[White Eagle Federation]

"Finally replenished my consumption..."

George gasped and looked around at the corpse of the monster that had been sucked dry around him.

Have to say!

After using to summon the undead, it can indeed greatly improve the efficiency of brushing monsters!

But those lost corpses will also take a long time to make up!

But it's fine....

The effect is still gratifying!

"After clearing this wave of monsters, even if you have completed the hidden mission!"

The next moment, a system prompt came from George's ears:

[Ding! Congratulations on completing the [Rock Tree Spirit] Hidden Mission! 【

Ding! [Rock Tree Spirit] has a favorability rating of +100 for you. 【

Ding! [Night Tree Spirit] has a favorability rating of +80 for you. 【

Ding! [Mori no Shu Spirit] favorability of you -10. 【

Ding! [Qinghai tree spirit favorability for you -50.] ]]

Under a burst of system prompts, a bloody smile broke into the corner of George's mouth!

In order to accelerate the improvement of strength!

He took a desperate move, worked hard, spent a full 8 million funds, and contacted the [Rock Tree Spirit] family who was very close to the [Dark Faction]!

Sure enough!

He has the channels of the [Light Faction], and then uses these intelligence channels to complete the tasks of the [Dark Faction].

The effect is better!

After winning a lot of mission rewards, George's mouth cracked!

"Going on like this, it is easy to catch up with those Yanhuang people!"

But just as George was about to go to [Rock Tree Spirit's] territory again to receive a new mission.

Suddenly, an unexpected prompt came into my ears!

【Ding! You are wanted by [Night Tree Spirit]! 【

Ding! [Night Tree Spirit] favorability for you -1000! 【

Ding! [Iwawa Tree Spirit] has a favorability rating of -800! 【

Ding! You are near the [Rock Tree Spirit] territory, please leave as soon as possible for safety reasons!

George: "??? "

What's going on?!

Who is [Night Tree Spirit]?

I haven't seen it myself, have I?

Didn't you just finish a task?

How is it wanted!

Next moment!

The rocky ground under his feet suddenly protruded a huge rock thorn! Get to the point!


He hurriedly cursed a mouthful of White Eagle Federation foul language and dodged this blow!

Just now, he also fawned over him in every way, praising him as a turning point in the fate of the [Rock Tree Spirit] family, and several brown-bodied [Rock Tree Spirit] walked out from the rocks on the side.

"Wait! Is there some misunderstanding between us?! George

still wanted to ask the truth!

But the Rock Tree Spirits had only one answer:

"Go and die!"


Camp [Mori no Kimei] camp.

"For some reason, I suddenly felt a lot more comfortable~" Xu Qiu said suddenly.

Behind him, Leia smiled and said, "

That's where I got it right, right?"

The tree spirit Lia continued to massage Xu Qiu with her small hands.

Although Patriarch Tifara had a smile on his face, his teeth were about to be crushed!

"Friend, when you 'commanded' just now, were you so 'tired'?"

Tiphala's words also specially reread a few words!

Xu Qiu quickly nodded:

"Of course!" Mental exertion can be serious! "

I just said something 'heart-wrenching' to that captain."

He lifted his clothes.

Now there is still a hole in the chest that has been spit through by Xiaoxi and has not yet recovered:

"I am also a wounded, right?"

It didn't wait for Tifara to reply.

The tree spirit Leia nodded her head:

"Yes, mother, Gege is already very tired!" Don't ask him anything more..."

Tiphara turned her back in a rare moment!

Saying something incomprehensible like 'wings hardened'.

Gone far.

This battle, for the [Mori no Tree Spirit] clan.

It's a morale-boosting battle!

The death of three hundred [Night Tree Spirits].

A lot of drops also filled a lot of gaps in the inventory of the [Mori no Tree Spirit] family.

The most important thing is to change to newer, stronger equipment!

Until now.

There are also quite a few [Mori no Tree Spirits], sitting together, using their own Origin Energy to purify the remaining enemy Origin Mark on their weapons.

Transform it into your own weapon!

In addition, by about tomorrow morning, all the abyss breath of the forest tree spirit will be purified!

After this battle!

[Mori no Shu Spirit]'s combat power has increased by at least 2 times!

"When we have a high level, we will be able to comprehend more skills from the soul origin!"

While pinching the 'trapezius muscle' for Xu Qiu with her small hand, Leia continued:

"At that time, we will be able to help Gege fight!"

Xu Qiu snorted:

"I'll wait."

But when it comes to comprehending skills from the Origin....

Xu Qiuyi thought of his [Bloodthirsty Bat King].

The same is true of small bats, which can comprehend skills as they become stronger.

The second is to think of it....

"You just asked me for the Origin Material of [Night Tree Spirit], did you discover something?"

Xu Qiu asked to the tree spirit Liya.

After killing the captain who wanted to die with him, but he took the first step when he was fine.

Xu Qiu collected materials such as [Night Tree Spirit Deer Antler Velvet] from their corpses.

Leah wanted one.

Xu Qiu was very reluctant, and at the price of letting Leia massage her back, she exchanged one of the 1763 [Night Tree Spirit Deer Antler Velvet] for her.

"Actually, nothing was found."

After Li Ya's little hand that massaged Xu Qiu stopped for a moment, she continued to squeeze it:

"Because... Gege, you once said: the power itself is not terrible, it is its owner that is terrible!

"That's why I wanted to see if I could get other powers from the [Night Tree Spirit's] race branch."

Xu Qiu couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.


This NPC is a real tiger!

What she says herself, what else is she really going to do!

If you want to comprehend the skills of other races, can you say that you can comprehend it?

That requires a lot of talent and a lot of hard work!


I just gave her a deer antler velvet....

Xu Qiu smiled helplessly, and asked without any hope:

"What is the effect?"

Leia smiled when she heard this, and nodded her little head:

"Gege is right!"

"I really comprehend [the Night Tree Spirit's] skills!"


PS: Now that the tomato picture is strictly checked, I guess I can't post the picture.

I'm wondering if I want to make a trumpet, post something healthy under my chapter, and keep the tradition.

What do you think?

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