After leaving the stone building, Luo Nan’s mind still remembered the information that the Fu Ren Clan had said before.

The changes in the world today can be perfectly described in two words, that is, chaotic war!

Different worlds, fighting each other.

Every big world, at this moment, seems to have become a warlord, either provoking war or waging war for its own interests and purposes.

No one can put themselves on the shelf.

After leaving the Stone Building, Luo Nan soon returned to the courtyard that the Fu Ren Clan had previously assigned to him.

Although it was still far from the courtyard, Ronan could already hear the laughter coming from the courtyard.

What surprised Luo Nan was that Chang’e, who was the most cold and indifferent in his memory, had actually become the person who sounded the most loudly.

“It seems that in the past five years, Chang’e has also changed a lot, and listening to the tone of the three women, it seems that they get along very well.”

After muttering a word, Ronan was also quite happy in his heart.

Chang’e can get out of loneliness, Luo Nan is happy to see, and the three daughters get along harmoniously, which is a great thing for him.

Ronan was even thinking now that he could not add Artemis to it, just enough to gather four beautiful women to play mahjong.

“The human heart is not enough for the snake to swallow the elephant, that’s what it says.”

After laughing at himself, Luo Nan took a step forward and appeared directly in the courtyard where the three daughters were.

Sensing the presence of someone, the three women who were talking happily turned to look at each other at the same time.

At the moment of seeing Luo Nan, Song Yuyan and Wu Mengyu directly appeared with an irrepressible look of excitement on their faces, and then they did not hesitate to pounce into Luo Nan’s arms.

Compared with the excitement of the second daughter, Chang’e’s heart was much more complicated.

At the earliest, Chang’e was a little angry in her heart about this man who had once taken advantage of herself and tied herself up.

But after five years with Wu Mengyu and Song Yuyan, Chang’e has already liked this kind of small liveliness in ordinary life.

It also made her feelings for Lonan change from initial irritation to gratitude.

At this moment, seeing the little sister who usually gets along well directly into Luo Nan’s arms, a trace of embarrassment flashed on Chang’e’s beautiful face.

Especially after looking at Luo Nan’s four eyes, it seems to be recalling the scene of being lightly and thinly by Luo Nan, and his white cheeks are directly red, and he dodges into the room with shame.

Wu Mengyu and Song Yuyan’s second daughter naturally did not know the old things between Luo Nan and Chang’e, so it was also a little strange to see Chang’e’s reaction at this moment, and she couldn’t help but look at Luo Nan with an inquiring look.

After discovering that Ronan had a strange expression, the clever second daughter directly guessed eight out of ten.

Wu Mengyu reached out and gently pinched Luo Nan’s waist, deliberately making a vicious expression and asking, “Have you ever bullied Sister Chang’e?” ”

“Yes, tell me honestly, what exactly did you do to Sister Chang’e?”

Song Yuyan’s big eyes flashed with the light of gossip, echoing Wu Mengyu’s inquiry.

When Luo Nan saw this, he deliberately sighed and made a helpless look and sighed: “If you don’t open the pot at home, can’t you still order takeaway…”

Hearing Luo Nan’s words, Song Yuyan and Wu Mengyu were both frightened, and then their cheeks were red, like apples ripe in autumn.

There was a hidden trace in Ronan’s words, where would the two of them not understand?

“You bastard, what are you talking about…”

After muttering softly, Wu Mengyu and Song Yuyan, the two daughters, ran away with panic.

When Ronan saw the fleeing children, he couldn’t help but shake his head and laugh.

After stopping in the courtyard for a moment, Luo Nan prepared to go to see Chang’e.

But at this moment, he found that the second daughter who had just escaped ran back with a red face.

“What are you going to do?” Lonan asked.

The two women looked at each other, all of them saw the firmness in each other’s eyes, and then they said to Luonan in unison: “We thought about it for a while and decided to cook at home today!” ”

Luo Nan raised an eyebrow: “When you say open the pot, do you mean the same thing as I said to open the pot?” ”

The two women were asked by Ronan for a while. Shy, he glanced at Ronan and said, “Same! ”

Luo Nan was overjoyed to hear this, and he did not expect that his casual words would actually produce such an effect.


On the second day, Lonan was radiant.

“I didn’t expect that Xiu Xian would have this good, not only is life eternal, but even the happy time is much longer than ordinary people.”

Lonan murmured in a low voice.

“Sure enough, it is absolutely right to turn a few more goddesses back.”

Ronan looked at the sun, proud of his fighting power.

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