
Just at this moment, [Bloodthirsty Bat King] flew down.

She glanced at [Frost Flame Lizard], felt very wonderful, and made a voice of grievance:

"Squeak... (You liar...) "

Obviously I said a good piece at the bottom before.

An AD with no output, an assassin with no output.

The result is now.

[Frost Lizard] actually evolved one step ahead!

Not only did he first rise to the Golden Legend level.

He also changed his career and was promoted and obtained a golden legend-level talent!

I became the 'sister-in-law' in the team!

In terms of versatility, it is also better than the [Bloodthirsty Demon Wolf], which cannot deal with air units!


He is still a small bat that can only be scouted, and there is almost no harm....

When [Frost Yan Lizard] heard this, he let out a proud laugh of "he~" for a while.

But it didn't last long to laugh.

I suddenly thought about my future life.

For a while, I couldn't laugh.

Hurriedly stretched out a paw, put it on the shoulder of the bloodthirsty bat king, and said seriously:

"Ho ~ ho!" Ho! (I must remind you ~ don't get stronger!) Don't become human! "

Squeak?" [Bloodthirsty Batman] was stunned, what does this mean?

Even the [Water Slime] who climbed down from the [Frost Lizard] didn't react to why she said this?


[Water Slime] looked into the distance and squinted at the owner here.

Your whisper, the master can hear it!

"Little bat, come, come here."

Xu Qiu beckoned and called [Bloodthirsty Bat King] over:

"Don't listen to her nonsense, don't listen to things that are not conducive to unity."

"Squeak." The pure bat nodded.

Then took out the freshly extracted essence from the backpack, Xu Qiu followed the seduction:

"You don't want to be left behind by your sisters because your combat power is too low~

" "Squeak, squeak?"

[Bloodthirsty Batman] understood at first, but when he heard the back, he always felt that something was strange....

But I was still very interested in a few cards in Xu Qiu's hand!

One card depicts an eagle holding a turtle with two paws and throwing it downward.

Obviously, there was no force, but on the free fall, the moment the turtle shell landed, it still cracked.


Description: It is strictly forbidden to throw objects from above, starting with you and him.

Effect: When dealing damage compared to units that are lower than yourself, an additional 10%~100% additional damage is inflicted according to the height difference!


Since he has wings and can fly in the sky, he can't waste such a good talent!

Xu Qiu smiled and said

, "In this way, you can also do more damage when dealing with enemies on the ground."

"Squeak!" The surface of the [Bloodthirsty Bat King] lit up with a light representing evolution.

The light dissipated, and the wings were a little bigger!

The second card depicts two sharp feathers flying straight out.

The first feather also penetrated the trees!

Left a transparent hole in the tree!

[Flying Feather]

Description: I'll show you an Irumi eighteen points!

Effect: Ignores 10% of your opponent's defenses, and when you launch a ranged attack, you have a 10% chance of penetrating enemy units and dealing damage to units behind them!


After fusing this purification, Xu Qiu found that the appearance of the [Bloodthirsty Bat King] had not changed.

"Tsk~(Change here~)"

But at this time, [Bloodthirsty Bat] opened his small mouth.

Xu Qiu raised his eyebrows.

Also like wings, where has it become bigger?

Then he tried to reach in with that finger and squeezed it.


[Bloodthirsty Bat King] was pinched by his tongue and hurriedly cried!

"Squeak! Creak! (It's not touching where it's getting bigger!) Is to let the master you look at the color!

"Oooooh! Sorry, subconscious.

Xu Qiu was a little embarrassed for a while.

Then he opened [Bloodthirsty Batman's] mouth and looked in.


[Bloodthirsty Bat] at this time, oral ... It's even more rosy.

It seems that blood circulates more in the subcutaneous tissue.


[Bloodthirsty Bat King] squeaked, turned his head and mouthed, and spit out a blood needle!

Compared to the previous [blood needle].

Now the blood needle is slightly larger and more red!

It's like blood levels are higher.

"Because the long-range attack method is to spit out [blood needles], the effect of [Flying Feathers] is also strengthened on 'blood'~"

Xu Qiu nodded with satisfaction.

And [Bloodthirsty Bat King] licked his mouth in disbelief.

The feeling of a foreign object in the mouth ... Weird.

Finally, Xu Qiu handed over the [Position~] essence to [Bloodthirsty Bat King].

The pattern of the [Position~] Essence Card is also very simple.

It is after a person slashes at the person in front of him.

The man had already dodged and even slashed at the defenseless attacker with the knife in his hand!


Position~] Description: The ghost knife is invisible when opened~PositioningPositionPositionPosition~

Effect: Movement speed +20%, dodge rate +10%, after dodging, add an attack to the enemy.


Just highlight a dodge + counterattack.

For some reason.

In Xu Qiu's mind, a picture appeared of Zhong Li dodging the slender back of the vine twitching.

"Damn, what's going on in my DNA..." [

Bloodthirsty Bat King] finished absorbing this essence.

Xu Qiu found that its floating body seemed to be more light.

Float...... Spirit?

[Bloodthirsty Batman] has an extremely high dodge rate!

After lifting again!

Her dodge rate has reached 67% under the influence of many factors such as movement, enemy 'hit rate' and so on!

Xu Qiu couldn't help but look at [Frost Flame Dragon Lizard].

If these two little guys are at odds.

One attack speed is full, one dodge is full + counterattack.

I don't know who will disarm first.

[Bloodthirsty Bat King] Enhanced!

All the monster materials were also collected.

Xu Qiu and his party continued to walk in the opposite direction towards the [Wind Rising Tree].

"Walk, go!"

Xu Qiu's interest in going home is very high!

Because the [Wood Spirit Altar] is about to be built!


Xu Qiu had just arrived at the [Wind Rising Tree], and the Wood Spirit Altar was just stepping on the point to complete its construction.

The appearance of the Wood Spirit Altar is like an ordinary wooden altar, which is more advanced than [Source Qi Spring].

However, normally, the place where sacrificers such as 'idols' are placed is empty.

No matter how Xu Qiu looked at it, it didn't look like he was like this.

"This building ... Is there something missing?

Xu Qiu shivered to the side... No, ask Lara as she asks.


Tree Spirit Lara responded with a lazy smile on her face, flatly,

"[Wood Spirit Altar]... Originally, the sacrifice was 'Wood Spirit'..." Xu

Qiu was slightly stunned when he heard this.


"The wood spirit you said... Could it be?

Lara nodded:


" "What we've been sacrificing... It's the monsters who hunt us everywhere. Then he

raised his head and looked at the empty altar:

"And what was placed there... It's the former leader of the [Wood Spirit] clan—

" "Green Fox."

Xu Qiu was stunned in place....


I didn't react for a while.

This Lala.

It seems that something terrible news has suddenly been said!!


PS: Did you guys draw Luo Da's coffin? Is Luo Da Coffin easy to use? Shut me up, please put some Xingqiong in my coffin, thank you


look at the 'holster man' is much more comfortable~

'Please help all book friends order a 'free power generation', help Ji Ji return blood, let me rise again!!

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