At the same time as the sound of Luonan’s voice sounded, the shadow of the oven composed of yellow sand and rubble suddenly condensed!

Suddenly, tens of thousands of Olympus gods were trapped in the belly of this oven!

The next moment, above the oven of this heaven and earth, the yin and yang two qi flowed, burning like charcoal, driving the entire oven into the high temperature in an instant!

And the tens of thousands of Olympus gods trapped in the belly of the oven were no longer gods at this time, but only the copper ore in the furnace, and the Yin and Yang Qi sacrifices that had been invaded!


A terrible scream suddenly sounded throughout the entire Mount Olympus.

Among the tens of thousands of Olympus gods, whether they were equivalent to the Heavenly Immortal Realm or the True Immortal Realm, or even those ten who gathered the strength of everyone to break through to the Great Luo Realm, they all felt the irresistible power refining their divine bodies at the same time.

One by one, the gods were horrified to see that their own divine bodies were in the oven of this heaven and earth, and under this yin and yang qi, gradually melting and turning into the energy of the first heaven and earth of consciousness!

Cultivating together is an act of stealing the power of heaven and earth!

And at this moment, in the oven of heaven and earth, these gods seemed to want to return all the power of heaven and earth they had stolen!

And when all the power of heaven and earth is returned, they will also completely disappear into this world!

As a result, all the trapped gods have their eyes filled with fear.

And after only three breaths, the most massive number of Olympus gods, which were only equivalent to the Heavenly Immortal Realm, began to dissipate in large quantities, turning into the power of heaven and earth and merging into the oven!

With the addition of these pure heaven and earth forces, the yin and yang qi running in the oven is becoming more and more violent, and the refining speed is getting faster and faster!

This heaven and earth oven, Luo Nan only needs to manufacture it, and he can be self-sufficient until all the substances in it are refined into energy!

Suddenly, the entire Mount Olympus was directly haunted by the fearful wailing of the gods.

Under these circumstances, the main gods sitting in the pantheon on the top of the mountain finally couldn’t resist!

“It is unforgivable that you, a demon, dared to slaughter the gods of Olympus!”

With a roar, two figures shot out directly from the pantheon at the top of Olympus and came towards the oven of heaven and earth.

Luo Nan’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked at the two people who had attacked, and the probing technique flashed in his eyes.

Name: Ares

Level: 1v291 (Eighth Order Grand Luo Jinxian)

Identity: One of the twelve main gods of Mount Olympus, son of the third generation of god king Zeus, god of war!


Name: Hephaestus

Level: 1v277 (Fifth Order Grand Rogin

Identity: One of the twelve main gods of Mount Olympus, son of the third generation of god king Zeus, the god of fire!

After knowing the identity of the two attackers, Luonan zui corner also flashed a sneer.

“Zeus, sending two sons to try to stop me, it’s a dream!”

After a cold snort, Ronan directly flashed out of the Heaven and Earth Oven, and then the two palms shook violently, and two streams of light directly shot at the oncoming Ares and Hephaestus.

Luo Nan had now opened the Super Tournament II state, and was running the Battle Holy Law, and his breath was very strong.

Even if no magic power was used, the power of the attacks made between the hands and feet was already very huge!

As an eighth-order Great Luo Golden Immortal, Ares was slightly better in the face of Luo Nan’s casual attack, but he just held the golden spear in his hand and struck it, removing this force.

But Nakhaestus was completely different, although he was also one of the twelve main gods of Mount Olympus, but Hephaestus could not compare with his brother Ares in terms of combat effectiveness.

Coupled with the fact that his cultivation realm was only equivalent to the Fifth Order Great Luo Golden Immortal, it was also quite difficult to face Luo Nan’s blow.

After feeling the terrible power contained in that blow, Hephaestus’s face couldn’t help but flash a trace of horror, and his pupils shrank and he quickly summoned the Fire Spirit to block it!

The fire spirit that was more than a hundred feet long, shaped like an eagle and like a reckless ox, collided directly with the streamer that Luo Nan casually waved out.


Suddenly, a roaring sound resounded throughout the heavens and the earth.

That huge fire spirit completely shattered directly in this blow of Luonan, and even the Hehuaistos that followed him was also pale, and his body involuntarily flew backwards for tens of miles, which unloaded the Luonan attack!

“This guy, when he saw him a few years ago, was still weak like a bug, why is it that only a few years have passed, and he can be so strong…”

Hephaestus gritted his teeth and looked at Ronan with disbelief in his eyes.

However, his doubts will obviously not be answered.

Ares and Hephaestus attacked and were quite ugly at the moment.

Only because in the Heaven and Earth Oven behind Luonan, the tens of thousands of Olympus gods had been refined by one-third in a short period of time.

If this continues, it will not be long before tens of thousands of gods will be completely destroyed.

That, for the Olympus Divine Clan, is definitely a huge loss.

Especially before they are ready to fight a final battle with the Titans!

Thinking of this, Ares and Hephaestus glanced at each other.

“I’ll go stop this guy, and you destroy that oven quickly!” Ares spoke to Hephaestus.

As the god of fire and Vesta, Hephaestus did not have difficulty dealing with this oven with the help of the Heavenly Dao of the Olympian world, which is why Zeus sent him.


Hephaestus did not hesitate to hear the words and nodded his head directly.

The next second, the two turned into two directions, one directly towards Luonan, and the other rushing towards the Heaven and Earth Oven below.

When Luo Nan saw this scene, the corner of zui flashed a sneer: “Do you really think that one person can drag me down?” ”

As the words fell, Luo Nan directly reached down a little, and a large amount of immortal force surged through his fingertips, moving towards Hehuaistos point tens of miles away.

Suddenly, Hephaestus only felt that the heavens and earth around him instantly froze, and then an irresistible huge force squeezed from all directions. Pressed.


Unable to withstand the pressure, Hephaestus spewed a scarlet directly from his mouth! _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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