The strange change in Luo Nan’s face naturally failed to conceal the nine-tailed fox spirit on his shoulder.

“Why, do you still recognize the empress inside?”

The delicate voice of the nine-tailed fox sounded in Ronan’s heart.

Today’s nine-tailed fox spirit does not yet have the ability to speak.

However, perhaps because Lonan is the master of the Endless Chaos Void, the Nine-Tailed Fox Spirit can communicate with Ronan in the form of transmission.

As for with other people, that’s no play.

Hearing this fox spirit’s inquiry, Luo Nan also couldn’t help but sigh secretly, this goods is worthy of being sent by Lady Nuwa to defeat the existence of Yin Shang Jiangshan, this ability to observe words and see colors is really powerful.

Since it was seen, Luo Nan did not hide it, and said bluntly: “The master of this stone hall has a breath, and indeed she has a relationship with me in the past, but it is not known whether she is the empress that everyone calls her.” ”

“Is there anyone else in the Stone Temple?”

The Nine-Tailed Fox was stunned, and now she did not have the ability to probe the divine consciousness into the Stone Temple, and naturally did not know the situation in the Stone Temple.

Luo Nan nodded, “There are other breaths, but I can’t see my face for the time being, and I don’t know who the empress is.” ”

“Didn’t they all say that the empress was very beautiful, and did you know that the woman was really beautiful?” The nine-tailed fox spirit had a twinkle in his eye and asked.

Luo Nan shrugged helplessly: “When I first met her, she was just a twelve- or thirteen-year-old girl, what could she see?” ”

The nine-tailed fox spirit skimmed the zui, revealing a very human expression, and then shifted his gaze to the stone hall below.

As a female creature, especially one that has upended a dynasty, the Nine-Tailed Fox Spirit is very confident in her beauty.

And any beautiful woman will always have some curiosity about her kind.

Now the Nine-Tailed Fox Spirit was very curious, what did the empress that attracted tens of thousands of people to watch look like?

As for Ronan, he was also rubbing his chin and thinking, is this so-called ’empress’ Alyssa?

It was in this anticipation that time passed quietly.

The existence in the stone hall obviously did not make everyone wait too long.

Soon, with a ‘boom’, the heavy door of the stone hall was directly opened, and then two rows of women came out of the stone hall.

Both rows of women were born with blond hair and fair skin, and their deep facial features had a completely different aesthetic from that of oriental women, which also amazed the nine-tailed fox spirit lying on Ronan’s shoulder

The appearance of two rows of young women also made many players around them look forward to the queen even more.

The next second, the stone hall suddenly sounded the sound of wind chimes, various crisp instruments played music, and the shadows of the sea of love were reflected around it.

Ronan only saw the blue waves rushing up, the scenery was beautiful, the sound was beautiful.

“This… This is heaven and earth congratulations!! ”

The Nine-Tailed Fox Spirit saw the scene in front of him, and after a moment’s stunned, a shocked voice sounded in Ronan’s heart.

Luo Nan was also surprised by the scene that happened in front of him, and suddenly heard the voice of the nine-tailed fox spirit, and his brow frowned slightly.

Luo Nan cultivated the Immortal to this day, even if he counted the five years of refining the Twelve Pins of the Extinction Black Lotus, it would only be ten years.

Although many secrets of heaven and earth were known from the Lingren Clan and other great powers, the knowledge of certain special things was definitely inferior to that of the Nine-Tailed Fox Spirit.

After all, no matter how to say, the Nine-Tailed Fox Spirit has also served the Lady Lady, and naturally understands many special things under hearing and hearing.

Therefore, Luo Nan also asked directly at this moment: “What is heaven and earth congratulations?” ”

“Heaven and earth congratulations are things that will only happen when a delicate son who is favored by the Heavenly Dao is promoted to the Great Realm.”

The Nine-Tailed Fox Spirit murmured, “In the Pangu World, or the Daoyin is beautiful, or the Buddha’s voice is chanting, or the Ten Thousand Demons are singing, or the ancestral witches pray for blessings, different Heavenly Pride will have different scenes… In my sights and ears, only two people have met heaven and earth congratulations! ”

“Oh? Who are these two people? ”

The proud son of heaven who was favored by the Heavenly Dao, Luo Nan was a little curious.

The Nine-Tailed Fox Spirit said, “One is Yang Jian with those three eyes, and the other is a stone monkey, but I haven’t seen that stone monkey, but I have only heard Li Jing mention it.” ”

Luo Nan’s face flashed a trace of surprise, he did not expect that Yang Jian and Sun Wukong had actually enjoyed the existence of heaven and earth congratulations, and it was clear that they were the proud sons of heaven in the Pangu world, no wonder one was fiercer than the other.

However, with Ronan’s current strength, there is really nothing to fear from these two people.

After all, today’s Luo Nan, with the power of chaos, can even kill the quasi-saint, and it is not difficult to defeat Yang Jian of the Great Luo Limit.

After having a plan in mind, Luo Nan asked, “What substantial benefits can this heaven and earth congratulations bring?” ”

“The benefits are countless! The first thing to receive the Heaven and Earth Congratulations is the Heavenly Dao favor, and the speed of comprehension of the Heavenly Dao cultivation will be much higher than that of ordinary people, and the difficulty of breakthrough will also be reduced a lot. And more importantly, once the Heaven and Earth Congratulations are generated, while breaking through the Great Realm, it will directly reach the Fifth Order of the New Realm! ”

“For example, if you break through from the Heavenly Immortal to the True Immortal, you will directly become a true Immortal of the fifth order or above, and if you break through the Golden Immortal from the True Immortal, you will also directly become a Golden Immortal of the Fifth Order or above!”

Hearing this, the surprise in Luo Nan’s eyes could no longer be hidden, no wonder this nine-tailed fox spirit was so surprised.

Isn’t this equivalent to ascending at least twenty-five levels out of thin air?

That is to say, normal people need to ascend fifty levels to ascend a great realm!

And those who are congratulated by heaven and earth only need to improve by half.

Not to mention that its cultivation speed itself is fast, and it is enough to be a big way ahead of the others!

“No wonder Sun Wukong and Yang Jian both stepped into the Golden Immortal Realm after a few years of learning the Tao, so it is too perverted to think of being congratulated by Heaven and Earth!”

Speaking of which, Rao is Luo Nan’s heart, and he can’t help but have a hint of envy and jealousy.

At this moment, tens of thousands of players around the stone hall suddenly caused a riot.

In a burst of exclamation, Luo Nan’s eyes looked down, and then he saw a woman dressed in green coming out of the stone hall…

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