Seeing this crescent moon rise into the sky, whether it was the five sub-saints of the human race or the Buddha, their movements were stopped for a moment, watching the changes of this crescent moon!

The next moment, the moonlight emitted by this crescent moon was suddenly several times stronger.

But this several times stronger moonlight seemed to exhaust the moonshine of this round of crescent moon, causing the crescent moon to suddenly fade.

However, this bleakness is not a bleakness at the end of life, but more like a deliberate hibernation, just waiting for the next outbreak!

Soon, this waiting outbreak finally came!

When the third breath after the crescent moon dimmed, the entire crescent moon suddenly flashed a dazzling light comparable to that of a small sun!

And in the midst of this dazzling light, the shape of the crescent moon suddenly changed, and soon evolved into a figure!

When the dazzling light gradually dissipated, Luo Nan’s figure had already emerged!

“It’s finally out!”

Ronan took a deep breath, and a hint of joy flashed on his face.

However, after seeing the surrounding situation, Luo Nan’s face suddenly froze.

When he was trapped in the Buddha’s Kingdom in his palm by Rulai, there was no one else around, but at this moment, there were already five more figures.

Among these five figures, one of them was very familiar to Luonan, and it was the Flintlock Clan!

What surprised Luo Nan was that the breath that was faintly emitted from the other four figures was actually no weaker than the Fu Ren Clan!

The detective technique flashed in his eyes, and the identities of these four people were also directly imprinted into Luo Nan’s eyes.

There are the Chao Clan, the Shennong Clan, the Xuanyuan Clan, and the Fu Xi Clan!

Coupled with the Fu Ren Clan, the five sub-saints of the human race had actually arrived, and they confronted the Buddha of Rulai in the shadows.

Especially that Xuanyuan Clan, who was holding the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand at the moment, was already glaring at the fierceness.

This kind of discovery made Luo Nan slightly stunned, why did the five sub-saints of the Terran race compete with the Buddha of Rulai, was it because of their own reasons?

Thinking of this, Luo Nan actually had a little joy in his heart.

As for the ugly-looking Buddha, Luo Nan only had a sneer in his heart.

Luo Nan faced Ru Lai, slowly flattened his clenched palm, and then a small crescent moon slipped from Luo Nan’s palm.

After this crescent moon broke away from Luo Nan’s palm, it dissipated directly in an instant, and then the Buddha’s Zen chant sounded between this square world and the earth!

Hearing this familiar voice, the Buddha’s face changed: “You little boy, you dare to damage the Buddha kingdom in my palm!” ”

This Sanskrit chant was spent millions of years by the Buddha to add to his own palm Buddha.

As long as the sound sounds, it can make the people trapped in it restless, and they will be directly demented for a long time.

Luo Nan was also not greatly affected because he hid in the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda and had not been in it for a long time.

Without this Buddha’s chanting, the power of the Buddha’s kingdom in the Buddha’s palm dropped by at least 30%.

And it is almost impossible to restore without a million years of sacrifice.

Seeing the ugly face of the Buddha, Luo Nan’s heart was very happy.

He was never the kind of person who would admit to losing money.

If the Buddha trapped him in the palm of his hand, wherever he would come out of the air, he would inevitably bring something with him.

Although this Buddhist chant did not have it for him, being fished out of the well could make the Buddha uncomfortable, which was equivalent to making Luo Nan angry.

Of course, if there were no human five sub-saints and Rulai’s uninterfering bet, it would be difficult for Luo Nan to get out of it.

“Ahem!” Rulai Buddha’s face was no longer as indifferent as before, and he snorted coldly before staring at Luo Nan with hatred, gritting his teeth and saying, “I wrote down this matter!” ”

“You write down a fart, do you still want to retaliate afterwards?”

Xuanyuan Clan was like lifting a sword to cut Rulai’s big head, but only before Luo Nan escaped and paused slightly!

At this moment, seeing that Rulai still dared to scare Luo Nan, Xuanyuan Clan finally stopped being patient after pressing for a long time, and directly raised his sword and flashed towards the Buddha of Rulai.

This sword, as if splitting the sky, tore apart the entire firmament, and dragged the power of the endless chaotic void towards the Buddha.

When the Buddha saw this, he scolded angrily, “He is indeed a madman!” ”

After saying that, the figure of the Buddha suddenly turned into a golden light and scattered directly in all directions, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

“Although this big-eared monk has the ability to fight, his ability to escape is really first-class.”

Xuanyuan Clan shook his head somewhat helplessly, and then he gathered the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand and the imperial pressure on his body.

After the convergence of the breath, Xuanyuan Clan looked like an ordinary middle-aged man, and no one would associate him with the Yellow Emperor in the legend of the Terran race.

At this moment, Xuanyuan’s eyes were focused on Luo Nan’s body, and the zui corner rose in appreciation: “Your little boy is good, when Emperor Xi said that you will be able to get out, I still thought that he had miscalculated, and I didn’t expect that your boy really had two brushes!” ”

The Fu Xi Clan on the side heard the words and slowly spoke: “At the beginning of the Taichu, the extremely gifted Gufang Daoist created the art of fishing for the moon in the well, which made many immortals in the flood and desolation astonished the heavens!” Unfortunately, with the early death of the Gufang Daoist, the art of fishing for the moon in this well has been lost. Even the saint’s deduction cannot be restored, and it is lucky that you can get this technique! ”

“It’s not just luck, it’s also understanding!”

Shen Nong stroked his beard lightly, and then said, “Before being trapped in the palm of the Buddha’s Kingdom, this little guy’s understanding of the art of fishing for the moon in that well was extremely shallow, but now in just a few moments, it has exceeded too much before!” ”

There was a Chao Clan with empty eyes, not knowing where to look, and the voice was as flat as ever: “The Fu Ren Clan did not look away this time.” ”

At the same time, he was praised by the five Terran sub-saints, and Rao Luonan also felt that some of his skin was hot.

However, the praise of Ronan by several sub-saints soon turned into a fierce debate about the future of the Terran race.

The five sub-saints had their own reason, none of them obeyed the other, except for Fu Xishi, who did not participate in the argument, the other four quickly blushed and had thick necks.

In the end, only the Fuxi clan could come out to fight the round field, so that several sub-saints could disperse.

In the end, only the Fulinist clan remained.

Looking at Luo Nan, who was a little surprised, the Fu Ren Clan said helplessly: “As you can see, because of the different propositions, the Terran Yasheng is not a monolith, and there are many contradictions.” ”

“However, there is no doubt that the five sub-saints, regardless of their claims, are putting the great righteousness of the Terran first, but the methods are different.”

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