"Attribute, promoted?"

Xu Qiu's face couldn't help but rise a little strange:

"I obviously entered this copy in order to increase mana..." As

a result, he gained 50 physique points and 1000 health points!

Tandula is full!

Health increased directly from 1820 to 3370!

That's about 80% up!

It's almost doubled!

Very nice!

After the physical attributes are improved.

Water Slime's stats have also been

improved: Attack: 754→910 Defense: 739→904

Life: 11042→14342

After the stat has been improved, its size has also expanded further!

Xu Qiu subconsciously held his head and squatted to prevent the test.

"Well, you won't have to squat so badly next time!"

This is a huge evolution!

"Bah~ah~" Shui Slime rubbed Xu Qiu's big hand.

Xu Qiu had a feeling of sending his arms to Qiu Bo for a while.

The frost lizard squinted and stared at this with disdain: "..." It

is worthy of being surrounded by beanie bubbles and quietly, and it is a real dog!

In addition to attribute promotion.

Xu Qiu also raised his hand.

I looked at the [Withered Vine Ring] on the finger of my left hand.

After absorbing the so-called 'Wood Life Energy'.

His own [Withered Vine Ring], the light turned from blue to purple.

Successfully upgraded to a purple epic equipment!

And it has a new name

: [Life Vine Ring]

Introduction: A ring woven from living vines, from which you can feel the majestic vitality and the power of seeds!

Quality: Purple Epic

Effect 1: Full Stats +20 (Original +5)

Effect 2: Damage caused by your summons increased by 20%. (Original

10%) Effect 3: [Life Chain]: After opening, 50% of the damage you take will be evenly distributed to all summoned beasts for 10S.


See this property!

Xu Qiu gasped!

You call this epic gear?

Compared to the original blue fine level, the new [Life Vine Ring] has an extra 60 more attributes!

10% extra damage!

There is also an extra effect 3 that is extremely buggy!

Half of the damage you take will be divided equally among all summoned beasts!

What is this concept?

His health has just increased to 3370.

Other words!

As long as the enemy deals less than 6740 damage to themselves at one time!

Then you can't die yourself!

At this stage, enemies capable of dealing such high damage....

There must be forty or fifty levels, right?!

Xu Qiu smiled.

Your own survivability has gone one step further!

As for evenly distributing the damage to the other half of the summoned beasts...

That's basically the equivalent of zero injuries.

He currently has 60 summoned beasts.

Don't say let them spread the damage evenly over three thousand.

Even if you let them spread 30,000 damage!

It's just 500 health points deducted from each summoned beast!

It's basically equivalent to opening a 50% injury-free BUFF for 10 seconds!

"This ring, it's wonderful to ascend!"

Xu Qiu was delighted, and for a while there was a prompt sound from the system in his ears:

[Ding! Your equipment [Life Vine Ring] has successfully been counted in the top ten of the [Destiny Equipment List]! Is it anonymous? "

Not hidden."

The original [Withered Vine Ring] was written on the leaderboard as his 'Dusk' ID.

Even if you are anonymous, you can guess.


"With such good equipment, I don't know where it can be arranged?"

Immediately, Xu Qiu clicked on [Fate Equipment Ranking

]: NO.1: [Ouroboros Ring-Mythology], owner: Yanhuang - [anonymous] (damage +10%) NO.2: [Life Vine Ring - Epic], owner: Yanhuang - [Dusk] (damage +9%) NO.3: [Fengxiao - Epic], owner: Yanhuang - [Lin Ziyun] (damage +8%)


: [

Shield of the Dead— Epic], Owner: White Eagle Federation

- [George] (Damage +7%) NO.5: [Kingkiller - Epic], Owner: Usas - [Warfane] (Damage +6%) NO.6: [Breath of Kings - Fine], Owner: Rose Royal - [Artoria Pendragon

] (Damage +5%) NO.7: [Ice Scabbard - Fine], Owner: Yanhuang - [Lili Li] (Damage +4%)

NO.8: [Inazuma Sanshun-Seira], Owner: Shigezakura - [Yaei

] (Damage +3%) NO.9: [Gold Coin - Essence], Owner: Disabate - [Ara Chief

] (Damage +2%) NO.10: [Buddha's Palm - Fine], Owner: Peacock Country - [Salman] (Damage +1%)



Xu Qiu couldn't help but exclaim!

"I know! With the effect of this [Life Vine Ring], it will definitely be able to rank ahead! "

But what Xu Qiu didn't expect was!

His own [Life Vine Ring] actually overwhelmed Lin Ziyun and [George] of the [White Eagle Federation]!

Became the second most ranked equipment on the leaderboard!

I don't know when.

Lin Ziyun's [Phoenix Xiao] actually surpassed George's [Shield of the Dead]!

In a past life.

George's [Shield of the Dead], but a ride on the dust!

An existence that has never been surpassed!

"In this life, the future I changed, I'm afraid it's not the future I know anymore~"

Xu Qiu grinned, looking forward to the new future!

On the leaderboard today.

Of the top ten weapons, a full 4 belong to [Yanhuang]!

Three of them are also related to themselves!

A feeling of being in control of everything rose in Xu Qiu's heart:


Immediately, Xu Qiu looked sideways in the direction of the corpse of the [Twisted Dryad].


Exploded countless props!

"Wait a minute, friend!"

"I'll go and bring it to you~" The

tree spirits also flew over obediently.

Without Xu Qiu moving, he picked up all the drops!

【Ding! Congratulations on successfully destroying [Twisted Dryad lv.5], XP +1W, Copper +800, [Pure Tree Species] +1] [

Ding! [Destiny] trigger, gain additional experience +7W (7x), copper +8800 (11x), [Pure Tree Species] +7 (7x)! 【

Ding! Congratulations on getting the drops:

[Normal Equipment] X21 [Excellent Equipment] X4 [Excellent Equipment Green Spirit Cloak] X1 [

White Skill Stone] X13 [White Skill

Spirit Seal] X3 [Green Skill Spirit Seal] X1 [Set Fusion Stone

] X1 [Level 1 Spirit Vein




A burst of prompts sounded, Xu Qiu's eyes were swollen for a while!

"It's hidden! Epic! Suzerain! BOSS!

Xu Qiu waved his fist excitedly!

All kinds of goodies! Varied!

What a big hit!!

The first thing that catches your eye is the variety of equipment.

Xu Qiu only saw the equipment he could use

: [Green Spirit Cloak] Introduction: The cloak

containing the breath of life, and the [Cloak] part of the [Green Spirit] suit was equipped.

Quality: Blue Fine

Position: [Cloak

] Class: [Card Master] Class Class Class

Effect 1: Intelligence +20, Agility +10, Strength +10, Physique +10, Health +10%.

Effect 2: [Life Sharing]: Each summoned beast gives itself 100 health points (currently 6000 increased).


[Green Spirit Set]

Introduction: Green and green, very intimate.

Set: [Helmet], [Cuirass], [Handguard], [Belt], [Leg Armor], [Shoes], [Weapon], [Cloak (√)] (1/8)

2-piece set: Intelligence +10, Health +500, Mana +1000, Health/Magic Restoration +100%.

Set of 4: Intelligence +20, Health +1000, Mana +2000, Health/Mana Recovery +200%.

Set of 6: Intelligence +30, Health +1500, Mana +3000, Health/Magic Restoration +300%.

Set of 8: Intelligence +40, Health +2000, Mana +4000, Health/Magic Recovery +400%.

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