After sending a voice to Artemis, Ronan only felt a sudden change in the heavens and earth around him.

The faint flame above his head, the glow of light emitted wrapped Luo Nan’s whole body in it, and Luo Nan only felt that everything around him was retreating in the direction away from him!

Mount Olympus, the valley of the snow-capped peaks, and the gods led by Zeus.

They all drifted away from Ronan’s field of vision and quickly disappeared.

Luo Nan looked down, only to see that the ground under his feet was flying back at a speed he had never seen before, and even had exceeded his visual limit to become a streamer of light that was not real.

At this moment, everything in Ronan’s vision became almost chaotic.

After this feeling lasted for ten minutes, Luo Nan suddenly felt as if he had rushed out of a eardrum and entered a very strange space.

The space looked pitch black everywhere, with no color.

In the pitch-black space, there was a constant surge of formless and intangible chaotic breath.

“Is this the Chaos Void?”

Lonan looked in all directions and murmured in a low voice.

Originally, only a strong person who surpassed the Great Luo Golden Immortal level could enter, and even the quasi-saint level could not survive in this chaotic void for a long time.

Only saints and sub-saints who can absorb the breath of chaos can be unscrupulous in the chaotic void.

Luo Nan did not expect that he could actually walk in this chaotic void.

After entering the Chaos Void, Ronan obviously felt that his speed under the flames was obviously countless times faster than before in the Olympus World.

And just when Ronan was wondering about this, the voice of the Flintlock Clan sounded in his heart again.

“I do not belong to the world of Olympus, so wherever I come I will be suppressed by the will of the world, but in the midst of chaos I will not be.”

Hearing the explanation of the Fu Ren Clan, Luo Nan nodded.

Anyway, now that he was walking through the chaos and idle, and happened to encounter such a cattle man as the Fu Ren Clan, Luo Nan naturally would not let it go.

Because there is not much information on the beginner’s guide.

Most of Ronan’s knowledge of today’s world is from the mouths of Taibai Venus and Houyi.

However, the level of Houyi and Taibai Venus itself is also like that, and naturally it is impossible to be with the Furen Clan who is a sub-saint, so many Xinmi do not know much.

Therefore, in Ronan’s mind, there are many doubts that cannot be explained.

What exactly is this world?

Why is the Earth changing like this?

Why do game modules load into the real world?

Everything of this kind is a question that bothers Ronan’s mind.

Luo Nan asked Hou Yi, but Hou Yi did not know the details.

At this moment, seeing the Furymen’s Clan answering the doubts in his heart, he also climbed up through the pole and asked the doubts in his heart to the Furyūren’s thoughts.

Of course, Luo Nan was not sure whether the Fu Ren Clan would answer his doubts.

In fact, Ronan didn’t even know why the Flintlock had appeared in the Olympus world to save himself.

However, the Fulins clearly did not disappoint Lonan.

Not long after Ronan asked the question, a shadow appeared in front of him.

This shadow sat in the endless void in front of Ronan, formless and insubstantial just a simple projection.

Wearing the simplest turf clothing, Projection has a calm and kind face, and looks at Ronan’s gaze like an old man looking at the most satisfied descendant.

“The juniors have seen the Flintlock Yasheng!”

Ronan bowed and was very sincere.

Not to mention the contribution of the Fu Ren Clan to mankind, just by saving Luo Nan once, so that Luo Nan did not have to return to the Scattered Immortal Realm to rebuild, this kind of kindness was worthy of Luo Nan’s worship.

Revenge will be repaid, grace will be returned, this is the first criterion of Luonan’s behavior and work.

The Flintlock smiled and waved his hand, signaling that Lonan did not need to be polite, and then explained to Ronan, “I know that you have many doubts about the changes in this world, but this matter is a long story, but it happens that there is nothing wrong at this time, and you listen to me in detail.” ”

When Ronan heard this, he immediately made a look of listening.

The Flintlock Clan glanced at the endless void around him and said to Luo Nan, “In this world, there is the Supreme Avenue, and below the Great Avenue, there is the Endless Chaos Void, which is where we are now.” ”

“The Endless Chaos Void is vast, and even the saints don’t know how big it is. In the beginning, there was nothing in the endless chaotic void, and after many years, in the endless chaotic void, several wills were suddenly born! ”

“Will?” Lonan questioned.

“Yes, the will.”

The Fujin Clan nodded and counted, “This is true of Kaos, Celestial Gochu, Orlaug, Ra, Brahma, Jehovah, and so on, including, of course, Pangu.” ”

Luo Nan was slightly stunned when he heard this, and he did not expect that Pangu was originally a will.

The Flintlock Clan seemed to see Lonan’s doubts, and then said, “These original wills were the beings who created the worlds, but their methods are also different. Kaos, Celestial Emperor, and Orlaug were always just wills, and eventually they experienced endless years to evolve the world, while the wills of Pangu, Jehovah, and Brahma became chaotic beings and forcibly opened up the world. ”

“There are relatively few holy seats in the world that has been forcibly opened, such as the world opened up by Brahma and Jehovah, and there are only three holy seats. My Pangu World is an exception, with seven holy seats, but it is also the Pangu Great God who has paid the price of his life in exchange for it, and he has great kindness in our world! ”

Speaking of this, the face of the Fu Ren Clan was also full of gratitude, after all, it was Pangu, which created the powerful prosperity of the Pangu World.

“After the creation of the world, the various creative wills evolved into the world will, which is what we call the Heavenly Dao, but our world fell because of Pangu, but fortunately, there are Hongjun Daoist people who sacrificed their lives to incarnate the Heavenly Dao, which can exist forever.”

Ronan heard what he said, and only then did he know how several worlds had emerged.

The names in the mouth of the Flintstones are not unfamiliar to him, Kaos gave birth to the Olympus world, Orlaug evolved the nine planes of the world tree, Ra is the god of creation of the Egyptian god system, Brahma is the god of creation of the Hindu god system, as for the Jehovah, it is God.

Sorting out the information he had just received in his mind, Luo Nan had another doubt in his mind: “Since the worlds created by each other do not affect each other, then why are there legends of these worlds on the earth?” ”

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