Xu Qiu, who didn't know what happened in the City Lord's Mansion.

Already came to a certain street.

Here, there stood a woman whose large hood could not cover her bosom.

She saw Xu Qiu coming here, and trotted over

: "Dusk, you are here~

" Xu Qiu nodded:

"Long wait, Catherine."

"Soon, I've just arrived." Catherine shook her head, took off her hood, and revealed a serious look:

"Leah settled down, thank you, Dusk, I haven't seen a tree spirit for a long time..."

She pursed her mouth and said to Xu Qiu:

"When the battle begins, the believers will evacuate the civilians as soon as possible."

"We will also go straight to the war and try to block it... 30,000 enemy troops!

When she said these words, although Catherine was a little unconfident, her eyes were full of determination.

"Don't be so nervous

~" Xu Qiu smiled flatly

: "Thirty thousand people just sounds like a lot~

" Catherine's face became even more ugly for a while:

"Dusk, don't joke at such an important moment."

"That's 30,000 people!"

"All [Wind Breath City] people with combat power don't add up to this number!"

Xu Qiu shrugged his shoulders and made a confident voice:

"But we are guarding the city."

"What I'm best at is tower defense!"

Catherine didn't understand at once:

"The tower... What the?

"Nothing." Xu Qiusheng said in his hand:

"It is said that the other party has 30,000 people, but when it comes to [Wind Breath City]~" "There are less than 30,000

who can survive."

This sentence sounded, as if Xu Qiu had made some preparations.

But when Catherine asked.

Xu Qiu didn't say anything.

"It's just a little surprise~

" "Moreover, at least now that the city gates have been closed and the citizens have begun to strengthen the city defenses, we are ready."

"There is a mind to calculate or not, the advantage is in me!"

Hearing this, Catherine glanced at Xu Qiu faintly.

It seems like...... No matter when, he is so optimistic!

Whether it's the first time you meet, help yourself collect healing herbs.

Or the one who faced the dark camp with a crushing strength gap.

Or is it the current situation that is about to face the pressure of the army this time.

Dusk always had a smile on her face.

A look of victory.

Maybe it's because I saw the smile on his face.

Catherine felt that her mood couldn't help but improve.

Maybe, you can really win....

【Ding! [Cardinal Catherine] has a 1,000 increase in favorability for you. 【

Ding! [Glamorous Luck] triggers, [Cardinal Catherine] increases your favorability by an additional 7000 (7x)! The current favorability rating is [Brotherhood]. How


What's going on?

I haven't done anything yet.

How did it increase favorability?

And luck is great!

I have just reached level 21, and the upper limit of the multiplier triggered by [Charm Luck] is 7 times.

As a result, this really gave me a 7 times good impression of the crit!

Xu Qiu glanced at Catherine, who was touching her chest with one hand and had a strange expression on her face.


Is this [destiny] talent of your own on purpose?

The favorability is about to break through the sky!


At this moment, Catherine pursed her mouth and let out a thin mosquito-like sound:

"Dusk, can you... Touch my head?

As soon as she said this, Catherine hurriedly defended:

"Just, I am, I'm a little nervous!"

She almost buried her head in her chest and nodded:

"When I was a child, every time I was nervous before the exam, my father would touch my head so that I would calm down."

Xu Qiu's face was complicated immediately.

I treat you as a friend, but you take me as a father?!

"I hope you can calm down~"

Immediately, Xu Qiu stretched out his hand and put it on Catherine's head.



Catherine, like a frightened cat, suddenly hit a spirit!


As Xu Qiu's big hand stroked her long black hair.

Catherine also gradually relaxed.

But the head is shyly getting lower and lower.

'It feels so good!

Xu Qiu also closed his eyes.

This touch is like the feel of comforting someone when they bite themselves.

The hands are silky, the head is rhythmic, and the girl still makes a comfortable soft moan from time to time.

It can be seen that Catherine is really relaxed.

【Ding! [Cardinal Catherine] +10 favorability for you. 【

Ding! [Charm Luck] triggers, [Cardinal Catherine] has an additional 40 (4x) favorability for you. 【

Ding! [Cardinal Catherine] +10 favorability for you. 【

Ding! [Charm Luck] triggers......]

.... Every touch.

Catherine's favorability towards Xu Qiu will increase a little!

Xu Qiu smiled for a while.

It turns out that the head is a sending point to enhance the favorability!

For a long time~

After staying until the favorability increased by more than three hundred points, Catherine raised her head slightly.

Xu Qiu withdrew his hand.

Catherine's gaze became more determined, and her mentality calmed down:

"I will try to hold the city!"

Xu Qiuyang smiled:

"It's us."

Catherine snorted, put her hood back on, and walked in the direction of the [Church of Light].

Xu Qiu, on the other hand, was the communication panel shaking.

Received an item from Kosice

: [City Lord Token] [Subordinate]: Wind Breath

City [

Permissions]: With it, you will have the rights of the City Lord! The military power of [Wind Breath City] can be directly dispatched!

[Prestige]: 48 (the resources collected by the inhabitants of the city are only 48% of the normal value, and the upper limit is 150%)


: Level 20: 2,000 15 Level: 5,000 10 Level: 10,000 Level 5: 50,000 Level 1: 200,000

"Oh roar?"

Xu Qiu's eyes couldn't help but light up!

What a bonus!

With this token, I can feel the combat power of [Wind Breath City] more intuitively!


The gap with the incoming [Dark Faction]'s 30,000-strong army!

"If I'm not mistaken..."

Xu Qiu squinted and recalled:

"In the previous life, the army of 10,000 people alone had 7,000 level 15 and 3,000 level 20!"

Not to mention that now [Glow Poison City] has sent an additional 20,000 people.


Relying on [Wind Breath City's] own city defense strength alone, it is impossible to resist this city defense battle!

Even if the construction of the city defense begins, it is already too late.

"Go to the city wall and take a look..."

Xu Qiu walked in the direction of the outer city wall.

There, too, is a place where I have fought.


Outer city walls.

Xu Qiu, escorted by several inner city people, climbed the city wall.

"That man... It's so familiar..."

"Why is it so like the person who killed me?"

"Are you mistaken? Aren't the people who killed us all bombarded to the slag by the people of the church? "

Yes, yes, my intestines were bitten by his dog, I remember it clearly, how could it be

" "..." Hearing

a group of familiar voices, Xu Qiu was not so vicious to give them a face-to-face.

Just carefully inspecting the city defenses everywhere.

Over here.

There are quite a few city-dwellers who are humming and mending the city walls with righteous indignation!

While mending it, he cursed and cursed in his mouth:

"Damn Kosice! The walls are broken, so let's repair them!

"I'm going to fill your little holes with cement today!"

"The crack looks beautiful~ If you haven't repaired it for a long time, it's wet inside, and you have to use wall powder to dry up the water inside!"

"Is the hole here because of the long grass? The developed place is good, there is no smell at all, you come to plug the hole here! Although

Xu Qiu could feel it.

These long-unemployed city wall tinkerers were excited to have a job after a long absence.

But this style of painting....

Something seems wrong....

Stand on the city wall.

Xu Qiu looked at the [Swamp Forest]

in the distance, which was only twenty meters high, and it was basically level with the trees in the distance.

The view is not open.

"Mad Kosice, he must have deliberately planted a dryad on the edge of the city wall to facilitate the enemy's approach!"

Fortunately, I just obtained the [City Lord Token]!

These [dryads] ordered by Kosice to be planted are also part of their own city's citizens!

Immediately, Xu Qiu grinned:

"Pull out the roots, my [dryads]!"

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