





After dying three times again!

Xu Qiu's damage bonus to [Twisted Dryad] has reached a terrifying 300%!

Each attack deals 4x the damage!

"Ho ~ Suddenly!"

[Frost Flame Lizard] go down every bite!




Countless damage bonuses!

The damage of each bite is close to 20,000!

Critical damage is close to 30,000!

"One bite can kill me a dozen times!" Xu Qiu couldn't help but speak.

After the damage explodes.

[Twisted Dryad] is in pain!

What the hell is going on with that human?

This summoned beast can't be killed, it can't be killed at all!

They weren't just summoned by a summoner.

Even if it is summoned by a summoner legion.

Mana should be drained too, right?!

Can he [root] return blood without interruption, can he return to the blue without interruption?

He's going back to blue too much, right?!


The weirdest thing is still that human!

How many times did you kill him yourself?

How could he!

Still alive?!!

Who is the 'demon'?!

Over time.

His own vine body died faster than he could have imagined!

The [Eroding Wood Spirit] that he summoned was gradually cleared by the [Essence Wood Spirit] summoned by that fox.

Even if he can rely on the 'Abyss Rift' under him, he can continuously absorb the breath of the abyss and restore his state.

But I can't afford such a consumption method!

In the face of a war of attrition!

This battle.

It is also destined to end in the defeat of [Ancient Dryad]!

"Me! Still want to! Join [The Abyss]... Yes! With

one howl after another like a ghost crying wolf.

All the doppelgangers of [Ancient Dryad] were torn into pieces!


Successful zeroing!

【Ding! Congratulations on successfully killing the [Source Forest] Hidden Epic Lord Boss - [Twisted Dryad]! Until

the last system prompt sounds.

Xu Qiucai let out a long sigh of relief....

"Finally, it's over."

'Hidden', 'Epic', 'Lord'...

These prefixes are not simple at first glance!

Xu Qiu looked around.

The earth is broken! Devastated!

Everywhere you see it, there are broken and withered vines!

The ground, which was originally covered with black vines, has also revealed a yellow-brown ground.

Some places of these ground are full of cracks, some places have become rubble, and some places have been directly photographed into sand!

"This battle is fought..."

Xu Qiu couldn't help but laugh:

"If I tell others that this is a level 20 player fighting a level 30 monster, he will have to book me a bed in a mental hospital."

Right at this moment.

An undetectable voice suddenly came from a distance:

"It's over... Is it?

Xu Qiu looked sideways when he heard the sound.

This voice is not like the voice of [the blue fox] coming to his head.

It's kind of like....

Xu Qiu looked carefully.

Several 'green mosquitoes' were spotted flying out of the battlefield.

"Tree spirits?"

Xu Qiu's eyes widened slightly:

"There are even tree spirits in this place?!"

After asking, Xu Qiu reacted even more:

"You guys aren't dead?!"

In the battle just now, if you count the number...

Not to mention hundreds of dead!

As a result, a battle is over!

There are even such 4 trees whose lives are thinner than paper and flexible?

"We, hidden."

Hearing the question, the four ragged tree spirits subconsciously stood in the air and responded:

"Because we... Not put in the eyes of it. "

As long as you hide in the crevices, you'll have nothing to mess with... However, there were originally 12 hidden animals.

"Finally, hold on until someone comes to our rescue!"


These 4 tree spirits have a good impression of Xu Qiu, who killed the [Twisted Dryad], and...

"You have the smell of a clansman..."

one of the tree spirits' eyes were red:

"Also, the other trees are flexible, right?"

"I've always been... Always scared, what if we die... Then the [Tree Spirit Clan] is really going to be extinct..."

"It turns out that there are other tree spirits, and there are other young tree spirits... Woohoo! After

the tree spirit cried bitterly, he floated to the bud of the [Flower Green Fox].

"The green fox... After being attacked by that black dryad, he actually survived..." [

Hua Qing Fox] also seemed to feel the breath of the tree spirit.

The little fox in the stamen moved slightly, spitting out a cloud of life.

A few tree spirits described as withered, their hair became smooth, their wings recovered, and their bodies regained their vitality!

Xu Qiu shouted in his heart:

Green is green!


The bud carrying the [Flower Green Fox] continues to move.


it silently moved towards the corpse of the [twisted dryad].

The corpse of the [Twisted Dryad] is the ten huge vine doppelgangers!

Although the number of vines is ten.

But they have the same 'roots'!


Xu Qiu followed behind [Hua Qing Fox], came to the root of the summary tree, and found:

This tree root is not rooted in the soil!

Instead, it was rooted in a shattered void!

This void!

Xu Qiu has seen it!

"Isn't this the scene behind the door of [the Gate of the Abyss]?!"

It's just that it's here now.

It is not a 'door' to the abyss.

It's an abyss 'rift'!

It is a spatial rift that appears on the ground out of thin air!

And the other end of the space....

It's [The Abyss]!

After smelling this 'abyss breath' next to Xu Qiu, the bubble next to him subconsciously reached out and pinched the corner of Xu Qiu's clothes.

"Don't want to... Get back.

Xu Qiu rubbed her silky hair:

"Well, don't go back."

I immediately looked at this crack.


It seems to have sensed [Abyss Breath].

The [Windcatcher] in Xu Qiu's backpack directly began to operate!

Purify the endless abyss breath here!

Drop by drop!

【Ding! [Key of Quest] absorbs the breath of the abyss, energy +1. 【

Ding! [Key of Quest] absorbs the breath of the abyss, energy +1. 【

Ding! [Key of Quest] absorbs the breath of the abyss, energy +1. 】


Every second!

Xu Qiu's [Key to Copy] will also send out more than twenty detailed tips!

Xu Qiu couldn't help but gasp:

"The treasure house!"

Although I don't know why there is an [abyss rift] here.


Why would you know that a 'treasure chest' will appear at the end of the quest?

As long as you can get what you want from the treasure chest!


But at this moment.

The bud vine carrying the [Flower Green Fox] turned back to the 'head' and looked at Xu Qiu:

"Thank you, you can purify [the breath of the abyss]."

When Xu Qiu heard this, he didn't know why, so he immediately waved his hand:

"It's just a matter of raising your hand~"

But the next moment!

Countless emerald green vines spread out from under the bud vine, jumping towards the crack:

"In this way, can I safely plug this crack?"

"You give me wait?!" Xu Qiu's eyes twitched on the spot, and he hurriedly wanted to stretch out his hand, wanting to grab the vine!

But Xu Qiu's hand was one step slower after all!

Only grabbed a tiny vine, did not stop the entire ever-proliferating vine, blocking the entire crack!


Not bad!

Caught it yourself!

Just push hard! It can be pulled out!

"Don't do anything to my treasury!"


Next moment!

A deafening system prompt!

It passed into Xu Qiu's ears:

[Ding! ] You changed the course of the [Destiny] game! 【

Ding! 【Fate】All-server emergency announcement! 【

Ding! 【Fate】Enter the emergency update state! All players are forced to go offline! 】


PS: I went to the hospital today to check it, my nose and septum are crooked, no wonder the nose has not been penetrated!

It may take a minor operation, which is a huge sum for an uninsured author....

So, can you please order a free 'power generation with love'?

Thank you Liao~

Like my long-lost wife

< div data-fanqie-type="image" source="user">

like my long-lost nanny

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