"Or ~let's call you lizard~"

Xu Qiu hugged his arms and smiled and named the two girls.

The red-and-black-haired [Frost Yan Lizard], hugged the blue-gray-haired girl who was exactly the same as himself, and showed a look of disgust for a while:

"Do you want to call the two of us by this name?"

It seems to be because he changed into a human form.

Her aesthetic then changed to a human form.

Especially this little beauty in her arms who exudes a quiet atmosphere!

Hee hee hee ~

Xu Qiu shrugged his shoulders:

"Then..." The

girl with red and black hair was called Xiaoxi.

The blue-black haired girl is called Xiaoyi.

"I'm so talented!" Xu Qiu was very satisfied with his ability to name himself!

But Xiaoxi doesn't think so.

She pouted and rolled her eyes at Xu

Qiu: "Isn't it just to take apart the word lizard..." Xu

Qiu glared at her:

"Besides, I'll send Xiaoyi out!" So you will never see her again! Xiao

Xi's heart was suddenly shocked!

"You! What a badass! "

For a while, Xiaoyi in his arms tightened!

Xiao Yi also made an uncomfortable voice at this time:

"It's too tight... I can't stand it..." After

trying to break free from Xiao Xi's embrace, Xiao Yi rushed directly to Xu Qiu's side.

While holding

Xu Qiu's thighs, she stared at Xiao Xi warily

: "I don't like you

..." She buried her head in Xu Qiu's clothes:

"I like the master..."

"I swear, that's the most wonderful expression I've ever seen in my life!"

Xu Qiu strolled by the swampy lake, amazed, with indescribable joy on his face!

Behind himself.

The two slimes held a small ki who was stiffened into stone, and followed them towards the camp of the [Mori no Tree Spirit].

After saying goodbye to the tree spirits, he chose to 'leave the quest'.

It was exactly what I expected.

After clearing the hidden ending [Eradication of pollution], this [Source Qi Forest] became his own carry-on space!

"Moving Castle at Dusk~"

Xu Qiu smiled and looked behind him.

There, the two little guys, Beanie and Bubble, are using branches to poke Xiaoxi, who is still in petrification.

"When I was still in a lizard state, I shouldn't be so embarrassed..." Xiao

Yi didn't look over.

It's the same as quiet.

One left and one right, quietly followed Xu Qiu's side, pulled Xu Qiu's clothes, and walked in a row towards the northeast.

"It's obviously only been two days..."

Xu Qiu looked at the familiar forest and couldn't help but sigh:

"How do I feel like two months have passed~"

On the way back to the camp, Xu Qiu did not forget to glance at the [Pure Tree Species] material.

This material.

It is the drop of the boss of [Twisted Dryad].

It's extremely rare!

[Pure Tree Species] also contains a variety of essences:

[Sapling Throw], [Source Air Bomb], [Vine Thump], [Natural Grip]...

These essences are good is good.

Whether it's doppelgänger or damage, or control, you have it all!

But alas....

"I don't have a matching summoned beast now..."

Xu Qiu shook his head helplessly.

But at this time.

A soft 'babbling' sound came from Xu Qiu's ears.

Look down.

It's the sound made by [Water Slime].

"You said... This [Pure Tree Species] has the same energy as the 'core'? "


After Xu Qiu was slightly puzzled, a fine light lit up in his eyes!

"Can you transform into a new slime through [Pure Tree Species]?!"


Transform eh!

Who can refuse a slime who can transform!


Xu Qiu gave one of the [Pure Tree Species] to Slime.

The purified tree species is a brownish-yellow, fist-sized diamond-shaped seed.

At the top of the seed, a small seedling grows.

It looks like it's full of life that is about to burst out.


[Water Slime] also turned on the [Elastic Tentacles] skill, extending a small soft elastic tentacle.

After taking over [Pure Tree Species].

Xu Qiu saw:

[Water Slime]'s tentacles seemed to open a channel, absorbing [Pure Tree Species] into his body.

The [Pure Tree Species] followed the tentacles and moved to the core of [Water Slime]'s body.

The moment the core comes into contact with the tree species.

The two assimilated into a green glow!

[Pure Tree Species], activated!

The seedlings at its tip grow upwards.

Rooting in the body of the slime.

[Water Slime]'s light blue transparent body gradually turns from blue to green to green translucent.

The top also grows several large dense leaves due to the growth of [pure tree species].

It resembles banana leaves, and covers it like hair.

Makes [Water Slime] look a little more unexpectedly mature!

In the center of the leaf, there is a white-green bud.

Xu Qiu still had some expectations.

What this bud will look like when it is in full bloom.


After the slime form was transformed, he shook the leaves on the top of his head and sent a kind breath to Xu Qiu.

Xu Qiu also checked its body

: [Name]: Slime

[Level]: Level 9

[Attribute]: Wood [Attack]: 1135 [Defense]: 1124

[Life]: 17583


[Toxic Constitution], [Toxic Body Fluid], [Soft Body], [Pronuclear Fission], [Poisonous Blood] [

Skill] : The [Taunt], [Elastic Tentacles], and [Wood Seedling Throw]

attributes have basically not changed.

But there is an interesting skill

: [Wood seedling throwing]

Description: Lose your wood seedling!

Effect: Costs health and throws a [Wood Seedling] that can automatically track enemies and self-detonate. [Mu Miao] In a vegetated environment, for every 1 minute of survival, the damage is increased by 1%, up to 300%!

"Wood seedling throwing?"

A smile broke at the corner of Xu Qiu's mouth:

"Take a look!"

"Babble!" [Water Slime] listened to the order and shook his body!

The blade of grass above the head throws out a seed.

【Ding! [Wood Slime] Health -10%. When

the seed landed, it quickly turned into a cute-looking little green slime.


After the green slime appeared, it began to shake on the ground that fell on the dead leaves.

It seems to be absorbing the power of the surrounding ground plants.

【Ding! Damage increased by 1%. 【

Ding! Damage increased by 1%. 【

Ding! Damage increased by 1%. 】


Seeing this, Xu Qiu was even happier!

"Isn't this a 'mine' that can grow!"

Xu Qiu, who is well versed in the way of the old six.

Already in the mind....

On the path that all enemies must pass, the picture of self-detonating seedlings is planted!

"Let's go back to the [Mori no Tree Spirit] camp!"


PS: Toot toot ~

It's railway time:

I didn't draw Alan, and I didn't have Jingyuan, and now I'm stuck in the 2nd layer of Chaos Memories.

I'm thinking about whether to draw a kafka, or just give up Chaos Memories, sit and wait for version 1.3, draw Type-C Fuxuan and Suzuke, and form a pure quantum team.

Forget it, the family is poor, let's give up playing chaotic memories....

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