Luo Nan’s cultivation behavior now had reached the level of the Ninth Order Great Luo Golden Immortal.

It can be said that the Eighth Order and below the Great Luo Golden Immortal can provide Luo Nan with very little experience.

In addition, after entering the ninth level, the experience required for each level of promotion is several times soaring, and it becomes very difficult to upgrade.

Now there are only two ways for Lonan to gain considerable experience.

The first is to kill quasi-saints, and it must be high-level quasi-saints.

The second is to count on the characteristics of Saiya’s bloodline.

However, Saiya’s bloodline is not triggered by a random death.

After all, the experience gained by Saiya’s bloodline is linked to the strength of the opponent and the intensity of the battle.

If the opponent is just an ordinary quasi-saint, Lonan is deliberately killed, even if he activates the Saiyan bloodline, he will not be able to gain much experience, which is basically equivalent to dying in vain.

“I hope there will be an opponent in that valley that I am looking forward to!”

Between murmurs, Lonan’s figure kept flashing.

With each flash, Ronan would advance tens of thousands of miles.

Moreover, Ronan’s march did not leave half a trail and waves.

Not only is it impossible to detect the ghost, but even tracking it is impossible!

In this way, Luonan traveled all the way, and after only half a column of incense time, a piece of Tallinn, which stretched for thousands of seats, appeared in Luonan’s field of vision.

The thousands of black towers that make up Tallinn look like they have just been built, and at this moment, Luo Nan can still see thousands of demons above the level of the Golden Immortal, and they are diligently building more Tallinn!

Hiding his figure in the void, Ronan was not afraid of being discovered, and at the moment he concentrated on observing the Tallinn below.

He wanted to find out what the Nile God Domain was doing at any cost to send several quasi-saints to garrison here, and to guard the periphery tightly!

Along with the observation, more and more surprises gradually appeared in Luo Nan’s eyes.

“This… It’s actually a space array! ”

Luo Nan couldn’t help but marvel that these thousands of black towers made up of Tallinn seemed to be arranged in a chaotic and irregular manner, but if you looked closely, you could find that it was extraordinary!

Of course, this is also because Luo Nan practiced the Void Sutra and already had a deep understanding of the space one.

Otherwise, even if a true quasi-saint were to be here, he might not be able to see the essence of this black tower.

“The formation of this black tower is so complex that even I only know half of it, I’m afraid it is from the hands of the saints, and I don’t know where it will lead after it is built!”

Luo Nan murmured in his mouth, his eyes flashed, but he did not stand up, but lurked aside, observing the construction of the Black Tower while feeling the return of this array in his mind.

Luo Nan had a vague feeling in his heart, if he could understand the spatial truth contained in this array, integrate it into what he had learned in the Void Sutra, and turn around and break through the barrier of the quasi-saint level, it would be much simpler!

As the saying goes, the opportunity must not be lost and will not come again, such a good opportunity Luonan naturally will not miss.

Of course, Luo Nan could not let this formation really be built, and at the last moment, Luo Nan would naturally intervene to stop it.

In this way, Ronan hid to the side, feeling carefully.


Time flies by, and in the blink of an eye, three days have passed.

Today, the number of black towers in the entire valley is close to 10,000.

And the light in Luo Nan’s eyes was getting brighter and brighter.

Although this Black Tower Array was complex, Luo Nan’s understanding of the Space Array was extremely deep, and with the Void Sutra as the foundation, it was not so difficult to comprehend this Array of Laws.

Now that three days have passed, this array of Fa has come to an end, and Luo Nan has already understood it nine times out of ten!

“According to my calculations, only thirteen more black towers are needed, and this array of laws will be completely constructed, and it is time to intervene to stop it!”

After a silent thought in his heart, Luo Nan, who had always been hidden in the void, finally showed his figure.

The appearance of Luonan’s figure made the whole busy valley quiet in an instant!

Immediately afterward, an uproar directly sounded, and it was obvious that everyone felt the breath of Ronan at the same moment!

“Even the Great Luo Jinxian dares to break into this place alone and look for death!”

The next second, three incomparably powerful wills came directly towards Ronan.

Feeling the crushing three wills, Luo Nan’s eyes were not surprised: “Sure enough, as I expected, in addition to the two quasi-saints that Xin Lingjun perceived, there was a third quasi-saint lurking here, and this third quasi-saint was even more powerful than the other two…”

Speaking of this, Luonan’s zui corner suddenly flashed a disdainful smile: “But… How can this be? ”

Before entering the baptism pool, Luo Nan already had few opponents in the face of the quasi-saint, and the slightly weaker quasi-saint would even be directly killed by Luo Nan!

After entering the Baptistery Pool, cultivating to the Ninth Order Great Luo Golden Immortal Realm, and practicing the Void Sutra, Luo Nan’s current power could no longer be the same as it had been.

Now Lonan is the real invincible hand under the sub-saint!

No matter how many quasi-saints, in Ronan’s eyes, they are just a bunch of turkey tile dogs.

This is Lonan’s self-confidence!

Feeling the three wills that came from the crushed, Luo Nan sneered in his mouth: “Looking for death? I’m here to send you back to the West!” ”

After a cold snort, Luo Nan directly opened the Super Race Second and cast the Battle Holy Law, and the breath on his body was suddenly strong to the point of sensationalism!

After those three wills felt the sudden surge of breath on Luo Nan’s body, their hearts were all cold, and the will that poured over them all flinched for a moment.

But in the next second, the three wills unexpectedly found that the terrible aura of the intruder had actually dissipated without a trace in the blink of an eye!

This discovery made the three of them use their divine consciousness to probe their surroundings, but they found nothing.

“What’s going on?”

“There are no spatial fluctuations and no trajectories through it, how did that guy disappear?”

Nearly 10,000 black towers were underground, and the three quasi-saints who were sitting on their backs in the three secret chambers stood up in shock at the same time.

The next second, Ronan’s figure appeared directly in a secret chamber.

And that palm like an iron clamp is also directly choking a person’s throat! _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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