As soon as the Twelve Immortals Black Lotus had been summoned by Luo Nan, they directly released the Ten Thousand Ways of Eclipsing the Dark Light.

The Eclipse Black Light radiated out, instantly enveloping a large number of angels around Ronan.

Ronan did not have any good feelings for these angels, and naturally he would not spare his subordinates at this moment.

His Eclipse Black Light, even the Great Luo Golden Immortal did not dare to touch it easily, once the ordinary Golden Immortal True Immortal met, it would not be long before it would be directly corroded!

At this moment, the vast majority of the angels around Luo Nan were at the level of the Eight-winged Lord Angel (True Immortal) and the Six-Winged Energy Angel (Heavenly Immortal), how could they resist the Dark Light of Luo Nan’s Eclipse?

In the instant that the two came into contact, these white angels suddenly had more black spots on their bodies.

And these spots are rapidly expanding with lightning speed, corroding the angel’s body, soul, and most importantly, the wings!

The wings behind it are like the Yuan God of the Pangu World Immortals for the angels, once damaged, it is not only difficult to repair, but also directly falls!

At this moment, the original white wings were corroded by darkness, causing countless angels to scream bitterly.

However, each scream did not last long, and it would come to an abrupt end with the complete annihilation of their master.

After only three breaths, nearly a thousand angels turned into fly ash!

“Ding, congratulations on your upgrade to 1v159!”

“Ding, congratulations on your upgrade to 1v160!”

“Ding, congratulations on your upgrade to 1v161!”

Listening to the three ethereal voices ringing in his ears one after another, a trace of eagerness flashed in Ronan’s eyes.

Although the war was cruel, the benefits to Luonan were also obvious, and it was only three breaths of time that Luonan’s level had already been raised by three levels!

“And the most important thing is that the two sides of this war have nothing to do with me, and this angelic side even has a vendetta against me, which is more convenient for me to kill a bitter pleasure!”

After a silent chant in his heart, Ronan quickly set his sights on the angels farther away!

At this moment, the battlefield has been laid out, and hundreds of thousands of angels and tens of thousands of ascetics have split into hundreds of battlefields, large and small, fighting for their own battles.

Ronan had previously attacked an angelic squad that was looking for an opponent.

Now that it had been destroyed, Ronan’s goal was naturally on the next Angel Battle Squad!

Luo Nan Pan Tui sat on top of the Twelve Pinnacle Black Lotuses, turning into a black stream of light and rushing towards the other side.

There, there are seven or eight teams led by the twelve winged angels (Golden Immortals) who are fighting the ascetics.

In the face of the superior angels, the right group of ascetics looked like they were about to lose the gods.

Just at this moment, the black streamer of Luo Nan’s incarnation entered the center of the battlefield, and the next twelve products of the Black Lotus of Annihilation released a large amount of black light.

The nearest energy angel (heavenly immortal), when he came into contact with this black light, died directly in a scream, and even his wings completely shattered and dissolved!

This scene made the twelve-winged angels frown in unison.

Soon, several twelve-winged angels said in unison, “Even the evil forces dare to commit crimes in front of the Lord’s servants, they simply don’t know whether they are dead or alive, accept the punishment of the Holy Light!” ”

The few angels who had spoken down all looked up at the heavens, and then a holy light seemed to feel the power of summoning, and fell directly from the sky!

“Holy Light?”

Horn Luonan zui flashed a sneer, directly controlling the Eclipse Black Light to meet the Holy Light!

After a few moments, the two colors of light met directly!

Between the heavenly poles, there was a soft sound of “boo”.

This soft sound is weak and inaudible, and can only be distinguished if it is cultivated to a certain level.

But it was this slight sound that suddenly made many angels look shocked, only to see that the holy light that fell from the sky actually shattered directly, and it was not the opponent of the eclipse black light at all!

This scene made several angels who summoned the Holy Light look desperate on all sides!

“This is impossible, how can the holy light be used…” An angel was dumbfounded, muttering in his mouth.

Another angel, as if mad, raised his sword in his hand: “That must be an illusion, the power of the Holy Light, coming!” ”

Above the sky, immediately another holy light fell towards Lonan!!

However, this power was not as powerful as the previous Holy Light, and what threat could it pose to Ronan?

In the flash of the black light that encountered the erosion of the spirit, it directly shattered.

And the angel who summoned the Holy Light was also strongly repulsed, directly spitting out a mouthful of golden blood, and the twelve wings behind him also dimmed a lot.

Suddenly, the faces of several angels were filled with despair!

And just at this moment, Luo Nan, who was sitting on the Twelve Pins of Annihilation Black Lotus, pointed out that several angels and their men, with almost no ability to resist, turned into golden blood flowers in the air and directly exploded!

After slaughtering this wave of angels, Ronan did not stop and went directly to the next target.

In this way, Ronan directly incarnated as the Experience Reaper, and angels continued to fold their wings in Ronan’s hands.

Within the radiance range of the eclipse black light around Luonan, it had become a forbidden area for life.

A large number of angels have become Lonan’s experience in it, and the ethereal voice in Ronan’s ear has never stopped!

“Ding, congratulations on your promotion to 1v162!”

“Ding, congratulations on your upgrade to 1v163!”


As the prompt for the upgrade kept ringing, Ronan not only did not feel tired, but the action became more and more rapid.

And just when Ronan’s level was raised to 1v167, a powerful angel wrapped in golden holy light finally came to Ronan with a flame sword.

“Boy, finally let me catch you!”

Raphael’s eyes were fixed on Luonan, and the twenty-four wings behind him vibrate, and his look was full of feelings of wanting to kill Luonan and then be fast!

When Ronan saw Raphael, he was also stunned: “Didn’t you already die in the Olympus world?” ”

“Hmm, what died at your hands is just an incarnation of me, so how can my Buddha-figure only have that little bit of strength?”

Raphael let out a cold snort, his haughty chin raised, and his eyes filled with indifference: “But since my Buddha-figures have caught you, you are bound to die!” “_

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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