The Heavenly Garden is made up of an extremely vast hanging island connected by a very large island.

The so-called Thirty-Six Heavenly Palaces and Seventy-Two Treasure Halls are actually only counted among the more famous.

In fact, the palace islands in the Heavenly Court were far more than ten times more than this number, but all the immortals with names and surnames basically had a palace of their own.

These palaces were not close to each other and were scattered everywhere, so that the entire Heavenly Court was extremely vast, even spreading from the Ninth Heaven to the Thirty-third Heavenly Heaven!

But to think that this would allow you to easily sneak into the heavenly court from all directions would be a big mistake.

Around the Heavenly Garden, there was a Zhou Tian Grand Array, which wrapped all the Heavenly Palace Treasure Hall in it.

In other words, it is equivalent to this vast heavenly court, which is actually in a transparent giant egg, and breaking in from any direction requires breaking through the large array of prohibitions wrapped outside the heavenly court first.

But to break through this prohibition, first, it is not an easy task, and second, once the eggshell is broken, it will also be directly discovered.

Therefore, if you want to enter and exit the Heavenly Garden, you can only go through the four Heavenly Gates, the southeast, and northwest, or the Fallen Mortal Pool in the middle of the Heavenly Garden!

Of course, this heavy rule is only for immortals, and mortals are not among them.

Because mortals did not have immortal power in their bodies, the formation that enveloped the Heavenly Court would not be useful to mortals, so Luo Nan could directly fall into the mortal world without triggering the prohibition.

After all, mortals simply can’t go to the Heavenly Court, let alone break in!

However, now, Luo Nan had become an immortal, and once he approached, he would inevitably trigger the forbidden formation.

This time, there was no Platinum Star taking him to the back door, so there were only two ways in front of Ronan.

One is to enter from the South Heavenly Gate, and the other is to find a direction to break into.

Nowadays, Luo Nan did not know whether the two daughters of Wu Mengyu and Song Yuyan were taken to the Heavenly Court to be a blessing or a curse, so it was not appropriate to directly break in.

Under consideration, Luo Nan’s figure flashed and he went directly towards the South Heavenly Gate.

The South Heavenly Gate has always been the most prosperous of the four gates of the Heavenly Garden, the southeast, southwest, and northwest.

Because the four heavenly gates of the heavenly court actually correspond to the four continents of the netherworld.

South Tianmen corresponds to South Zhanbu Zhou, North Tianmen corresponds to Beiju Luzhou, East Tianmen corresponds to Dongsheng Shenzhou, and West Tianmen corresponds to West Niuhe Zhou!

Whichever continent you want to go to, you have to go out of which gate.

From which continent you go up, you naturally enter from which gate.

Northern Juluzhou demons are rampant, Dongsheng Shenzhou is a gathering place for idle wandering immortals who are not restricted by the Heavenly Garden, not to mention West Niuhe Zhou, which is the residence of the Buddha, and has little contact with the Heavenly Garden.

Therefore, if you count it, the most frequent communication with the Heavenly Court is the Southern Zhanbu Continent, where a large number of mortals gather.

What old moon, lucky stars, plague gods, land…

These immortals who are closely related to mortals must not travel back and forth between the Southern Zhan Buzhou and the Heavenly Garden, which officially promotes the prosperity of the South Heavenly Gate, and also makes the South Heavenly Gate the most familiar one among the four heavenly gates of the Heavenly Garden.

Among the four heavenly gates, the north and south heavenly gates are the most heavily guarded.

The North Heavenly Gate is to defend against the demon Outer Passage, while the South Heavenly Gate is to monitor the entry and exit.

After Luo Nan turned into a party and rushed to the South Heavenly Gate, the Heavenly Soldiers guarding the gate immediately shouted loudly, and roared like thunder: “Come and stop!” ”

Since Luo Nan did not intend to break in, at this moment, he also followed the form of rules, dropped his figure outside the Heavenly Gate and walked forward.

The Heavenly Soldier who guarded the gate was much stronger than the ordinary Heavenly Soldier, and the ordinary Heavenly Soldier did not pass the Dao Fund Dan Realm normally, and after the war drum bonus, it would also be the Yuan Infant Scattered Immortal.

But the Heavenly Soldiers stationed outside the South Heavenly Gate were all solid Heavenly Immortals without exception!

The two Heavenly Immortals looked up and down at Luo Nan, but did not recognize Luo Nan’s identity, so they snorted coldly, “Who are you, where are you from, and why did you enter the Heavenly Court?” ”

The attitude of this day soldier made Ronan frown, if it were placed on Mount Olympus, he would have slapped these two goods to death.

But now thinking about the blessings and misfortunes of Wu Mengyu and Song Yuyan’s two daughters, plus these are all their own immortals, Luo Nan also took a breath.

“Before the rest of the month, King Tota Tianzi went down to fight with the angels of the outside world, and after the end of the day, he arrested two women from the mortal city to go to heaven, and those two women had a good relationship with me, so I came to visit in my heart, and asked a few to let a few give way!”

Luo Nan thought that he had said this very politely, but he did not expect that the gatekeeper was coldly humming: “Nonsense! What kind of characters are King Tota and the Third Prince of Nezha, and how can they possibly catch two mortals to heaven? ”

A cold light flashed in Luo Nan’s eyes, and in his heart, which was already very unhappy, there were three more points of anger at this moment.

Forcibly suppressing this anger, Luo Nan said with the last trace of patience: “This matter can be proved by tens of thousands of people in the world!” ”

That day, the soldier frowned, signaled that Luo Nan was waiting here now, and then closed his eyes and zuichun did not move, obviously reporting to his superiors.

After only a few breaths, the closed-eyed Heavenly Soldier opened his eyes again, and his eyes were full of indifference.

“How can mortal words sit in truth? You must have been deceived and said that the person you are looking for is not in the heavenly court, let’s go! ”

Luo Nan’s voice was cold: “If there are tens of thousands of people, it is not counted?” ”

A sneer flashed on Tianbing’s face and he whispered, “Even if King Li Tianwang really brings the two people you said to the Heavenly Court, that would be their blessing!” As for you, the Heavenly Court is not something you can enter if you want to! ”

“Yes, it is not easy to read your cultivation, I advise you to be careful in your words and deeds, this time the two of us will not bother with you, and quickly get out of the South Heavenly Gate!”

The Heavenly Soldier on the other side was also humming coldly at Luonan.

And Ronan, at this moment, was already like frost.

The words of these two heavenly soldiers had already made Luo Nan certain in his heart that Wu Mengyu and Song Yuyan’s second daughter were brought to the heavenly court as a misfortune rather than a blessing!

The second daughter herself is not special, the only thing in common is that she is not shallow in her relationship.

That is to say, it is very likely that you are being targeted because of yourself.

So, how can Ronan sit idly by?

“Originally, I was born of the two of you and me, and I didn’t want to easily erase your life, but since you two are so ignorant, then you have to blame me for being ruthless…”

The words fell, and Ronan’s fingertips tapped…

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