little!

The Holy Throne, for any saint, is the greatest temptation. Confuse!

Even the Furyūren clan is no exception.

However, the Fu Ren Clan also knew that this matter was extraordinary, and after hearing the words, they also closed their eyes and meditated, and at the same time, they conveyed the news to the other four Terran sub-saints who were far away in the world.

Luo Nan saw that the Fu Ren Clan closed his eyes and meditated, and did not urge, after all, this matter was indeed very important.

You know, this affects not only the rise and fall of the Terran sub-sage, but also the rise and fall of the entire Pangu World human race.

In this kind of matter, the Lingren Clan alone could not make a decision at all, and had to consult with the other four Terran sub-saints.

Soon, the five powerful divine thoughts from all over the world collided fiercely over Zhongzhou, and it was obvious that all of you Yasheng did not agree on this.

In the stone tower, after the closing of the Furyaki Clan for a long time, he suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Luo Nan.

“And let go of God, come with me!”

As soon as he said that, as soon as the Fulins waved their hands, Luo Nan felt his consciousness being carried into a strange space by the Furymen Clan.

This space emitted seven colors of light, and at this moment in the center, there were four figures standing around, which were the four Terran sub-saints except for the Fu Ren Clan!

The four sub-saints were arguing endlessly at this moment, and when they saw the Lingren Clan coming with Luonan, they relented.

“Among the five sub-saints, the Xuanyuan Clan is the main station, there are Chao Clan who think they should not go to muddy waters, the Shennong Clan remains neutral, and the Fuxi Clan has not yet expressed its position…”

The Flintlock explained the general situation to Luonan today, and then threw a difficult question to Luonan: “Whether this move is a blessing or a curse, we can’t hold back now, so we want to hear your opinion!” ”


Several of the saints wanted to listen to their opinions, which surprised Ronan.

Fu Xishi nodded and smiled at Luo Nan, “You have mastered the power of chaos, sooner or later you will become the sixth sub-saint of my human race, now ask your opinion, you just say it.” “_

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