Luo Nan killed all the way from the South Heavenly Gate to the Ling Xiao Treasure Hall, during which he died several times, the only purpose of which was to return to the Linggen belonging to Wu Mengyu and Song Yuyan’s second daughter.

After all, without the spirit root, the second daughter can only be a mortal forever, and at most a few decades will turn into a handful of yellow soil.

This is something that Lonan can’t tolerate!

Ancient Cloud: One Man Gets the Chicken Dog Ascension to Heaven!

He is now the Heavenly Immortal Limit, and he has the Saiyan bloodline that can never die, so it can be said that the future is unlimited!

Under such circumstances, how could Ronan watch the two women around him gradually age in the following decades and then die?

Retrieving the Linggen and letting the second daughter re-embark on the path of cultivating immortals is Luo Nan’s greatest purpose!

But at this moment, the Jade Emperor said that the second daughter’s spiritual root had long been crushed by his palm and completely dissipated.

How can this be acceptable to Lonan?

At the moment, the green tendons on Luo Nan’s forehead directly burst out, and the angry flames burning with clenched fists, and the breath emitted from his body was even more terrifying than ever!

Even the Jade Emperor, who was standing before the supreme emperor, was still a little shocked when he felt the breath emanating from Luo Nan’s body.

However, this bit of panic was quickly suppressed by the Jade Emperor, although he was only a beginner in the Great Luo Golden Immortal, it was difficult to deal with Luo Nan’s attack!

However, in this Ling Xiao Treasure Hall, the Jade Emperor had a complete certainty in his heart, once he really fought against Luo Nan, he would definitely not lose!

Seeing that the anger in Luo Nan’s eyes was getting stronger and stronger, the Jade Emperor’s heart was getting happier and happier!

Even directly making a move to add fuel to the fire, the zui corner rose with a smile and recounted: “When I thought about the day when I extracted the spiritual roots of those two people, the sound of painful pleading seemed to linger in my ears until now, which is really pleasant…”

“Zhang Bairen!!!”

Luo Nan was already extremely angry, and after hearing the words of the Jade Emperor at this moment, he could no longer bear it, and a loud pop directly sounded in his mouth!

This cheer sounded like a bell ringing like thunder, and instantly resounded throughout the Ling Xiao Treasure Hall!

At the same time, Luo Nan took a step forward and rushed directly towards the Jade Emperor not far away.

The Jade Emperor’s eyes flickered, and the Fa Decision that had been prepared for a long time directly squeezed, and in a flash, a large array suddenly appeared in the middle of the Ling Xiao Treasure Hall.

This array of laws is densely packed with layers of lines, which is extremely complex, and it just looks dizzying and difficult to accept.

And at this moment, this array of Fa just put Luo in it!

When Luo Nan saw this, his five fingers were pulled in succession, and the Great Desolation Prisoner’s Heavenly Acupressure directly slammed into that large array, making a red rumble!

However, the great earthquake that trapped Luonan was like a copper wall and an iron wall, and there was no sign of shattering at all!

When the Jade Emperor saw this scene, the pride on his face could not be concealed: “Don’t waste your effort!” Once you fall into this Shangyuan Prison Immortal Array, even if the Ninth Order Great Luo can’t run out, if there is no way to deal with you, why do you think I am waiting for you here? ”

The Jade Emperor sneered, “I know that you have the secret of resurrection from the dead, but in this Shangyuan Immortal Array, you can’t ask for death, I will beat you into the nineteenth layer of hell and imprison you for hundreds of millions of years!” ”

The Jade Emperor’s face was full of self-confidence that everything was under control, expecting to see despair on Luo Nan’s face!

However, the Jade Emperor was soon disappointed!

Because on Ronan’s face, there was no look of despair at all.

Before killing Luo Nan, Emperor Zhenwu had woken up Luo Nan and said that there was a large array of imprisonment in the Ling Xiao Treasure Hall, telling Luo Nan to be careful.

Emperor Zhenwu knew that Luo Nan had the ability to resurrect from the dead, and also specially warned him, so Luo Nan had long speculated that this imprisoned array could prevent him from dying and be imprisoned for eternal life.

At this moment, trying to control the Yuanshen self-explosion, Luonan found that it was impossible to achieve.

However, there was no panic in his heart.

Since he had already guessed this and dared to kill the Jade Emperor directly, Luo Nan naturally would not really be afraid of this so-called imprisoned array!

“Zhang Bairen, you are happy too soon!”

After a cold hum, Luonan’s heart moved, and a white bead that was missing half of it flew out of Luonan’s storage ring!

This missing half of the white bead was the treasure that Luo Nan had seized from the golden-winged eagle.

The origin of this object is extremely extraordinary, it is the relics left behind by the eighth body of the Golden Cicada, and it was engraved by the Buddha with endless ciphertexts, and holding this relics can escape from all the forbidden formations in the world!

It was precisely because of this thing as a reliant that Luo Nan dared to unscrupulously break into this Shangyuan Prison Immortal Array!

As the Lord of the Heavenly Court, the Jade Emperor ruled over the Three Realms of Heaven and Earth for a long time in the past, and even the West Niuhe Zhou, where Buddhism was stationed, had to be controlled by him!

Although the situation was different now, and West Niuhe Zhou was completely independent, the Jade Emperor’s vision would not change.

When Luo Nan pulled out the white beads, the Jade Emperor obviously recognized them quickly.

“You would actually own this thing!”

The Jade Emperor’s eyes were as bright as a brass bell, his eyes were full of disbelief, and Fang Cai’s self-confidence had completely disappeared!

And Luo Nan’s face flashed a trace of mockery: “I said that there are many things you can’t think of!” ”

As the words fell, Luo Nan directly pointed into a sword and cut off half of the white relics in front of him!

The cut off half instantly disappeared into a piece of dust and wrapped around Ronan’s body.

Luo Nan only felt that his body was wrapped in an extremely mysterious force, and without hesitation, after putting away the remaining half of the relic, he rushed directly to the outside of the Upper Line Prison Immortal Array!

The copper wall and iron wall derived from the Shangyuan Prisoner Immortal Array, after encountering the dust of the relics on Luo Nan’s body, it was like turning into an invisible and immaterial light curtain, and it was impossible to stop Luo Nan at all.

After easily walking out of the Shangyuan Prison Immortal Array, Luo Nan looked at the Jade Emperor, looking cold, and looked down at the Jade Emperor above him: “Did you really destroy those two people’s spiritual roots?” ”

Luo Nan broke out of the battle, and the Jade Emperor was horrified in his heart, but his face was not weak: “So what?” ”

Luo Nan’s eyes narrowed slightly, and a fierce light flashed in it: “Yes, you will have to pay the price!” ”

At the same time as Luo Nan’s voice fell, five fingers came out in unison, directly opening the super race state, and the breath soared towards the Jade Emperor point! _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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