Hearing Jesus’ cold words, Rao was Shiva, known as the god of destruction, and there was a flash of shock in his eyes.

After a long time, Shiva’s mouth whispered, “Lord, what a madman…”

As soon as the words fell, the aspect in which Shiva was located finally completely shattered, and several people fell into the endless chaotic void at the same time.

Entering the endless chaotic void, the Shiva Dharma body no longer has the power of a saint.

Without the great world of their own sanctification, all saints will become sub-saints.

But Shiva is different from Jesus, Jesus is the one who came here, but Shiva is nothing more than a body.

Although the cultivation realms are all sub-saints now, the combat strength is also very different!

In the instant that the world was shattered, Jesus threw out the Bible in his hand.

After the Bible was detached from the palm of Jesus’ hand, it flew directly into the sky, hanging high above Shiva’s body.

The next second, a brilliant holy light erupts directly from the Bible, illuminating the endless chaotic void while completely enveloping the body of Shiva!

Suddenly, the body of Shiva, which was wrapped in holy light, was like a soldering iron thrown into ice water, which directly triggered a violent reaction.

Unfortunately, Shiva, who can no longer rely on the power of the world, has no ability to resist the power of Jesus.

At this moment, there is no way to escape, and you can only let the light sprinkled in the Bible cause endless harm to yourself!

In this way, Shiva’s body gradually melted like winter snow under the scorching sun.

After a long time, it disappeared completely.

When Shiva’s body was thoroughly purified, the Bible returned to Jesus.

However, at this moment, the Bible is already quite bleak, and it is obvious that it is not an easy task to completely eliminate the Shiva body, after all, no matter what the other party says, it is also a saint double!

After carefully putting away the Bible, Jesus frowned: “The destruction of those hundreds of thousands of angels is not much of a blow to the Lord, but the disappearance of the knightly breath of war will certainly displease the Lord!” ”

The three knights, who had been hiding behind Jesus’ holy light, asked at the same time, “Do we need to investigate the situation?” ”

Jesus was silent for a moment, and watched as a large number of images flickered in his eyes in the distance, as if he were peering into the whole heaven and earth.

Among the countless images that flickered in Jesus’ eyes was the scene of Lonan and the war knights at war.

“It’s funny, I can actually master the power of chaos, no wonder I can kill the war knight…”

Jesus was shocked in his heart, and then he commanded the three knights behind him: “That little guy is not simple, the three of you are now deeply hurt and I am afraid that you will not be able to deal with it, and I will send others to clean up the little guy.” ”


The three knights nodded at Jesus, but they all disappeared into the same place.

Jesus, on the other hand, looked into the void with a different color in his eyes.


After a few days of walking through the world of Brahma, Ronan finally came to a dense forest.

According to the map, the space node leading to the world of the Heavenly Emperor is here.

Over the past few days, Lonan can be said to have gone on and on and on and on and on and on and

And he also took this opportunity to have a clearer understanding of the world of Brahma.

To put it simply, the biggest feature of the world of Brahma is the desolation compared to the world that Lonan has visited before!

However, the number of players in the Great Brahma World is much greater than that in the Olympus World, and there are many strong ones.

After all, it is India on earth that merges with this great Brahma world.

India’s population is second only to that of China.

Along the way, Luo Nan found that the player’s combat power of the Great Brahma World was also between Bo Zhong than the Pangu World.

Of course, this contrast has to exclude Lonan.

If you count the perverted player of Lonan, there is no comparison between the two sides.

Walking between the dense forests, Ronan quickly found the location of the space node.

With both hands, he grabbed the weak space around him and tore it violently, and a dark space passage appeared in front of Luo Nan’s eyes.

Looking through this dark space passage, you can see the other side, which is a new big world.

However, this time, Ronan did not recklessly break into it, but first probed a trace of divine consciousness to investigate the situation.

Being yin by the same conspiracy once, it can also be said that the dark arrow is difficult to defend.

But if you are disgusted twice by the same conspiracy, it can only be said that the IQ is in arrears.

In view of the fact that he had been squatted by Maitreya Buddha once in the space node last time, Ronan was also cautious this time.

It wasn’t until he was sure that there was no ambush on the other side of the space passage that Luo Nan flashed into the dark space passage and turned into a stream of light passing through.

Almost instantaneously, Luo Nan’s figure appeared on the other side of the space passage and came to the Heavenly Imperial World.

Just as the Pangu world corresponds to the original earth’s Huaxia, the nine major bits of the world tree face the Northern Europe, and the great Brahma world corresponds to India, the world of the Heavenly Empire corresponds to Japan.

However, there was only one saint in the Heavenly Imperial World, which could be said to be the weakest of the several worlds, so there had been very little news coming out.

Ronan also did not know much about his actions in the midst of the Great Avenue.

After flying high into the sky, Luo Nan looked around and said, “The environment in this Heavenly Realm is much better than that of the Great Brahma World.” ”

After saying that, Ronan did not stay any longer and flew directly in the direction that had already been determined.

The Heavenly Imperial World is not the same as the Pangu World, it is not a huge world like a picture scroll, but it is superimposed by various planes.

If Lonan wanted to cross, he could only tear through the layers of bits.

And this layer of plane is also an eye-opener for Luonan, and there are all kinds of strange things.

And just when Luo Nan walked all the way through the superimposed plane of the Heavenly Imperial World and enjoyed the strange scenery.

The archangel (Asan) Medanzo, with the instructions of Jesus, has come to the heavenly world.

His goal is only one, and that is Lonan! _

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