"Brother Xu, I'm going to help Yaoyao and them rush a tower first..." "

You, you wait for me first, and teach you how to fight [Aion Aion] when I come back!"

Hearing Zhong Li's message, Xu Qiu cried and wiped two tears

: "Grow up, the wings are hard..."

Hu Yao also directly typed back the message:

"Hehe! Little Lili, we borrowed it!

"You're going alone!"

Seeing this, Xu Qiu replied 'hehe':

"A monk can't run the temple!"

As soon as these words came out, all the women couldn't help but think of something wrong!

Hu Yao even sent a sentence directly:

"Mimicry baby!"

After that, he hung up the phone and pulled Zhong Li to the tower.

"This activity lasts for half a month, but it's not urgent..." Xu

Qiu said flatly, but also clicked on the new version of 'teleportation navigation'.

Then he appeared directly in front of the [Stone Gate of Destiny] in [Wind Breath City].

It is an arched stone door made of large and small black stones.

There is a swirling pattern in the middle of the stone door, which is the style of a portal.

As soon as you walk in, you will be teleported into [Eternal Tower].

"Haw, haw..." For

some reason, Xu Qiu felt his mouth itch as soon as he saw the portal.

"It's all to blame Taruna!"

"Dark camp! Terrifying! All of them hallucinated me!

"Xu Qiu did not enter the Destiny Stone Gate, but went around to the side, squatted down, and knocked on the [Destiny Stone Gate].


Ring the bell!

In the puzzled gazes of the players who lined up to enter the [Stone Gate of Destiny].

Xu Qiu finally stood up:

"I really can't pry it down."

In this way, the idea of choosing to exchange [Stone of Destiny] with the [Goblin] clan is correct.

Everyone: "..."

Then, Xu Qiu walked into the [Stone Gate of Destiny].


【Ding! Welcome to [The Tower of Eternity]. The

world behind the door of "Phew~"

is a wilderness filled with sand!

Not far from Xu Qiu, there was a mysterious man wearing a hood, regardless of gender and age.

The mysterious man tilted his hood, 'looked' at Xu Qiu, and said in a loud voice:

"Are you here to challenge the [Eternal Tower]?"

Well, I heard it, it's a woman.

Xu Qiu bowed his head slightly:


The mysterious man immediately began to explain:

"[The Eternal Tower] is a tall tower deep underground, with a total of 99 floors, each with a different ecological environment and monsters."

"Destroy all the monsters in this layer to clear the next level. One boss every 5 floors, and one big boss every 10 floors.

"If you die in battle, you will not drop experience and items, but will teleport to your saved resurrection point in the outside world, and you will fall into a 30-minute weakness, which can cost silver coins to contact."

"You can earn points by destroying monsters and rubbing ancient texts, and come to me in exchange for 'runes'."

"Runes can help you win future battles more easily."

After saying simply, the mysterious man tilted his head and said to Xu Qiu:

"Is there anything I need to repeat?"

Xu Qiu said directly: "No need." If

it weren't for the fact that there was no way to skip, Xu Qiu would have directly chosen to skip.

Immediately, Xu Qiu stepped into the wilderness behind the mysterious person.

But right now!

An unexpected system prompt suddenly sounded in Xu Qiu's ears!

【Ding! [The gods of the earth and the mountains] sensed that you had entered the [Tower of Eternity], responded to your gaze, and sent you a trial of interference! 【

Ding! [Trials of the Earth and Mountain Gods]: All enemies you face during the [Tower of Eternity] event will have +100% health, +100% physical defense, and +100% magic resistance. 【

Ding! In a week, if you clear the 99th floor [Aternity Tower], [God of Earth and Mountain] will give you a small reward.

"Oh hoo?"

Xu Qiu raised his eyebrows:

"Don't say it, don't you really say it?"

Since the establishment of this [Gods] guild, there are finally gods who can't bear it!

Caused yourself a little trouble.


"This bonus is really poisonous enough!"

For Xu Qiu, who brushed [Eternal Tower].

I also have some understanding of the monsters in it.

The monster in [The Eternal Tower] itself highlights a 'hard' word!

The first big event of [Fate] is like a filter!

Filter out all the players who don't do enough damage!

Although, players can exchange points for runes to increase the damage caused in the [Aion Tower].

That also takes time and effort to brush.

But [the god of the earth and the mountains] gave himself a time limit of one week.

Really tight time, heavy tasks!

But Xu Qiu still looked relaxed

: "It's a little interesting

~" Immediately Xu Qiu stepped into the wilderness battlefield of the [Eternal Tower]:

"Try it first~"

Just when Xu Qiu stepped into the battlefield with this step!

Dust in the distance!

Faintly, dozens of hundreds of figures appeared from the dust.

It is a full 100 huge wolves with a huge body size, two meters high and five meters long!


Wolf] Introduction: Dinosaur

Carry Wolf Carry Dragon Carry ~ Dire Wolf Carry Dragon Carry Wolf Carry ~ Level: 20 Attack: 800 Life: 20000

Skills: [Wolf Howl], [Wolf Pack], [Gift of the God of the Earth and Mountains] - [Wolf Howl]

Description: We learn wolf howl together, whine together ~



For a period of time, attack power increased, attack speed increased.


[Wolf Pack]

Description: The sacred movement connects each of our wolves!

Effect: [Dire Wolf] shares health unless the wolves are all emptied!


[The gift of the god of the earth and the mountain]

Description: Become big and hard!

Effects: +100% Health, +100% Physical Defense, +100% Magic Resistance


Under the influence of [the gift of the god of the earth and the mountains].

[Dire Wolf], which originally had only 10,000 lives, directly doubled its 20,000 lives.


[Dire Wolf] also possesses an extremely terrifying [Wolf Pack] skill!

Wolves share health bars!

Even if there is only a trace of blood left!

100 dire wolves are still alive!

"The first layer is a dismount for all players!"

Xu Qiu nodded and showed a satisfied smile:

"For ordinary players."

"It is equivalent to having all teams deal a full 1 million damage to the wolves while withstanding the damage of 100 wolves!"

"It's a test of endurance and output ability!"

In the previous life, countless player guilds were stuck on the first layer!

Because the first layer also tests the size of the player's team.

So there are also players who recruit high players everywhere to expand their team and help break through the level!

After all, [Fate] still has many lone wolf

players, so [Eternal Tower] does not restrict the belonging of players.

"And this is the first floor of the [Eternal Tower]!"

"But..." Xu

Qiu smiled slightly, slipped his right hand, and touched his waist.

Next moment!

Countless rays of light lit up!

The brilliant light will wrap Xu Qiu!

Immediately, the light dissipated.

Wolf, lizard, slime, fox, flying rat.

Various summoned beasts appeared around, surrounding Xu Qiu.

And Xu Qiu was also looking at the [Dire Wolf] group in the distance

: "Even if the health and defense are doubled~

" "For me, it shouldn't be that difficult..."

Xu Qiu raised his hand and exclaimed:

"Do it!"


PS: Quietly Mimi said, I'm already thinking about the next little H book, are there any colored terriers?

Ji Ji is here to collect it

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