The figure was fixed by Luo Nan, and Nezha’s eyes flashed a touch of surprise, but he did not panic!

Although this suspected fixation technique was very magical, Nezha had already received some information about Luo Nan from his father Li Jing before he went into battle.

Therefore, at this moment, the most correct response was made in an instant!

Only to see Nezha’s inner Yuanshen shout, “Broken! ”

With this Yuan Shen Sound, the Qiankun Circle that surrounded Nezha’s shoulder suddenly vibrated and released a circle of golden aura outwards!

This golden aura collided with the surrounding space, emitting a series of crisp sounds of “clicking”.

Along with this sound, the space around Nezha’s body was frozen and shattered like glass.

However, although the shackles were lifted, Nezha, who had regained his freedom of movement, did not look good.

As the saying goes, one drum is strong, then it declines, and three are exhausted!

Nezha’s leading soldiers were already waiting here for many events, and just when Luo Nan arrived when he had accumulated his momentum to the peak.

Nezha’s bearer rushed out with peak momentum, trying to hit Luo Nan hard or even kill him, but he was blocked by Luo Nan with his prison heavenly finger.

Now that the momentum has been interrupted, it is difficult to continue.

And just when Nezha sighed for this, his face suddenly changed, and then he suddenly looked up!

At this moment, a huge finger with the aura of the ancient wilderness still appeared above Nezha!

Feeling this terrible breath that he had never experienced before, Nezha’s eyes flashed with horror, and he couldn’t care about anything else at once, and his first reaction was to step on the wind and fire wheel and run!

But soon, Nezha found that the huge finger that fell from the sky was like a trick of the tarsal bone, and it could not be avoided and could not be shaken off!

No matter how he ran, this huge finger was above his head, and it was approaching at a very fast speed!

This made Nezha’s face flash with helplessness, and he directly manifested the three heads and six arms of the divine power at the moment, and then raised the fire spear and the Qiankun circle at the same time, ready to resist the attack!


With a roar, the huge finger that fell from the sky finally collided with Nezha’s magic weapon.

Suddenly, the whole heaven and earth seemed to tremble, and a fierce hurricane that had never been seen before was blown up above the heavenly court, blowing away all the qi that surrounded the heavenly court!

Immediately afterward, Nezha’s body flew out directly backwards, almost directly out of the Heavenly Court range!

And if someone sticks to Nezha’s body and observes it carefully, they will find that there are already fine cracks on Nezha’s body.

Obviously, with Nezha’s strength, he simply could not withstand Luo Nan’s attack!

At the beginning, when Lonan was still just in the Immortal Realm, this finger could make Kratos spit blood!

You know, Kratos is a true seventh-order golden immortal, and a seventh-order golden immortal known for his physical strength.

And Nezha Xiu is only a sixth-order gold. The lotus root transformed into a body could not be compared with Kratos.

Now facing Ronan’s stronger finger, how can he stop it?

Even with the Mixed Heaven Aya Body, the Lotus Root body is not lightly damaged!

“Father is right, this gang is really strong, I am still careless!”

Looking at Luo Nan from a distance, Nezha murmured in his mouth, and a trace of regret flashed in his eyes.

The next second, Nezha sent a message to the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals he had brought to himself: “This evil man is so powerful that I can’t deal with it alone, so everyone immediately arranges a wonderful wind and fire array!” ”

Every Heavenly Soldier Heavenly General above the Heavenly Court had mastered a large number of formations.

Some of these formations are combined techniques, and some are group enhancements, but the most important one is to gather the strength of everyone in one body and forcibly promote the cultivation of that person!

For example, the eight-level splitting light array used by that Demon Liqing, the four-elephant Juyuan array used by Li Jing, and the Taimiao Wind Flame Array that Nezha ordered to arrange now, were all like this!

The effect of these kinds of formations is much the same, but when the number of troops and strength are different, there will be different choices.

This is too wonderful wind and hot array, in terms of effect, it is the strongest of the three formations, and it is in line with the Nezha attributes, which can maximize the effect!

Those Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals had already taken their own positions.

At this moment, hearing the Lord’s command Nezha was also directly activating the formation.

Suddenly, among the camp of more than a thousand Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals, a flash of wind and fire light appeared!

This wind and fire light emerged from the top of each Heavenly Soldier Heavenly General’s head, and then turned into a filament and gathered together through the formation, and then crossed tens of miles directly into the Wind and Fire Wheel at Nezha’s feet, and then entered Nezha’s body after being transformed into pure Immortal Force through the Wind and Fire Wheel!

With the influx of this pure immortal power, the breath emitted from Nezha’s body was also becoming more and more powerful.

Seventh Order Golden Immortal!

Eighth Order Golden Immortal!

Ninth Order Golden Immortal!

Da Luo Realm!

Nezha’s breath, in just one breath, soared from the Sixth Order Golden Immortal to the Great Luo Realm!

In addition, because a large amount of immortal force entered the body, those fine cracks on Nezha’s body were also all fused.

In an instant, he recovered from a badly injured body to a full state!

After entering the level of the Great Luo Golden Immortal with the help of the formation, Nezha’s face was full of confidence, and then he directly approached Luo Nan with a swing of his feet.

Luo Nan saw that it was also a direct blood vein burning, and opening the super race state made the combat effectiveness soar fifty times!

Then the black light in his eyes flashed, his pupils disappeared, and a large piece of black light shot directly towards Nezha!

“What is this thing, how is it similar to the secret art of the golden-winged eagle, but I haven’t heard my father mention it, presumably it is not a powerful technique…”

Nezha was confused, but he didn’t care, and he rushed directly into it with the Chaos Heaven Aya!

However, in the moment of entering it, Nezha’s face changed drastically!

“Damn, this is the Golden-winged Roc Eagle’s Spirit Eater Magic, where did he learn it!?”

Nezha rushed into the black light, only to feel that the skin of the body directly appeared a little black spot, and then the skin and flesh quickly fell off into fly ash.

Even the Chaos Heavenly Aya on his body, the musket in his hand, and even the decaying breath on his body!

Although he had forcibly ascended to the Great Luo Realm at this moment, his body was still the body of a sixth-order Golden Immortal, and he couldn’t stop this eclipse black light at all!

Shocked, Nezha hurriedly mentioned Xiu Wei and was ready to rush out of this black light.

But at this moment, his body suddenly stagnated, and the space around him seemed to freeze!

“It’s that trick again!”

Nezha gritted his teeth and scolded darkly, shouting in his mouth: “Break it open for me!” ”

At the same time as the sound sounded, the Qiankun circle in Nezha’s hand vibrated, directly shattering the frozen space around it.

But before Nezha could use this instantaneous freedom to escape from the black light, a pagoda had already appeared above his head! _

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