> "Let's... Don't attack?

Patriarch Tifara received Xu Qiu's proposal and was a little puzzled:


Xu Qiu smiled when he heard this: "

Where do you have the confidence to be able to contain the 10,000 troops sent by [Glowing Poison City] with this little force of yours?"

Patriarch Tifara froze slightly.

Myself...... He shouldn't have told Xu Qiu how many troops he had observed, right?


Tiphara and her clansmen hid among the trees, looking through the flowers and trees to the dark and very regular human army in the distance!


"You may have guessed wrong."

"[Glow Poison City] sent out more than 10,000 people..." "

It's 30,000!"

Xu Qiu raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard this!

Another point that is different from the previous life!

30,000 people!

This life!

[Glow Poison City] actually sent three times as many centaurs out of the previous life!


The [dark camp] increase in troops is nothing more than a situation.

I feel that 10,000 combat power is not enough!

That's why reinforcements were sent!

Xu Qiu couldn't help frowning slightly.

That's the problem!

Why does [the dark camp] feel 'not enough combat power'?

Judging by this 'capture of the city' battle.

[The dark faction] should be able to win easily!

After all, the city gates are open, and there are still internal ghosts inside...

Xu Qiu felt that the [Dark Faction] sent 10,000 people to take over the main city.

Not to mention 30,000 people!

In the previous life, the [Dark Faction] sent 10,000 over.

I and many players fought hard to defend [Wind Breath City]!

These 30,000 people... It's a bit too much!

"Could it be that someone in the [Dark Faction] knows that [Wind Breath City] has hidden dangers, so they are really ready to seize it by force!"

Xu Qiu's eyes narrowed.


Xu Qiu feels:

Although he has changed a lot of world lines.

But there is still an invisible big hand that tries to dismiss the world line from the right track!


Xu Qiu smiled happily!

"It's called a game!"


"Just 30,000 people... Who to look down on?

Patriarch Tifara was on the other end of the communication, listening to Xu Qiu's self-talk.

There was silence for a while.

This man... Are you so confident in the face of 10,000 enemy troops?

It's even a little conceited!

This was not the [Night Tree Spirit] army of hundreds at that time....

It's a real, well-trained 30,000-person battle regiment!


For some reason....

Knock knock!

Patriarch Tiphara's heartbeat suddenly accelerated!

It seems that I also feel....

Dusk can do it!

Then what you can do is only not to act rashly.

After all, the life of the entire clan was saved by him, and it can no longer be recklessly sent out....

If you want to move, you can only wait for the right time!

Play to the fullest of your use!


Hang up the communication with Tiphala.

Xu Qiu received Zhong Li's news again.

It is said that the situation over there has stabilized [Qingquan Town]!

Xu Qiu nodded secretly.

Originally, I thought of a quick victory!

After sorting out the troops of [Qingquan Town], take [Wind Breath City] in one go, and then suppress all rebellions in one fell swoop!

But when Xu Qiu knew that the [Dark Faction] had reinforced 10,000 people.

The command was changed.

“...... Refer to Article 3.

Zhong Li asked

, "Brother Xu, where are you now?"

"I'm now..."

Xu Qiu looked at the wall in the distance with the three big characters 'Wind Breath City'.

Taking the city with a bang will only make people too tired.

Players may be okay.


Therefore, as reinforcements, they obediently hold [Qingquan Town].

And himself .

. A flat laugh came out of his mouth

: "I, I want the whole big job~"

Hanging up the communication, Xu Qiu hugged his arms and sighed

: "But I haven't seen this gate building for a while~"

Behind the distance:

the summoned beasts are full of firepower!

Destroy the [dryad] monsters around you with all your might!

I don't know when it started....

The trees around [Wind Breath City] have all turned into dryads ambushed here!

"Kill them all."

When I communicated with Catherine before, I said it myself.

Walk in from the main entrance!

Only now, all those who guard the door are enemies!

【Ding! Your killing of [Dryad] caused dissatisfaction from [Windbreath City Lord - Kosice], [Windbreath City] reputation -10. 【

Ding! Your killing of [Dryad] caused dissatisfaction from [Windbreath City Lord - Kosice], [Windbreath City] reputation -10. 【

Ding! Your actions caused ...]


Countless identical prompts, with the death of [Dryad].

It continued to pass into Xu Qiu's ears!

At the end, two more deafening prompts came:

[Ding! [Wind Breath City]'s favorability for you has dropped to [Water and fire are incompatible]! 【

Ding! Detecting that you are in the [Wind Breath City] sphere of influence, it is recommended to leave. "

Makes sense~

" Xu Qiu nodded and said seriously:

"But I don't accept suggestions!"

Immediately looked at the [Wind Breath City] garrison in the distance.

When the player's favorability in the sphere of influence is extremely low.

It will be easier to attract the attention and attack of the enemy!

The alert range equivalent to the enemy force will be greatly increased!

At this time, they sensed Xu Qiu's existence.

So he gave orders to a few guild squads on the side!

After the dozen or so guild players nodded and took the order, they leaned over with great momentum!

Beside them, there were a few [dryads].


The [Dryad] has been completely fused with the city defense of [Wind Breath City].

"Hey! Where did you come from? Hurry up!

"Where did it come from, where did it go back! Don't force us to do it! "

I just started a 'patrol mission' today, how did I commit a crime?"

"We have the city defense order of [Wind Breath City], and PVP does not drop the 'justice value'!"


the NPC's order, several players are still very confident.

Only a few players spoke suspiciously:

"Brother, what have you done, why did the defenders of [Wind Breath City] let us drive you away?"

Xu Qiu smiled slightly when he heard this:

"Killed 100 million [dryads]."

As soon as these words come out.

Everyone was stunned!


"You dare to kill the dryad? You're done!

"Don't blame me for not reminding you! It's still time to run! The

player who was puzzled just now glanced behind Xu Qiu's empty back:

"Why are you alone... Your teammate group is extinguished? "


the voices of several people just fell!

The three dryads inserted in the ranks have already stretched out vines!

Pumped in the direction of Xu Qiu!

"Send, it's late!" A knight player couldn't help but sigh.

But the next moment!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Three balls of flame liquid suddenly erupted from a distance!

It exploded fiercely on the heads of these three dryads!




Under the 50% damage increase effect of [Origin Suppression]!

Every mouthful of inflammatory liquid!

are capable of causing more than 9,000 high damage!!

These low-level dryads near the main city!

The health value is only worth 7,000!

Lightning Deal!

Utter and utter seconds!

I can't even withstand the second attack of the [Frost Flame Lizard]!

The dozen or so players who came down to find fault were all frightened!

"This... How did the [dryad] blow himself up?!

"You're blind! Blast yourself a fart! That's being beaten by someone!

"Fart people! That must be a siege gun! Someone bombarded it with artillery!! "


people were stunned!

Hurry up and turn around and run!

As he ran, he shouted:

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!

Looking at the fleeing players in the distance, Xu Qiu smiled slightly, and said in a low voice:

"Although you don't know what will happen, I don't bother to explain them one by one~"

Immediately looked at the [City Defense Army] who were also nervous in the distance.

They saw that Xu Qiu was only one person!

Appear on their own!

Archers in place at the gates!

The axeman at the gate is in place!

And at the same time attack yourself!

"This is what a city battle looks like~

" Xu Qiu grinned at the corner of his mouth:


" "Siege the city!"

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