At this moment, in the pantheon, there is a dead silence!

Many Olympian gods had a look of despair on their faces.

The appearance of the first generation of god king Uranos gave them a glimmer of hope.

However, this hope did not last long, and it was smashed to pieces by a black spear of the intruder!

They watched as Uranos begged for heaven, but no saint sent blessings.

They watched as Uranos’s body decayed and its life force decayed until the entire sky turned pitch black.

Their last hope had been completely dissipated with the demise of Uranos.

Especially after seeing the terrible figure that had been blasted into fly ash reappear, the atmosphere of despair in the Pantheon had become so thick that it could not be dispelled.

Even Zeus, who was standing on the throne of the supreme god, could not help but tremble with fear at this moment. Shake it up.

Even Uranos, who had undergone five baptisms, was no match for this demon.

What about him?

The God King, the God King, is it really the King of the Gods?

When the power that supported him could not be called, Zeus was just an ordinary god who had undergone four baptisms.

In such a crisis, Zeus had nothing to do!

In the midst of the decadence, Zeus’s gaze could not help but sweep towards the beautiful woman beside him.

“Athena, my daughter, you are called the wisest god in the whole world of Olympus, can you now think of any way to save Mount Olympus… And your father?! ”

Athena wears a long pale blue dress, and the stars shine in her eyes, as if she contains a world.

Athena, known as the goddess of wisdom, was not as desperate as the others at the moment, but appeared unfazed.

A soft but indifferent voice suddenly came out of Athena’s mouth: “My esteemed father, if you had trusted my wisdom, you would have listened to my advice in the first place, and would not have made enemies of that person out of jealousy.” ”

At this point, Athena’s words turned sharply: “But since you rejected my suggestion, then now my wisdom cannot help you, I hope we will see you again!” ”

As Athena’s voice fell, the figure suddenly dimmed.

Seeing this scene, Zeus’s eyes narrowed, and he scolded: “You bastard, you already knew that there would be such a result, so you sent the Fen to the Pantheon!?” ”

“I did expect it, and I had already told you what I expected, but the confident God King didn’t believe it…”

At the same time as the last word fell, the figure of Athena was in the pantheon.

Only Zeus, the highest god, was left, his teeth, and his heart was full of regret!

If he had followed Athenian advice, how could he have ended up where he is now?

But what about even regrets?

Zeus soon completely dispelled the remorse in his heart, and his eyes were once again firm.

Looking around at the desperate gods in the temple, Zeus suddenly spoke.

“In this pantheon, there is actually a teleportation array set up by the dark god Erepos himself, once it is opened, it can instantly open the teleportation array and teleport away the entire pantheon!” However, it takes a lot of divine power to open this teleportation array, and it is impossible to complete it with my own strength, so donate all your divine power! ”

As the words sounded, the scepter that represented the position of the god king was also held high above Zeus’s head.

“What! Lord Erepos set up a teleportation array in the Pantheon? ”

“I knew that Lord Erepos would not give up on us!”

“With this teleportation array, we can all be saved!”

One by one, the originally desperate Olympian gods regained their desire to survive in their eyes at this moment. Hope.

In the face of Zeus’s call to sacrifice divine power, if in the past, these Olympus gods with small calculations in their hearts might hesitate.

But at this moment, under the crisis of life and death, all the Olympian gods in the pantheon did not hesitate to contribute their divine power without reservation.

After all, if the Pantheon was really attacked by that terrible demon, then they would definitely die!

Even the mighty generation of god kings Uranos was killed by that demon, how good could their fate be?

And once it falls, what is the use of that divine power?

Suddenly, a large number of gods in the pantheon raised their hands at the same time.

And the divine power in their bodies also flowed out along with their hands, turning into pillars of light and converging towards Zeus on the supreme god position.

The convergence of a large amount of divine power directly above Zeus’s head appeared a huge colorful ball of divine power.

Feeling the powerful power contained in the Divine Power Ball, Zeus’s eyes were filled with longing.

If all these divine powers belonged to him, where would he still need to hide in this pantheon and not dare to go out because he was afraid of Lonan?

However, Zeus understood that that kind of thing, he could only think about it now.

But if in the future, the Olympus God Clan, with the help of the Nile God Domain and the Frost Giant, completely crush the Titan God Clan, he may really have the opportunity to spend the fifth or even sixth baptism!

Thinking of this, Zeus’s eyes were also hot!

The next moment, Zeus stabbed the scepter in his hand directly into the huge ball of divine power.

Immediately afterward, the mighty divine power poured into Zeus’s body along the scepter.

“Gentlemen, your sacrifices, I will remember in my heart!”

After absorbing all the divine powers, Zeus’s indifferent gaze swept over the gods in the Pantheon, and then he directly exploded with extreme speed and rushed out of the Pantheon and flew away!

This scene made the gods in the Pantheon, who were originally full of hope, all stunned at this moment!

At this moment, they understood that what teleportation array was a complete lie.

Zeus’s purpose was nothing more than to make them willingly contribute their divine power and then escape on their own!


In the pantheon, a roar of resentment resounded in the sky…

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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