"How! So many people?! "

The soldiers of [Glow Poison City] have just stormed [Wind Breath City].

It just doesn't feel right!


They thought there might be more people.

But the 'people' they imagined were all unarmed city-dwellers!


Now standing in front of them are one player battle group after another!

It's all big men with red eyes!

That's called a lot!

Look around! More than the [Glowing Poison City] siege soldiers who rushed in!

"Huh? Got in yourself?

"It's been half an hour since I teleported to the city wall, and I'm worried that I can't get in line!"

"Roar! It's actually leaning towards me! "

Made, rush!!"


next moment!

All the travelers who have been waiting under the walls for a long time.

Directly poured into the pile!

Players who are too energetic because they have held back for too long, hold back for a long

time to "kill ah——!"

"Look! My knife is very handsome!

"My! My! I'm going to kill you!"

"Hahahaha! Let me show you, [Burst Magic] of my Fire Mage clan!!

"It's okay, I still have zombies! One cut! Two cuts! Three cuts! "


scene was extremely chaotic!

In the words of a strategist...

The entire northwest of Jin is in chaos into a pot of porridge!

All players who come to [Windbreath City] know.


Doesn't matter!

[Fate] has said:

As long as you can defend [Wind Breath City], you will directly return to death punishment!

Then just send it and you're done!

As long as you can hit a little output, you are earning!

This leads to!

The houses, streets, squares near the city wall have all become battlefields!

Every minute, the city's buildings are under attack!

As a result, the prosperity of [Windbreath City] also began to decline.

Not much, but stable!

Xu Qiu was on the city wall, looking at the completely chaotic [Wind Breath City], and narrowed his eyes slightly

: "Hmm~that's it~

" Then opened his friend interface:

"Xiaoli, if you finish things there, take [Bulun] over."

Zhong Li's side received it in a second.

Xu Qiu closed the interface and also took his summoned beasts to participate in this chaotic battle!

"It's time for this farce to end!"


"Damn it! Endless ants! "

The huge regiment leader, although he can stab an ordinary player!

But every attack!

There will be a dozen or even dozens of attacks, coming from all directions!

Bombard him!

Scrape his blood streaks!

Over time, his life was like a candle in the wind....

"Damn it!"

The regiment commander hates it!

But he didn't know who to hate!

It seems that he is definitely going to fall here.

When you go back and resurrect, your attributes are reduced, your ranks are removed, your equipment is robbed, and even women can have fun!

"Colonel! What are we going to do? The

nearest adjutant asked him with an ugly face.

He could only bitterly say hatefully:

"Keep killing!!"

Even if it's death!

Kill a few more people too!

Brush up on your own battle exploits!

Go back and take the credit, if you can punish less, punish less....

"As long as you don't stop, the road will continue to stretch!"

The remaining remnants of the defeated army heard the sound, and their eyes couldn't help but light up!

"So! Don't stop! "

Just as he said this!

In a trance....

He saw a figure in the distance at the stone window of the top tower of the City Lord's Mansion!

His eyes flickered as his life was dying.

Saw clearly.

Yes, that woman!

That Taluna, who was leisurely leaning to the side, swaying her white thighs that dangled brightly in the moonlight, looked down at him!

She still has a mysterious smile on her face!

The dazzling red lips moved slightly, and a few words were said in the air:

"You, can't go back~"

The next moment!

The regiment commander suddenly found out!

The ground under his feet suddenly lit up with a faint purple light!

This kind of light in the chaotic battlefield, almost no one will notice!

Only the people of the [Church of Light] were sensitive to it!

Catherine's eyes were like a torch, and she hurriedly reminded Xu Qiu beside her:

"There is an abyss breath!"


The regiment commander is not yet ready to act!

Several one-man-tall tentacles wrapped around black thorns stretched out from under his feet!


Those tentacles at lightning speed!

After entangled the regiment leader!

Directly brought him into the magic array below!

"Huh? What happened?

"What about a boss I'm that big?!"

"This is a plot kill? Or is the plot slipping? How do you say it's gone?

"I was killed three times, three times! I haven't taken revenge yet! "

..." The

players were puzzled, and they didn't have time to waste time on thinking.

Keep killing the remaining enemies!

Take advantage of the last time to grab more monsters!

Xu Qiu, on the other hand, narrowed his eyes.

This familiar means ....

Definitely Taruna!


Right at this moment.

There was a 'roe deer', which accelerated and jumped to Xu Qiu's side from a distance!

She said to Xu Qiu with some fear

: "That's it, this feeling!"

"It's the same as in our settlement!"

"It was the same in our settlement at the beginning, and suddenly there was a [Abyss Rift] in the center!"

"Then a large number of [dryads] and abyss monsters appeared!"

She looked at the ground where the regiment commander disappeared not far away, and said with a somewhat ugly face:

"But this time it's a little different... It was something that was taken away.

Xu Qiu nodded secretly, soothing Leia who was frightened and her tail was sandwiched in the leather drum:

"Don't worry, it's not something that was taken away."

Catherine: "..."

In Catherine's speechlessness, Xu Qiu glanced at the tower of the City Lord's Mansion in the distance.

There was no longer Taluna.


After the battle, you still need to ask.

With the last siege soldier falling to the ground!

A series of deafening system prompts suddenly reached everyone's ears:

[Ding! Thank you travelers, [Windbreath City] defended successfully! 【

Ding! All defenders of the city return death penalty! 【

Ding! Wind Elf Silver's Strength +1 (Attack +10%, Movement Speed +10%) for one week (6D23H59M59S). 【

Ding! Players in the [Wind Breath City] sphere of influence, morale extra +1! Lasts two weeks (13D23H59M59S)! 【

Ding! The contribution of players in this defense is being calculated! Please be patient...]

to hear the system prompt!

All players, at the same time raised their weapons high!

The entire battlefield instantly burst into a carnival sound:


"Win!! ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ

""[Wind Breath City] Hold it!!"

"Huh? I just finished my homework online, how did it end?!

"Little brother, you're okay! My sister took a morning off and was going to brush up all night, but as a result... Didn't catch up with woo-woo either!


the entire [Wind Breath City] players cheered, and Catherine said to Xu Qiu in a bit of a trance:

"We, we actually won!"

"It's still total annihilation!"

"It's like a dream..." Xu

Qiu heard the sound and joked with a smile

: "Appearance

~" "It's just 30,000 people, it's like a dream~"

Immediately glanced at Catherine:

"Then if I counterattack [Glowing Poison City] at that time, you must not be scared into dreams?"

Catherine heard the sound, and he smiled and did not take it seriously:

"That will indeed be scared ~"

At this moment.

Xu Qiu received Zhong Li's message:

"Brother Xu, we have arrived~"

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