“This is the end of it, this outsider is actually a powerful being who has undergone three baptisms, and no one here can stop him!”

“What are you kidding, don’t talk about one-on-one, even if we all go up together, we may not be able to stop it!”

“The Empress has only just undergone the second baptism, and is definitely not an opponent!”

“This time it’s really dangerous!”

In the face of the bald man’s persecution, everyone bowed their heads in unison while sighing.

In the face of a powerful being who has undergone three baptisms, they simply do not have any ability to resist.

Although there was a longing for a beautiful empress in his heart, the cost of death was too heavy.

Even Luo Nan, who was looking at it from a distance, had a look of surprise in his eyes at this moment.

The bald man’s rank reached 1v215, which was the third order Golden Immortal!

Among the players, is there actually a existence that has reached the Golden Immortal Realm??

When he left the Pangu World, Luo Nan knew that the player had established ten magnificent cities in the Southern Zhan Bu Zhou, and those city lords were basically the existence of the True Immortal Realm.

As for the Golden Immortal, Luo Nan had never seen one before!

“However, it is also possible that the real powerful player is hidden elsewhere, such as my existence, and few people among the players know about it.”

Luo Nan secretly said in his heart, “Besides, I was trapped in the Endless Chaos Void for a long time before, and in the past such a long time, with the cultivation speed of the top players, there may be a few who can reach the Golden Immortal Realm.” But what is certain is that the Golden Immortal Realm is definitely the peak among today’s players! ”

Just as Ronan was thinking about this,

Seeing that no one around him dared to respond to his provocation, the bald man set his sights on Alyssa below.

“Beautiful woman, although your talent is good, it is still worse than me, do you honestly go with me, or let me move?”

The bald man pressed a question, but Alyssa below did not open her mouth, but just sipped the silk chun.

Above the water mirror, there is a strange flicker of light, if you look outside, you will find that there seems to be a majestic ocean hidden in this water mirror.

It actually looked quite similar to the Aegean shadow that appeared around Alyssa when she first walked out of the stone temple.

Holding the water mirror in her hand, Alyssa pointed at the bald man.

Then, the water mirror set off a mighty wave, directly drowning towards the bald man.

This boundless wave is extremely turbulent, and each wave has the power of ten thousand jun, enough to break the mountain and break the rocks and wash away everything!

However, the gap in rank is not something that this wave can make up.

The huge waves that seemed to be mighty were just small splashes in the middle of the ocean current.

“Tricks of the trade!”

The zui corner flashed a cold hum, and the bald man’s palm pressed straight down.

And the monstrous waves are like invisible forces squeezing. The pressure is general, and it is instantly falling downwards, and it is difficult to reach the bald man’s side at all.

“It seems you like to make me rough!”

At the same time as the words fell, the bald man’s eyes flashed with a fierce light, and he directly punched Alyssa, and there was no thought of pity for Xiang Xiangyu between the movements.

Although Alyssa was equivalent to the Seventh Order True Immortal at this moment, the newly promoted realm was not stable, and it was impossible to block the power of this punch!

If you are hit head-on, there is a good chance that you will be killed directly!

Apparently, the bald man was also jealous of Alyssa’s talent, fearing that one day Alyssa’s rank would surpass his.

That’s why you want to kill Alyssa once first, let Alyssa’s level drop by half, and there will be no mistake in taking Alyssa away!

Its intentions can be said to be extremely vicious!

Alyssa naturally knew the bald man’s intentions, and at this moment the silver teeth bit down lightly, and there was a little despair in her eyes.

In many cases, beauty is not only not an advantage for women, but also brings disasters.

This truth, when she was famous, Alyssa already understood and was mentally prepared.

It’s just that Alyssa didn’t expect that the plague would come so quickly!

I didn’t expect that the people who brought misfortune would be so powerful!

The death of incense and jade may be a matter of a moment.

Alyssa zui corner flashed a touch of bitterness.

And just between this electric light and flint, a light sigh suddenly sounded between heaven and earth.

The next second, a slightly thin figure of a white fox crouching on its shoulders suddenly appeared in front of Alyssa!

This sudden change made everyone present stunned.

“Who is this guy?”

“Is this guy looking for death?”

“The other party is a powerful being who has experienced three baptisms, and it is impossible to resist at all!”

“This guy is dead!”

When Ronan appeared in front of Alisha, there was a burst of discussion in the crowd.

However, no one thought that the slightly thin guy in front of him could block the bald man who had undergone three baptisms.

Unless, too, this guy is a powerful being who has been through three baptisms!

However, the powerful existence that has undergone three baptisms is so rare, and it is not a cabbage that says there is.

“Hmm, if you really dare to come out without fear of death, then I will first send you to the resurrection point to take a walk!”

The bald man snorted coldly and immediately shifted the target from Alyssa to Lonan’s.

Alyssa, who was blocked by Ronan, is at this moment biting down on the need to sacrifice her life for me, please leave quickly! ”

Hearing the voice coming from behind him, Luo Nan sighed in his heart, even after so many years, this girl was still as kind as ever.

At the moment, Luo Nan no longer cared about the provocative bald man, and directly turned to face Alyssa, and the zui corner rose to reveal a slight smile: “Little girl, really don’t remember me?” ”

With that, Ronan’s face changed and returned to his original appearance.

After seeing Ronan’s face, Alisha’s originally dim eyes suddenly burst into two bright lights.

Above the beautiful face, there was an irrepressible excitement and joy, and then it pounced directly into Luo Nan’s arms.

“Big brother, is that you?” _

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