As Uranos and the heavens merged into one, and while his breath soared, Luo Nan also mobilized the chaotic power in his body and gathered a trace of black light in the palm of his hand!

This was the first time that Luo Nan had used the power of chaos to catalyze the Spear of Hades!

The Spear of Hades can be said to be the strongest divine power that Ronan can attack single-handedly now.

Therefore, Ronan had always been curious about how powerful the destructive power would be if he used the chaotic power known as the power of the saint to catalyze the spear of the god of the underworld.

However, before that, Lonan had never met anyone worthy of his actions.

Uranos, be the first!

When the black light in Ronan’s hand flashed, the gods in the temple who were always concerned about the occupation also opened their mouths.

“That’s another trick!”

“This guy killed Lord Neptune with that move!”

“Earlier, I also used that terrible black spear to almost shatter the barrier guarding the Jing Ting!”

One by one, the gods couldn’t help but exclaim.

But soon, another god said, “However, even if that magic power is powerful, it is absolutely impossible to hurt Lord Uranos!” ”

“Yes, Lord Uranos is a powerful being who has undergone five baptisms, and the power of that spear is far from being able to hurt Lord Uranos!”

“Isn’t this guy finally exhausted?”

For the gods in the Pantheon, they naturally preferred to see that Lonan was at a disadvantage, preferably to be directly destroyed by Uranos.

Even if it can’t be destroyed, it is excellent to watch Lonan being beaten away.

But soon, these conjectures were dispelled by Hades’s exclamation.

“This… This breath…”

Hades was pale, and the bean-sized droplets of sweat on his forehead slid down, as if he had seen something enough to make his liver and gallbladder split!

Hades’s position among the Olympian gods can be said to be second only to the god king Zeus, and his strength is also a well-deserved second person, so naturally he has always attracted attention.

At this moment, seeing such a change in Hades, the gods in the pantheon all had a bad feeling in their hearts.

“Lord Hades, what happened?”

“Hades, what do you see!!”

The anxious voices of Zeus and the gods sounded at the same time.

And Hades, on the other hand, is Shin. A thin finger appeared, pointing in the direction of Ronan, his eyes glazed over and he murmured.

“That… It’s from real hell. Be…… A deeper hell than Tartaros…”

Hades was incoherent at the moment, but the gods roughly understood Hath, which also made the faces of the gods change at the same time!

Tartaros was a saint born with Mother Earth.

His body is the earth!

Hell is Tartaros!

But at this moment, Hades said that there was a deeper hell than Tartaros.

What would that be?

Suddenly, the eyes of all the gods simultaneously crossed the walls of the Pantheon and onto Lonan’s body.

As the king of Hades, Hades was naturally much more sensitive to the underworld qi of hell than ordinary gods, so he was the first to find something wrong.

At this moment, after Hades reminded them, the other gods paid close attention, and they also quickly found the black glow in Lonan’s hand, which was indeed different before!

And after feeling the abyssal breath condensed in the darkness, the entire pantheon was silent and silent.

Many gods, just sensing a trace of the abyss, their faces were covered in pitch black, and in the blink of an eye, they were swallowed up by life and fell directly!

And this, too, made the other gods inhale the cool air, and quickly withdrew their gaze, no longer daring to spy on the black mane in Luo Nan’s hand!

Just a glance can take the life of a weaker god, where does that abyss breath come from?!

At this moment, such a question appeared in the hearts of every deity.

Above Mount Olympus, Uranos, which has become one with the firmament, also has a slight change in its face.

Obviously, the power accumulated in Luonan’s hands had already made this Sky Lord feel deeply jealous!

“This spell takes time to brew, and it must not be allowed to be successfully performed, and it must be interrupted as soon as possible!”

Soon, Uranos made a decision, and then directly called the wind and rain, entrained with endless thunder and lightning, and rushed towards Luonan, just to interfere with Luonan’s spell.

Luo Nan’s face remained unchanged, and he directly opened the Twelve Pins of Extinction Black Lotus and protected himself in it.

With twelve Black Lotus Pins of Annihilation as a protection, most of the attacks could not hurt Luo Nan.

As for those powerful and terrifying attacks, Luo Nan was a step forward in the art of writing secrets, incredibly fast, and directly dodged them.

In the process of Ronan’s dodging, the black light in his hand also gradually condensed into a dark spear.

When the spear appeared, the whole heaven and earth suddenly became dark and lightless, as if hell suddenly overlapped with the heavens.

The most affected is naturally Uranos, which is integrated with the firmament. 、

At this moment, invaded by the power of this abyss beyond the saints, the Uranos who only had the quasi-holy realm could not resist at all, and was directly forced out of the firmament, unable to merge with the firmament anymore.

This result shocked Uranos.

But just as Uranos was horrified, the dark spear in Ronan’s hand was already shooting at Uranos!

When the black spear came out of his hand, the hell projection that invaded the entire firmament was suddenly involved in the black spear, causing the power and speed of the black spear to suddenly increase several times.

Lonan and Uranos were not far apart, and the black spear that was soaring in speed at this moment did not give Uranos any reaction time at all, and came directly to Uranos.


With the sound of flesh cracking in the sky, Uranos’s body was directly pierced by the black spear!

The Spear of Hades, which condensed the power of the Seven Rays of Chaos, was not something that a quasi-saint of Uranos could resist at all.

At the same time, the nether breath that was far deeper than the abyss of hell also frantically poured into Uranos’s body at this moment, swallowing up Uranos’s life!

“Not !!!”

Feeling that life was passing at an irrepressible speed, Uranos let out an unwilling roar from his mouth.

Then he mobilized his last strength and threw a punch at Ronan.

In the face of this last blow before Uranos’s death, Luonan’s eyes narrowed, not only did not flash, but lifted all protection, directly to meet him! _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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