"How do I feel... Where do I seem to have seen you? The

priest Lori sat on a stool.

On the ground in front of him sat a man who had been beaten to the point of invisibility.

But he has a very iconic, shiny bald head.

Only then did several people nearby recognize him.

"This way of picking up was outdated decades ago, right?"

Xu Qiu said sincerely, "I don't remember where I saw you.

"But little brother, the feeling you give me is very familiar..." Pastor

Lori showed a hint of doubt, and immediately glanced at the bald head.

"Then why did you hit him?"

Xu Qiu's face was full of innocence for a while:

"Which eye did you see me hitting him?"

"It's clearly his fist at me, and it's two faces!"

"I'm the victim!"

When the bald head heard this, he roared in his heart that 'big guy' is really shameless!

But a louder voice in the heart!

It's the mage and shooter who are hiding behind the two walls in the distance!

They must have seen the big guy and Miao Yuetong!

But they both remind themselves.

How can I be beaten one by one, I dare not say!

Made! It must have been intentional!

"Anyway... You all hit my people.

Miao Yuetong got up, patted the white priest's white robe that was completely inconsistent with her heart, and came to Xu Qiu's side:

"As the saying goes, if you don't fight, you don't know each other."

"So, let's add a contact information~

" Bald head: "??? "

Is this how you don't fight and don't know each other?!

He hit me!

And then you guys add friends?!

Why add friends?

Hit me again if your hands itch in the future?

Xu Qiu couldn't help but frown.

This girl, the brain circuit is different from normal people!

Immediately refused:

"No, I'm a lone wolf player and don't like to be associated with people."

Miao Yuetong glanced at her bald head and approved

: "Then don't treat me as a human being~

" Xu Qiu: "..."How

long has her symptoms lasted?!"

Is this an answer that a normal person can come up with?!

"Still not."

Glancing at Miao Yuetong in disgust, Xu Qiu said, "I don't want to contact you." "

This is already clearly writing 'disgust' on the face!

And yet....

"Hmm~ The little brother has a personality!"

"Good! I like it! Pastor

Lori nodded in satisfaction, and then stretched out her little hand and patted:

"Bald head, reward!"

Then the bald head instinctively got up from the ground.

He took out '1' gold coins from his backpack and handed them to Xu Qiu.

Xu Qiu

: "..." The bald head turned gray: "Don't ask, I'm so much..."

Why do you look tamed?!

Are you still the bald head you used to be?!

After Xu Qiu stared at his bald head in disbelief, he accepted the gold coin with peace of mind:

"Don't think that as long as this is the case, I will give you the contact information!"

Miao Yuetong was even more interested:

"I understand~ add money, right!"

Hearing this, Xu Qiu opened his pockets towards his bald head, revealing an innocent expression.

The bald head saw Xu Qiu's action like receiving red envelopes in the New Year, and he was so angry that his teeth itched!

Suppressing his voice, he said:

"Big guy! Wool doesn't carry such a lot!

Xu Qiu's face became even more innocent:

"What are you talking about? I

don't know~" The bald head turned fierce:

"Then don't blame me... Dead Taoist friends are not dead and poor! "


He also opened the system panel and turned on the 'friendly injury mechanism'.

Then the two people behind the wall opened their own fame stunt -



A mage and a shooter.

For a while, uncontrollably leaned over from a distance!

The bald head was full of smiles for a while!

"Oops~ isn't this my good brother?"

"Why are you here?"

The mage and the shooter were full of fury for a while!

"You're a calculating me!!" X2

trio scuffled together in an instant!

Xu Qiu was appreciating this scene

: "I'm good at the hand of electronic fighting clams

~" The pastor Loli on the side also 'giggled' and said:

"Yes~ I think so too, Brother Qiu."

Xu Qiu turned back suspiciously:

"Brother Qiu?"

"Are you calling me?"

Miao Yuetong didn't expect herself to be so sudden.

Xu Qiu was not squeezed out by himself!

Did you guess wrong?

It's still that Xu Qiu's skill is so profound!

"Don't give money, I'd better go~"

Shrugging his shoulders, Xu Qiu directly yo-yo!

Don't give Miao Yuetong a chance to test again!


Just with your little deeds, you want to deceive me this old demon?!"

On the road.

Xu Qiu sent a message to Catherine.


"[Kosice] City Lord ... Colluding with [Dark Faction]?

Catherine couldn't help but be shocked when she heard this!

The white-robed robes with red silk stripes on their bodies trembled slightly!

"At dusk you... Is there evidence? When

she asked this sentence, countless pictures flashed in Catherine's mind!

The ever-multiplying [dryad], the abnormality of monster status above people, the city wall that has not been repaired for months, the outer city where the people are full of grievances, the rumored story of Kosice's seizure of the throne...

The last story was sung by the bard Winnie.

Obviously, that kind of lyrics should be banned in [Wind Breath City].

But because she is good-looking, sings well, and has a very good tone in her lyrics.

So that 'story' circulated unknowingly!

Perhaps it is because the citizens of [Wind Breath City] are gradually losing their sense of security and want to find a place to vent.

The vast majority of outlanders will sing it!

"It seems that I don't need to provide evidence

~" Xu Qiu shrugged his shoulders and looked at the rain clouds that were gradually piling up in the sky

: "Prepare the umbrella~

" The corner of his mouth slightly hooked a smile, Xu Qiu said lightly:

"It's about to change."



PS: If you have time, mention Ji Ji's canon of not driving in the Book Famine Square~

Ji Ji will explode according to the situation!

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