In that splendid world, there were human emperors who ruled for eternity, Yan Emperor Wuzu who led the way, and gods who fought with the Holy King!

Of course, there may be more people or things that Ronan knows well, that have happened or are happening in that side of the world!

“Perhaps, when I can one day rise above the big world, I can spy farther down the avenue, and I can really see that gorgeous world…”

Lonan murmured.

However, Ronan did not continue to immerse himself in this thought.

After all, he has more important things to do right now.

“Medanzo can find me once, he can find me a second time, and now in a rage, I am afraid that he is searching for my location in the Heavenly Imperial World.”

Lonan whispered to himself, analyzing his current situation.

“After the resurrection of death, the immortal power and physical strength I had consumed by casting the Super Race Second State had all returned to my peak state, and because of the surge in cultivation realm, it was several times stronger than before.”

“However, the most crucial power of chaos will not be restored in this big world, and now there is no longer a single chaos force in my body.”

The power of chaos can be said to be the root of Ronan’s rebellion against Yasheng.

Without the power of chaos, it would be impossible to hurt Ya Sheng.

After all, in a sense, there is not much difference between the saints and the saints.

“Also, there must be a road before the car to the mountain, and the boat to the bridge is naturally straight, instead of thinking so much, it is better to cultivate the god elephant that you have just obtained!” Maybe there can be some serendipity! ”

After making a decision in his heart, Luo Nan directly closed his eyes and stared at this piece of yellow sand and began to cultivate the Divine Elephant Zhen Prison Force that he had just obtained.

“Attract the gods with qi, make an elephant with the gods, raise your hands and feet, the power of the giant elephant, the body of a person, composed of 840 million particles, if you awaken its potential, every tiny particle is the power of the giant elephant, all awaken, comparable to the god elephant, overturning the river and the sea, roaring down the stars, picking the moon and swallowing the sun, between one thought!”

“The types of elephants are ever-changing, giant elephants are young, transformed into dragon elephants, dragon elephants are green, transformed into yuan elephants, yuan elephants are strong, and become divine elephants.” is for Dacheng…”

Luo Nan silently recited the final decision in his heart and quickly comprehended this magical exercise.

Along with the cultivation, Luo Nan only felt as if there were really 840 million particles in his body.

And in each particle, there is an incomparably huge power, waiting for him to activate.

In this way, as Ronan lit up one particle after another, the power he possessed was also increasing!

As a powerful practice created by the Supreme Lord, the power of the Divine Elephant Zhen Prison Force naturally needs no need to be said.

Moreover, Luonan’s cultivation itself is not low, and then the avenue is open and hanging, so it is quite fast to learn!

In just a few breaths, Luo had already taken this Divine Elephant Zhen Prison Force to the fourth level!

“Ding, congratulations on understanding the Spear of the Divine Spirit!”

“Ding, congratulations on understanding the meaning of the divine power!”

“Ding, congratulations on understanding the Divine Heaven and Earth Oven!”

Several ethereal voices sounded directly in Ronan’s ears, making Ronan’s zui corner raise involuntarily.

“This god is similar to the Eight and Nine Xuangong, not only is it powerful in itself, but it also contains many magical mysteries!”

The Eighty-Nine Xuan Gong, also known as the Seventy-Two Earth Meditation Technique, is the kind of practice that Yang Jian and Sun Wukong both practiced.

Once you cultivate the Eight or Nine Xuan Gong, you not only have all kinds of changes, but also have seventy-two kinds of powerful divine powers such as Driving Spirits and Borrowing Wind from Mount Dan.

The Divine Elephant Zhen Zhen Zhen Jin that Luo Nan was cultivating now was really very similar to these Eight or Nine Xuan Gong.

And just when Luo Nan was ready to continue his cultivation, break through to a higher level of the Divine Elephant Town Prison Strength, and unlock more magic magic.

The heaven and earth where he was located suddenly roared!


Suddenly, the heavens shook as if the end had come.

Endless yellow sand surged up, dancing between the heavenly domes, like a yellow dragon churning and leaping!

This sudden change made Ronan’s brow frown slightly.

The next moment, a figure with a cold face directly broke through the tens of millions of yellow sand and appeared in front of Luo Nan.

Although Medanzo rushed out of the yellow sand, his body was dusty and pure!

However, the missing wing was extremely conspicuous in such purity.

And this also makes Medanzo’s face look extremely ugly.

“Even if you can come back from the dead, you can’t run away!”

Medanzo’s voice was mixed with anger, and when he saw Lonan, he directly reached out and grabbed it.

Luo Nan naturally did not stand still, and at the moment, he directly operated the Divine Elephant Zhen Prison Force, condensed the energy in the few particles that had just been activated in his body, and reached out to grab the void!

Suddenly, an extra spear appeared directly in the palm of Ronan’s hand.

This spear was pitch black throughout, and it was attached to it with the cold breath from the Nine Yellow Springs, and mortals didn’t say touch it, even if they just looked at it, they would directly destroy the gods!

“The Spear of Hades!”

When Luo Nan held the spear in his hand, between the surrounding heavens and the earth, the gloomy sound of the underworld suddenly sounded.

The Yellow Spring Breath that was scattered above the spear condensed the number of Hengsha Hell images, which were lower than the image summoned in all directions, and the images were very different.

These shadows of hell, accompanied by the sound of yin, directly play the Yellow Spring Music!

This scene made Medanzo’s face also appear a touch of horror, obviously he had never seen such a scene!

And just when Medanzo was surprised, the spear of Hades in the palm of Ronan’s hand finally came out of his hand and shot directly at Medanzo.

The Spear of Hades came out of his hand, and the endless shadows of hell in the surrounding space all pressed towards Medanzo at the same time.

At this moment, Medanzo only felt as if there were countless worlds pressing towards him.

And the sharp breath attached to the spear of the god of the underworld made Medanzo feel a little jealous in his heart.

“However, although this attack is fierce, there is no longer the breath of the power of chaos on it, and it can’t hurt me!”

Medanzo said to himself, and the next second the golden light on his body flashed, straight towards the black spear.

However, just as Medanzo was about to meet with the Black Spear, two men and women dressed in strange services suddenly appeared! _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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