Slime continued to attract gold and began to multiply.

Xu Qiu also checked the material of [Mutant Sea Crab] - [Crab Yellow] by the way.

Appeared in front of Xu Qiu's eyes.

It is a handful of sticky together, yellow-green 'crab yellow'.

"Huh..." Xu

Qiu was a little happy for a while.

Glad that 'crab roe' was in a backpack and not in your hand.

And some feel unlucky.

This kind of thing has tainted his backpack!

It's disgusting!!

【Ding! The material [crab roe] was detected to contain essence - [rampage], [bubble], [crab egg], [crab shell]. 】[

Rampage] essence skill, which can make the speed of summoned beasts skyrocket!

After rushing out, deal one general attack + additional 50% physical damage to the unit.

300 units are required to redeem.

Suitable for [Bloodthirsty Demon Wolf].

The [Bubble] essence skill allows the summoned beast to release a bubble that can reduce enemy hits, physical defense, and demon resistance.

It's a secondary skill.

500 units are required to redeem.

Suitable for [Green Fox].

[Crab Egg] Essence can strengthen summoned beasts with 'summoning' skills.

[Frost Lizard], [Blood Bat Night Monarch], [Slime] can all be used!

Unit price 600 units [crab roe].

3 times is 1800 units.

All add up....

"2,600 [crab yellow] ah..." Xu

Qiu nodded: "Very fast!" "

There is [financial luck] in.

You can't kill a few of them to gather your needs.

"Let's do it!"

Immediately, Xu Qiu rolled up his sleeves and looked for crabs with Zhong Li, beat crabs, and killed crabs tiredly.

"I can't compare with summoning beasts, Brother Xu, you and I must be better than..." Zhong

Ligang was a little confident.

Suddenly remembered....

Big Brother Xu's output doesn't seem to be low...

Just when Zhong Li rushed to the next [Mutant Sea Crab].

Two white light cards suddenly shot out one step ahead of her!

Fried on the body of sea crabs!


-401 boom! -3232 (8 times)!

First shot!

The damage is already terrifying!

Three thousand six!

It has already withstood Zhong Li to switch to the 'epee mode' with the highest attack, and slash four or five times!

And the next shot, the damage is higher!


-643 (crit)! Peng! -8359 (13 times)!

Critical hit!

Nine thousand total injuries!!

Only the damage caused by the second light card!

It evaporated one-fifth of the blood volume of that sea crab!!


Zhong Li raised his sword and looked around, dazed.

Is this really a damage that a summoner with little combat power can handle?!

Moreover, the figures for these two rounds of damage are pasted together.

Although the damage figures are calculated separately.

But it counts as one damage!

This adds up....

One attack, 10,000 total injuries!

Brother Xu... It's only level 29!

【Fate】Did the numerical expansion start so early?

And after Xu Qiu launched this attack, he smiled slightly:

"Good luck, triggered the second combo of [rapid fire]~"

A new light card is now at your fingertips!

[Card Senjutsu]!

It's that fast!

Hurry up when Zhongli and [Mutant Sea Crab] are lifted.

Xu Qiu had already sent out two attacks in succession!

[The mutant sea crab] only has one-third of the blood left.

When Zhong Lige blocked the sea crab's first attack.

There is still half of the sea crab.

When Zhong Li attacked twice, only a quarter of the sea crab remained.

When Zhong Li looked at Xu Qiu with anger.

Sea crabs have turned into new crab roe.

Let's just say it....

"The game experience is so bad!"

Zhong Li waved the sword in his hand!

Obviously, when he was in the [Tianshu] squad before, his combat effectiveness was definitely the first!

Even in the entire guild of [Liye]!

You can definitely rank in the top ten when you fight yourself!

But that top ten.

It means that the gap between each other cannot be beaten anywhere!

How did you get to Big Brother Xu......

The gap in combat power during the day is even greater than the gap in combat power at night?!

"Do I want to brush more tasks and change some powerful equipment and attribute points..."

Zhong Li stopped for a while, sat obediently on the reef, opened a huge thick book in his hand, and examined it carefully.

The book in her hand.

It was after completing the [Goblin's] escort mission.

[Goblin] Respect for prestige in exchange - [Business Book].

"How? Don't fight anymore? Xu Qiu came over and made a mocking sound.

"Get up! Hum! Zhong Li struggled to get out of Xu Qiu's arms, but symbolically drilled twice and then stopped drilling.

Then turned the two pages of the book and made a shocked voice

: "In this book, all the prints are 'commissions' and 'exchanges' of the [Goblin] clan..."

Xu Qiu nodded:

"So, this book is a real treasure for players!"

What introduces the eye, first three big words:

--- vertical



turn to the right, the first module is [neutral commission].

The commission here is only among the [Goblin] family.

At least have a 'neutral' reputation level to receive commissions!

[Neutral Mandate

] Delegate: [Collect Crab Roe] Introduction: Goblin Master [Xin Jifei] replenishes the inventory of alchemy props, and requires materials - [Crab Roe


Category: [Collection

] Demand: Collect 100 units of crab roe and send it to any stronghold of the [Goblin Moss] family. (Click to view stronghold distribution)

Reward: [Goblin Moss] Family Reputation X10.

Deposit: 5 points prestige

time limit: three days


Mandate: [Kill the Fish Man] (someone has taken it) Introduction:

The flooding of [Mutant Fish Man] in the offshore waters has seriously affected the navigation of the trade road, and the [Mutant Fish Man] is eliminated.

Category: Combat

Requirements: Go to [Fluorescent Sea] (XX, XXXX) and kill [Mutant Fishman] (0/20) in this area.

Rewards: [Goblin Moss] Family 40

Reputation Deposit: 10 Reputation

Time Limit: 5 days


Each commission is a real need for the [goblin] family.

As long as you complete the commission, you will gain a lot of the prestige of the [Goblin] race!

The book is also updated in real time!

When someone picks it up, the delegate will be in a gray 'received' state.

Others are temporarily unavailable.

But the 'neutral' chapter, the delegated reputation rewards, are mostly single-digit and double-digits.

And to the higher level of 'friendliness'.

The prestige rewards you can earn are in the triple figures!

As for the two, they already have a 'respect' chapter!

After completing the mission!

The [Goblin] reputation that can be obtained has soared to 4 figures!

In contrast!

The difficulty of these commissions is also difficult!

Or explore an uninhabited island!

Or just look for a vein!


Even contribute [Ancient Parts]!


This kind of thing is rare in all [Terra Continent]!

It is simply impossible to get it through general channels!

Zhong Li looked at the things he couldn't understand, and rubbed Xu Qiu's chest:

"No wonder... These quests are only available for 'respect' prestige.

"Ordinary people like me can't understand what it is, right?"

Xu Qiu smiled slightly:

"It's okay, there is me."

Immediately rubbed Zhong Li's head with his chin, pointed to the word 'neutral' and smiled:

"There are a lot of 'Zhong Li'."

Zhong Li smiled, and also pointed to the word 'demand':

"There are many 'Xu Qiu'~"

The two warmly looked at this huge and thick [business treasure book].

Only the [Wood Slimes] in the distance were slowly moving.

Keep cooking!


PS: I watched "Lonely Rock" today, and I want to buy a set of figures, I think ah! I would love to!!

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