Seeing the first few words on the list of Hong Huang Divine Powers, Luo Nan’s eyes suddenly burst out two clusters of essence, and his heart beat violently even more!

Obedient, first-class magic!

These four words alone can already make Ronan’s breathing become very urgent. Promoted!

Thinking back to the first-class divine powers that I had seen on the list of flood and desolate divine powers before, which one did not have the power of the heavens and the earth?

After taking a deep breath and suppressing the excitement in his heart, Ronan continued to look down.

【Fishing for the moon in the well】: The well is the source of chaos, and the moon is the edge of the heavens. With heaven and earth as the well, with all things as the moon, nothing can be fished!

In this short sentence, Ronan only felt unparalleled domineering.

“Heaven and earth are wells, all things are moons, and nothing can be fished…”

While silently reciting this sentence in his mouth, Luo Nan also closed his eyes, and hung in mid-air, silently feeling the magic secret technique that he had just obtained.

Luo Nan knew in his heart that as long as he fully mastered this divine power, his combat power could be completely increased by another order of magnitude!

If you add the fifty times the combat power bonus provided by the Super Saiyan form, even if you face the Great Luo Golden Immortal, you have the power to fight a battle, and you can even kill it!

The Celestial Immortals killed Da Luo.

If this is said, I am afraid that everyone in the world will take it as a joke.

But in Ronan’s hands, this joke is likely to become a reality!

At the same time that Luo Nan closed his eyes and realized that the moon was fishing in the divine well, the town a hundred miles away was very lively.

Everyone was discussing enthusiastically who the immortal who had come down from the sky to save them was a legendary figure.

And when the city lord Zhao Jun told the truth, tens of thousands of people in the city were stunned!

The existence that saved them from the hands of the big demon, powerful to the point of being invincible, was actually like them, a former earthling, that is, a player today?

This result is difficult for many people to accept.

After all, among them, the highest-ranking Zhao Jun was only the thirtieth level, the Daoji Realm.

And the great demon who saved them, but could easily kill the Immortal Realm, at least they were Heavenly Immortals.

Even the obviously more powerful bald old man who appeared behind was frightened and fled.

Although people couldn’t see everything that was happening in the sky a hundred miles away, they could also know that Luonan must be much stronger than the bald old man, otherwise what did the bald old man run?

“I didn’t expect that among our Earth players, there was such a powerful existence, which was beyond my expectations!”

“Yes, I always thought that the strongest among the current players, even if they were stronger than Zhao Jun City Lord, would be at most more than forty levels.”

“But that being, at least more than a hundred levels!”

“The further we upgrade, the more difficult it is, we can’t catch up for a lifetime, we can only look up!”

“He should have looked up, but he was the great benefactor who saved tens of thousands of people in our city!”

“I propose that we build the stone statue as a token of thanks!”


Lonan’s closed eyes are two days and two nights!

During these two days and two nights, Luo Nan remained motionless, concentrating on the secret art that came from the list of the Divine Powers of the Flood Desolation.

Fishing for the moon in the well is not only a kind of magic, but also a kind of faith!

If you want to learn the art of fishing for the moon in this well, the skill is secondary, and you must have the courage and integrity to override everything.

If you don’t have the courage and mentality to look down on everything, how can you treat heaven and earth as a well, turn everything into a moon, and do what you do to fish for the moon in the well?

In the past two days, in addition to learning the methods of using such magical powers, Luo Nan has also continuously improved his courage and will.

When you are fearless, you can naturally have a mind that overrides everything!

That is the arrogance and domineering spirit of seeing the saint who does not bend down!

Although Ronan had not yet reached that point, he was already very close.

This is not because Lonan lacks courage, but because integrity and pride have always been based on strength.

If there is no strong strength as a reliant, arrogance is nothing more than arrogance.


After exhaling all the turbid qi that his body had accumulated over the past two days, Luo Nan took a step forward, directly across the hundred miles, and appeared above the town where Zhao Jun was located.

Ronan looked down from the sky and then suddenly stretched. Out of his palm, he slowly drew an arc-shaped trajectory in the void in front of him.

“Take heaven and earth as wells…”

As Luo Nan’s words fell, a ripple suddenly arose in the void, like a well water that had been lightly touched, and rippled with Daoist waves.

These colors are centered on Lonan and spread in all directions.

At this moment, the surrounding area of Luonan was suddenly filled with water vapor, and the void around it was transformed into a water surface by a strange and incredible force at this moment!

At this moment, if you look down from the highest place, you will surely find that the void around Luonan has become a well.

In the well, ripples are pervasive.

“Turning all beings into the moon…”

When Luo Nan’s voice sounded again, under the originally empty well, a large number of beings suddenly appeared!

This large number of beings is the projection of everyone in the town below.

Zhao Jun, Zhao Jun’s girlfriend, and the girl known as Xiao Cai were also impressively listed!

Luo Nan could see the joy on Zhao Jun’s three faces.

You can also see that hundreds of people in the south of the city have begun to erect a towering statue, and the appearance of the statue is somewhat similar to their own.

It can also be seen that at the north gate of the city, a stone stele has been erected, and three words are written on it: Luonan City!

In addition to this, in many people, Ronan can see flashes of light of various colors.

“Realm, Yuan Baby, Divine Power, Blood Vein, Life Expectancy… It turns out that all this can be displayed in the well, and I can catch it…”

Luo Nan’s fingers gently slid on the mirror surface, swinging the ripples of the Daodao, and murmured in his mouth: “In this way, the art of fishing for the moon in the well has been small!” ”

“Moreover, if the Burning Blood Vein gains fifty times the combat power bonus, the power of this Well Moon Fishing Technique can certainly be increased several times, but there is no need to verify it at this moment!”

The words fell, Luo Nan waved his hand, the well wave dissipated, and then directly down into the city!

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