"We... Didn't go wrong, right?

Zhong Li held the pressure cooker, got out of the car, and stared blankly at the villa area in front of him:

"Live... Over here?

She turned her head and said to Xu Qiu in shock,

"Brother Xu! This! [Ziwei Huating] ah!

"A set is worth more than ten million!!"

"We're not in the wrong place, are we?"

Xu Qiu heard the sound, and a thoughtful doubt rose on his face:

"There should be no mistake, right?"

"If I'm not mistaken..."

"These seem to be mine~"

In the end, Xu Qiu couldn't help but show a smile.

Zhong Li was shocked even more speechless!

Whole...... All of them?

That's a set of more than 10 million!

Zhong Li emphasized it in his heart!

Ten peripheral units, plus one central villa....

This is an ultra-luxury housing area valued at 200 million!

After it is built, the defense is full, and the safe room specially prepared for Sister Ziyun when she parachutes!

It seems that Sister Ziyun has never been to this place.


How could this become Big Brother Xu!

"False... Fake, right?

Zhong Li's heart trembled, and he asked the question when he was at home again.

But this time, Xu Qiu grinned:

"This time it's true."

Di Di Di!

At this moment, Zhong Li's mobile phone also made a sound.

After she picked up, it was Hu Yao who called:

"Hello? Little Lili.

"Sister Ziyun gave us a task today, we are going to be a bodyguard for a big family!"

"That's a huge villa! We can also live in a big house~ You can go to confinement with peace of mind~ Oh, roar, roar~~

" "You can't think of where it is... Of course, I won't say it's just ~ "

Hello? Lili, why don't you speak? There

was also a sound of brakes on the phone, and a puzzle of Hu Yao:

"Huh? How come there are so many cars parked here?

"Wait a minute, Xiao Lili, I'll hang up first."

And then!

Just when Hu Yao, who was wearing a special forces uniform, hung up the phone, stepped out of the military vehicle, and walked in the direction of the traffic jam ahead to check.

I saw a familiar figure of a girl in the distance.

She was holding her phone in her hand, turned around, and looked at herself blankly.

Hu Yao

: "..." Zhong Li: "..."

The two looked at each other for a long time, silent.

Instead, Xu Qiu waved his hand and said with a smile:

"Coming? Then go for it. "

Move everything to the most central villa."

"Then you guys just find a house to live in."

"By the way, go buy some food, meat, or something, at noon... Let's go.

"Don't disturb me and Xiao Lili to eat."

Hearing the sound, Zhong Li came back to his soul directly!

"Brother Xu?"

It stands to reason that after letting people buy vegetables and meat, shouldn't they stay and eat together?

The corner of Hu Yao's mouth twitched, looked at Xu Qiu, and said in disbelief:

"You are... Xu, big brother?

Xu Qiu smiled and said, "Huh? What's wrong Yaoyao? "

The man who heard the 'first meeting' suddenly learned Zhong Li to call himself 'Yaoyao'.

She was uncomfortable.

Hurry up and stand upright!


Then trotted back, beckoned people to start moving things.

After moving things, purchase materials.

Although Xu Qiu joked about letting them all go back.

But in the end, everyone still had a big meal in the central villa!

The bald head and the mage can't cook, so they are responsible for cutting some melons and fruits.

The shooter will be a little, but not much.

I learned what 'soul sauce' was on the Internet and mixed with a bowl of cold skin.

Miao Yuetong sat on a small chair, nibbling on a cold cantaloupe like a hamster.

"Not as juicy as the fruits on our mountain, but quite sweet~"

Taught several people a lesson while eating.

"Hmph! Will be a blue man! Even the vegetable hook will not be made! "

A few men dare to be angry and dare not speak!

Aren't you too?!

You still steal it!

Seeing the expressions of these men, Miao Yuetong suddenly smiled: "If I do it, do you dare to eat it~"

As soon as these words came out, several men lowered their heads....

Made, I really don't dare!

"Do you really need my help?"

At this time, Xu Qiu was pushed out of the kitchen by Zhong Li.

"No, no, no! Leave it to us~"

Xu Qiu, who was exited the kitchen.

For a moment, I felt like I was leaving paradise!

In paradise... Well, it's not.

In the kitchen, it's full of beauties from the [Tianshu] squad!

From time to time, there was also the laughter of Yingying Yanyan inside.

Let Xu Qiu sigh even more!

Then sat on the chair, learned hamsters with Miao Yuetong, and ate fruits to appetize.

Xu Qiu ate the fruit and asked contentedly, "Why don't you cook?"

Miao Yuetong's little face was stuffed round, and she said the same: "Do you dare to eat it if I did it?"

Xu Qiu gave her a blank look:

"What don't you dare?" I'll eat it when you do it! "

Just kidding!

Don't say that the meal is poisoned.

Even if you eat in poison, you are not afraid?

Hearing Xu Qiu's words.

Miao Yuetong suddenly stopped the movement in her hand and turned her head.

Although the face is stuffed round, it looks cute and a little silly.

But her eyes showed unprecedented surprise and innocence.

This is the first time in 20 years that I have heard of someone willing to eat their own cooking....

For a moment, he said:

"Zun Du fake Du?"

"Of course..." Xu Qiu said this, suddenly reacted, and then sent a guarded look to Miao Yuetong:

"You shouldn't be making it very delicious, right?"

"If it is, I didn't say it."


Miao Yuetong grunt! Swallow everything in your mouth!

Then jump out of the chair!

"Wait! I'll go poison you! Then

he ran into the kitchen.

The bald head froze in place at once:

"Did I hear it wrong... She should have said 'cooking', right?

The mage still lowered his head, and his face was gray

: "No, you heard right..."

Suddenly, the two men stood up from the ground at the same time:

"That ~ big guy ~ It's not early, let's go back first!"

"You just gave us equipment, let's go and storm the tower again!"

"We'll see you another day!"

The two just turned around!

Suddenly, two ruthless iron hands pressed on their shoulders!

"What's the hurry

~" Xu Qiu's face appeared between the two, and he made a terrifying voice with a smile

: "Let's leave after eating~

" "We've all known each other for so long, poisonous and shared, it's difficult to be together!"

The two couldn't do it at all:



PS: The sullen shooter secretly glanced at the phone:

"Always have soul sauce at home, the soles are delicious"

1 spoonful of minced garlic, 1 spoonful of minced onion, 1 spoonful of coriander, 1 spoonful of millet spicy (don't eat spicy can not put), 1 spoonful of paprika, 1 spoon of cumin powder, 1 spoonful of white sesame seeds, 1 spoon of light soy sauce, 1 spoonful of oil consumption, 2 spoons of aged vinegar, 2 spoons of sesame paste (put more if you like to eat, I directly fill it!!)


"That's it!"

"Taller than those two beasts!"


At the dinner table of more than thirty people.

The shooter looked at his large bowl of cold skin and lowered his head to crouch in a corner:

"Sorry... I miscalculated the number a little..."

But the bald head and the mage were gobbling up cold skin!

The shooter burst into tears for a moment: "You guys... We are good brothers for life! The

bald head and the mage looked at each other, silent, and continued to snort the cool powder!


Only this food is safe!

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