"Even when you fight me, you don't take it seriously!"

The captain felt a huge insult and gritted his teeth:

"Don't think I'll only get beaten!!"


The thick wooden shield in the captain's hand suddenly lit up with a purple light!


The captain and the [Night Tree Spirits] behind him lit up with the same purple light at the same time!

Purple light formed a layer of armor with thorns on their body surface!

[Thorn Shield]!

Effect: During the duration, the defense of all units is increased, and when damage is taken, it rebounds with the percentage of its own defense.

Next moment!

The damage from the five girls dropped suddenly!

And after each attack they make.

Damage numbers of '-1800' and '-1800' will also pop up above your head!

One-sided pile driving output, instantly becomes injury for injury!


After Doudou punched out, he withdrew his hand and blew

: "It's so hard, it hurts..." The

two girls shooting arrows in the distance also suddenly covered their stomachs after another attack.

Pain was felt.

When the captain saw that [Thorn Shield Armor] was smiling, he couldn't help but grin at the corner of his mouth.

[Thorn Shield Armor], it's not just a simple blood deduction!

Pain is always prohibitive....

Even the big bats in the sky.

All stopped because of the effect of 'anti-injury'.

'[The Thorn Shield] has a limited duration, so hurry up now... What the?! '

The captain was just about to give orders!

But he saw the little girl in front of him, who looked quiet.

After frowning slightly, another punch came over!

The other girls too.

Without any stopping, I continued to get started!

Bang bang bang!


This time....

It doesn't stop at all!

"You guys! Can't you feel pain?! The captain was stunned and shocked to resist the shield!

This pain!

But only they [Night Tree Spirit] can endure it while continuing to attack!

These little girls of the race... You can even endure the pain and attack without changing your face!?

"Hmph! Who to look down on?

Doudou raised his little head and pointed his bloody little finger at the Night Tree Spirit Captain:

"We were trained by the master with a whip!"


: "..."Night Tree Spirit:

"..."The amount of information in this sentence... So big!

Master's, whip ?!

What a little Terran girl!

There is a master?!

Also whipped with a whip?

How beastly does that master have to be?

But the [Night Tree Spirits] won't stop there!

The follow-up [Night Tree Spirit] will not sit still and start attacking directly!


Knife chop! Summon! Archery! Magic!

As the main army that remained.

Their combat effectiveness should not be underestimated!

After the formation unfolded, directly try to surround these few Terran girls in front of him!

But just at this moment!

In the bushes in the distance, twenty half-human-tall demon wolves rushed out!

"Two-headed demon wolf? Monsters of the Abyss? "

Friendly forces?

Just when Captain Night Dryad was puzzled.

That group of demon wolves rushed directly to their camp!

"Go to the friendly army of the horse! It's the enemy! "

Just prepared to make a 'surrounding' formation, hurry up and change formations!

But it's not over yet!

Those wolves have already rushed over!

Blocked the two 'tips' of the 'pocket array'.

The formation that originally wanted to unfold again was actually restrained by more than a dozen [Night Tree Spirits] for a while!

And at this time....

[Mori no Shu Spirit] also showed their fangs!

"You guys have finally started the formation!"


[Night Tree Spirit] All the trees around!

Suddenly 'grown' [Mori no Tree Spirit]!


Captain Night Dryad gritted his teeth!

What I was originally guarding against was the ability of [Mori no Tree Spirit] to fuse with trees!

That's why I kept closing the formation!

Sacrifice output in exchange for rock-solid defense!

As a result, because he had to kill these humans first, his formation was slightly scattered!

The enemies will all rush out!

"Don't think it's only you who will summon!"

Tree spirit Yuna and tree spirit Tina, with 8 [Mori no Tree Spirits].

Step out of the trees in the rear of the army!

The land next to the deer's hooves was loosened, and a huge man-eating flower grew out of thin air!

Restrained the dark man-eating flower summoned by [Night Tree Spirit]!

In the distant trees on the side of the army, more than thirty [Mori no Tree Spirits] with wooden bows appeared in their hands.

There are also forty tree spirits with wooden spears in their hands.

"Sure enough, it was as my friend expected! You'll stop here! "

They walked out of the trees and launched a harassing attack directly from the flank towards the [Night Tree Spirit] army!

And right in front of the army!

Behind [Bloodthirsty Demon Wolf] and the girls.

All the remaining tree spirits appeared!

They are either incapable of fighting or are individual mages and auxiliaries.

An effective attack cannot be formed.

What they have to do.

It is to send treatment to frontline personnel, repair injuries, and...

Attract enemy attention!

In the eyes of the army of [Night Tree Spirit].

Those weak tree spirits a hundred meters away were like the head of the sect master.

It no longer catches their eye all the time!

Even if they can't go over and capture them until they have to deal with the crisis around them first.

But their attention will still be constantly attracted to the tree spirits.

Thus distracting.

When attacking and chanting magic, occasionally miss a beat, slow down!

"Master, there are still a lot of good things to absorb..."

Jing Jing, who was in the middle of the battle, nodded, and analyzed these orders given by Xu Qiu in his heart.

Master this heart attacking technique.

It's so bad!

But, useful!

Himself must be like the master, become so bad!

This instantaneous change of battlefield!

Caught Captain [Night Tree Spirit] off guard!

There was 'good news' from all directions, so that he did not know where to command.

But he is a battle-hardened captain after all!

After a few seconds, he had a countermeasure!

But just as he was about to command, a strange man's voice suddenly sounded in his ears:

"Didn't you say... Aren't you just going to get beaten?

A man's figure, half-lying on a branch in the distance, appeared on a distant branch:


The Night Tree Spirit Captain's face darkened, and he was not ready to pay attention to him!

The battlefield is changing fast!

Or is it important to command the battle!

But at this time, the man's voice came again:

"You want to close the formation and summon all the clansmen in the distance, right?"

Captain Dryad's voice was in his throat for a moment!

How did this man know?!

"Don't think about it..." "

Why do you think I dare to let the most vulnerable [Dryad Summoner] outflank you?"

Xu Qiu took a bite of the grapes sent by Leia, and said with a flat face:

"Isn't it because... You have no way back~ "

Next moment!"

A wolf howl came from behind [Night Tree Spirit]!

[Night Tree Spirit] look back!

Discover a group of familiar two-headed demon wolves and a group of green marbles with grassy heads that have never been seen before surrounded from behind!

Xu Qiu smiled slightly:



PS: Bad bad, very intimate ~

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