After hearing the words of the Nine-Tailed Fox Spirit, Ronan’s eyes flashed a glint of essence.

Although he only had the Heavenly Immortal Limit Cultivation Realm now, after opening the Super Race, his own cultivation was not weaker than the Golden Immortal Realm, and he had even surpassed the Golden Immortal Economic Eh and reached the threshold of the Great Luo Golden Immortal.

Since someone could use the cultivation of the Golden Immortal to escape from this palm Buddha’s kingdom, then naturally he also had hope!

“However, although I can’t see exactly what your cultivation realm is, I guess I will be just entering the True Immortal at most, and there is no hope at all.”

The Nine-Tailed Fox Spirit shook his head, signaling that Ronan didn’t have to fantasize.

Luo Nan frowned, “You don’t need to take care of this, just tell me the method you know, whether I get out of the way you said or not, I will release you from the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda in the future.” ”

At this point, Ronan paused for a moment before adding: “Although the hope is slim, it doesn’t hurt to create more opportunities for yourself!” ”

The nine-tailed fox sighed softly, and then pulled on the shirt and wrapped it tightly and half-exposed. Body, stood up and recalled.

“At that time, I had just taken shape, and I was on duty in the Nüwa Palace, and one day I saw a classic book that recorded such an event.”

“It is said that at the beginning of the opening of heaven and earth, when the enlightened person had not yet become holy, he once trapped a person with the heaven and earth in his palm, and oh, this palm heaven and earth was the later palm Buddha kingdom. The trapped person was no more than the Golden Immortal Cultivator, and he was far from the Quasi-Divine Realm Initiator, but in the end he managed to get out of the trap from the hands of the Initiator. ”

“That person called himself the Gufang Daoist, an ancient tree born of heaven and earth, and his talent was unparalleled for a while, and when he was in the True Immortal Realm, he had already visualized heaven and earth, and created a divine power that made many flood and desolation supreme beings marvel, called the art of fishing for the moon in the well!”

“Fishing for the moon in the well?” Ronan narrowed his eyes and said in surprise.

The Nine-Tailed Fox Spirit nodded and sighed, “It is said that the Gufang Daoist was able to escape from the hands of the Daoist who received the Dao by virtue of this skill of fishing for the moon in the well, but unfortunately the genius is always hated by people, and although the Gufang Daoist has created his own powerful and superb divine powers, he has not yet entered the Great Luo Golden Immortal, he has been besieged to death by the enemy, and the art of fishing for the moon in the well has been lost since then.” ”

At this point, the nine-tailed fox shrugged, “So I said that even if you know the method, it is useless.” The only person who managed to escape from this palm Buddha kingdom when he was cultivating to a disadvantage relied on the art of fishing for the moon in the well, but unfortunately, this magic power had been lost with the Gufang Daoists, and even the Lady Lady could not reshape it, so you still died this heart. ”

With that, the Nine-Tailed Fox Spirit was not interested and was no longer ready to take care of Luonan.

But at this moment, Luo Nan was raising his zui horn, revealing a smile: “You may not believe it when you say it, but I happen to be able to do this technique of fishing for the moon in the well!” ”

“Will you fish for the moon in the well?” No way!! ”

The Nine-Tailed Fox Spirit shook her head flatly, “Lady Nuwa herself said that the magic power has been lost, and it is impossible for anyone to master it again, what you learned is afraid of being a fake, right?” ”

Luo Nan couldn’t help but roll his eyes, if his first-class magic power is a fake, then what kind of magic power must it be?

Seeing that Luo Nan didn’t look like he was blind, the Nine-Tailed Fox Spirit couldn’t help but swallow his spit, and some hope regained in his eyes: “Do you really know that magic?” ”

“What do I lie to you about at this time?”

Luo Nan said without anger, “However, I really can’t imagine it now, just like using the technique of fishing for the moon in the well to break through this palm Buddha country.” ”

The nine-tailed fox also raised his eyebrows, bent his fingers and cocked his smooth forehead, trying to recall his memories, hoping to snatch up some more useful things.

After all, as long as she helped Luo Nan escape, she herself could also regain her freedom and get rid of the shackles and suppression of this Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda!

Before the nine-tailed fox spirit could not see hope, so the interest was lacking.

But at this moment, knowing that Ronan would actually use the long-lost magic power, he naturally began to have a heart.

A moment later, the Nine-Tailed Fox Spirit suddenly slapped his head and rushed over with excitement and grabbed Ronan’s arm, “I remember!” ”

The nine-tailed fox spirit jumped with excitement.

Without a trace and this beauty. After the Fox Spirit pulled away, Luo Nan asked, “What do you remember?” ”

The Nine-Tailed Fox Spirit looked out after noticing Lonan’s untraced estrangement. There was a flash of gloom, but there was still a smile on his face as always: “Little brother, the slave family just thought that there was a sentence mentioned in that classic.” ”

Hearing that the nine-tailed fox spirit had changed its name for itself, Luo Nan also smiled in his heart: “What did you mention?” ”

“The slave family didn’t know much about it, but they only remembered what it said above, that Gufang Daoist turned himself into the moon or something.”

Hearing this, Luo Nan frowned, his heart was puzzled, and he kept muttering: “Turning yourself into the moon?” ”

Suddenly, Luo Nan’s eyes lit up: “Do you say…”

The art of fishing for the moon in the well takes the heavens and the earth as the well, and turns all beings and all things into the moon, and can fish for everything!

But before that, Luo Nan had never wondered if he could also turn himself into a moon if he was also a member of all sentient beings!

“If you take this Buddha’s kingdom in your palm as a well and turn yourself into a moon, can you fish yourself out?”

Luo Nan looked excited: “It must be so, that Gufang Daoist must have used this method to get out of trouble!” ”

Thinking of this, Luo Nan directly held his fist at the Nine-Tailed Fox Spirit: “I wrote down today’s kindness, take me out of trouble, and definitely return your freedom!” ”

After saying that, Luo Nan’s figure disappeared directly into the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda and returned to the Buddha’s Kingdom in his palm.

In that Buddha’s kingdom, there were still many bursts of Zen sound at this moment, but Luo Nan no longer felt irritable when he heard it.

“The Buddha’s kingdom in the palm of your hand?”

Luo Nanzui’s corner rose and his eyes were firm: “When Qi Tian Dasheng failed to jump out of the Five Finger Mountain, I will jump out today to see!” ”

Saying that, Ronan stretched straight out. Draw your fingers in front of you!

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