[Twisted Dryad (Dopganger)]

Introduction: A part of the twisted dryad itself, with all the abilities of [Twisted Dryad].

Life: 150,000

had just struck Xu Qiu's huge tree body with a vine, and such data appeared above his head.

"Part of the ontology, right?"

Xu Qiu exclaimed:

"Flatten him!"


The [Frost Lizards] roared:


Countless flame liquids spewed out of the air and exploded on its body!




-5420-843-843-674 (crit)!



After 40% increase in attack!

[Frost Lizards]'s panel attack power has jumped to 4400!

Flat A damage is as high as 5,000!

Critical damage is even closer to 8,000!

A doppelganger with 300,000 health points....

Xu Qiu snorted coldly:

"I see how long you can carry it!"

The result is the next instant!

Another huge vine doppelganger broke through the ground!

Two huge vines that rose up from the building were doppelgängers, and the tip was flicked!

Countless blades of grass shot densely towards Xu Qiu!

Xu Qiu directly opened the defense secret technique -

[Holding your head and squatting for defense]!

Hiding behind a [Water Slime] who has protected him from beginning to end.


The dark green blades of grass instantly tied [Water Slime] into a hedgehog!



-404 (crit)!


[Water Slime] is also like a 'bleeding' DEBUFF.

Health drops like a flood!

But fortunately, this situation did not last long!

"Your damage decays every minute, and my water slime health is endless!"

Xu Qiu held the elastic soft slime and said very confidently:

"Just shot a dozen or twenty leaves and wanted to kill me, did you look down on me?"

"You still want to hurt me if you don't shoot a few hundred pieces?"

[Twisted dryad] indicates.

I have never seen such a strange request in my life!

Immediately, three huge vines like buildings spread out!

And the tip of each vine quickly catalyzed a huge bud like a small bungalow on the second floor!

The buds bloomed, and a ten-meter-tall dark green [dryad] was born from it!

These dryads are somewhat similar to the dryads that Xu Qiu has seen outside the copy, but they are different!

They do not have 'human faces' in their trunks, but 'animal faces'.

And the body is not like a tree, more like [twisted dryad] and wood spirit.

It is a 'dryad' made of vines gathered one after another!

But the same is....


They all let out this standard laugh.


Xu Qiu and the summoned beasts were surrounded by three dryads and three huge vines!

The corner of Xu Qiu's eyes twitched:

"I'll go!" Are you really coming? "

And these monsters also turned on the [Multiple Pumping] skill at the same time!

The countless fine vines that were enough to cover the sky directly covered Xu Qiu and many summoned beasts!

Bang bang!

After the vine whips on the ground!

The loud voice turned dull!

Because the hard rock on the surface has been pumped into rubble after a round of pumping!

It can be seen how terrifying the damage of this [Twisted Dryad] is!

And as the underside of dense firepower ....

The summoned beast received Xu Qiu's order and didn't have to help it resist damage, so it dodged left and right, but escaped a lot.

And Xu Qiu......

After the vine is retracted, get back on your feet!

The eyes change to the familiar golden snake pupils!

"Crunch?! (You're not dead?!) "[The twisted dryad] was a little surprised.

The other side does not have a priest who can be resurrected?

And Xu Qiu wiped his hair and responded with a smile:

"You didn't eat?"

【Revenge】BUFF activated!

50% increase in all attributes! Lasts for 1 minute.

Deals damage to [Ancient Dryad] by 50% permanently!

Your intelligence attribute is increased to 402, and your magic attack is increased to 498!

All summoned beast attributes are improved!

Damage to the next level!

With the improvement of attributes, Xu Qiu directly spent a large amount of magic power to resurrect the 3 [Bloodthirsty Demon Wolf] and 4 [Water Slime] that died just now.

"Although it is a protracted battle..."

Xu Qiu's golden snake pupils stared at the top of those vines:




His eyes narrowed, and his eyes became more serious:

"But if it really takes a protracted battle, it will be a shame."

Now, the only ones who faced the battle against Xu Qiu's summoned beasts were these three huge vines!

The other vines in the distance are not idle!

They are hatching wood spirits again, they are hatching dryads, and they are rubbing [source gas bombs].

In this face, I am afraid that the well-equipped group of 100 people will be folded here!

Fortunately, players aren't the only ones fighting!

At this moment, the green fox bud reacted again!


After absorbing the green aura of countless Dao.

At this time, its buds are fully blooming!

A bluish-pink flower bloomed!

In the place of the flower stamen, sat a fist-sized, pink jade-like green fox.


Before it opened its eyes, it opened its small mouth and made a cute and shrill sound.

Next moment!

The broken vine on the ground suddenly shook!

It's like being brought to life!

Quickly spread and extend new vines, new branches, new leaves!

In just a few seconds!

It turned into an emerald green [wooden wolf]!

This wooden wolf is far better looking than any [wooden wolf] that Xu Qiu has seen before!

The color is more verdant, there are no dead branches and leaves, and the body surface does not have any black ink.

There is also a small bud on the top of the head.

It looks a little cute!

As soon as this wooden wolf was born, it rushed towards a [Eroding Wooden Wolf] in the surrounding area!


It quickly bites into each other's body!

"Whaa Before [Eroding Wood Wolf] could react, his health dropped violently!

It seems....

This verdant wooden wolf can deal higher damage to it!

Not controlled by Xu Qiu.

But friendly!


I'm afraid this alone is not enough.

Just as Xu Qiu sighed, a strange voice sounded in his ears:

"Yes... Give me some more [vine round flowers]? The

voice was a little immature, a little cautious, but the tone was also very resolute:

"I take revenge!" Help you fight the dryad!

At the same time, Xu Qiu's ears also heard a system prompt that he had never heard before:

[Ding! [Flower Green Fox] sends you a hint, do you want to use [Vine Round Flower] X20 to summon a wood spirit? This


Spending money to build troops?

Xu Qiu was happy for a while:


I lack everything, but I don't lack money! There is no shortage of materials!


Xu Qiu connected the [Vine Round Flower] in his backpack and drew it to the application named 'Flower Green Fox'.


Those broken vines around Xu Qiu.

They have been given activity!

Turned into emerald wood wolves, emerald wood snakes!

The moment they opened their eyes, they rushed towards the enemy who was also a wood spirit!

"With them helping me contain the mobs, it's easier for me to fight!"

Xu Qiu looked at the huge vine in front of him that was fighting with his summoned beast, and grinned:



PS: Guess, how many times will Xu Qiu die?

say it~ Why call me out on such a hot day? (expectation).

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