【Ding! The tree spirit is collecting [Source Qi], protecting it from collection. 【


system prompts came in succession.

A one-minute countdown appeared in front of Xu Qiu's eyes.

"Hold on for a minute, even if the collection is completed..."

Xu Qiu looked at the monsters surrounding him and said with a slight smile: "

I don't know if you can hold out for a minute."

[Wooden Wolf]: "..."

Didn't this countdown make the human and the dryad last for a minute?

How do you turn into keeping yourself going for a minute?

"Roar!" The leading wooden wolf issued an order to the 19 wooden wolves behind him:

"Roar! (Wolves!) Let him see how good we are! "

How strong can a level 20 human, and its summons, be?

All wooden wolves directly 'bloom' and 'grow grass'!

Towards Xu Qiu and the summoned beasts, they launched a swift attack!

Xu Qiu looked back at the tree spirit nonchalantly.

At this time, the tree spirit opened his hands to cast spells.


The small flower basket in her hand was like a bottomless pit, constantly absorbing the [Source Qi] gushing out of this fountain.

Xu Qiu looked carefully and found that under

the casting of the tree spirit, the source qi rotated rapidly.

A fountain of qi gushing out a height of twenty meters was directly cut off by the waist and sucked into her flower basket.

And gradually in her flower basket, condensed into a blue translucent mass....


" At this time, there was a howl from the [Bloodthirsty Demon Wolf], and Xu Qiu turned back when he heard it:

"Huh? Finished fighting?

Quietly leaned over and nodded silently.

Xu Qiu looked up at the time by the way

: [00:00:48]

"It took twelve seconds, it's a little slow."

"Ho!" [Frost Yan Lizard] directly said that it has nothing to do with her, don't move and let her back the pot!

Xu Qiugang's open mouth closed again.

Abominable lizard!

I actually learned well! All learned to answer the question!

"Bring them their drops."

Heard Xu Qiu's order.

The [Bloodthirsty Demon Wolf] leaned over with a light mass in one mouth.

Because there are more demon wolves than wooden wolves.

Some demon wolves are not idle.

The two mouths held a light mass together and ran over humbly.

Just to let Xu Qiu rua take a head.

Only [Water Slimes] ....

Before he touched the wooden wolf during the battle, the wooden wolf died.

I wanted to carry a light group back, but I didn't catch up.

Back and forth, he was stunned in place, and rubbed his hands sadly.

After having [elastic tentacles].

They seem to like to use tentacles as 'hands'.

"Good, good..." Xu

Qiu grabbed the heads of the demon wolves while reaching out to take the light mass.

Touch the light mass, and a prompt will also rise:

[Ding! [Fortune] trigger, gain additional experience +2624 (2x), copper +952 (17x), [vine round flower] +11 (11x)! 】


【Ding! [Fortune] trigger, gain additional experience +14432 (11x), copper +448 (8x), [vine round flower] +6 (6x)! 】


After financial blessings.

Xu Qiu directly earned a lot of money!

The quest monsters, although not refreshable like the monsters outside.

But it's good that the monster density is high!

You can earn more in equal proportions!

"It's that the number of monsters is too small ~ not enough to kill yourself."

Xu Qiu helplessly looked at the material [Vine Round Flower].

【Ding! It was detected that the material [vine round flower] contained essence - [I want to bloom~], [I want to germinate~]...]

Just saw these two essences, Xu Qiu subconsciously turned them off!

Then he looked at his cute [Bloodthirsty Demon Wolf].

It won't....

These essences are for wolf-type creatures, right?

In case his wolf head can also be split into five petals....

Xu Qiu looked at Doudou, Bubbles, and Jingjing, who had turned into human form.

Little loli are very clingy.

If they were kissing themselves, their faces suddenly split five petals....

Xu Qiu used his life's knowledge to think of a 'high emotional intelligence speech':

can only say... Extreme Gun Press.

Biting his lower lip, Xu Qiu squinted and continued to look at the system prompt.

If it's really for wolves and wolves.

Then you don't need this essence!

The world is big! Wolf wolves do not lack these two essences!

【Ding! The essence [I want to bloom~], [I want to sprout~] and the card [Wandering Tentacles] have a high degree of adaptation, and it is recommended to fuse the mutation. "


Xu Qiu breathed a sigh of relief!

The cold sweat on the back came out!

Just now.

Xu Qiu had a feeling that the world had been saved!

"If it's for [Wandering Tentacles], then it's fine~

" Tentacles: "..." Immediately

, Xu Qiu directly fused these two new essences for [Wandering Tentacles]!

【Ding! [Wandering tentacles] successfully fused the essence! [

I want to bloom~

] Description: Makes [Loitering Tentacles] unlock the 'Blossom' state.

Effect: In the 'Blossom' state, it can deal long-range range attacks on enemies.

(Blossom Mode:

Attack Power X0.7

Attack Range X10

Area Damage per Attack)


[I want to sprout~

] Description: Makes [Loitering Tentacles] unlock the 'Sproute' state.

Effect: In the 'Sproute' state, it can deal multiple attacks on enemies.

(Sprouting Mode:

Attack Power X0.4

Attack Range X3

Deals Two Damage per Attack)


Fusion is complete.

Xu Qiu felt that there was something more in the [wandering tentacles] in his body.

Just when he wanted to check out the two new modes of [Wandering Tentacles].

A system prompt suddenly sounded in his ears:

[Ding! Tree spirit collection complete!


A minute has passed.

Xu Qiu turned around when he heard the sound and looked at the little tree spirit.

"I'm done!"

Little Tree Spirit smiled happily!

The wings fluttered quickly, and it seemed that the basket of flowers in her hand was heavy.

In that nail-sized basket of flowers, a bead with blue fluorescence stood.

You don't have to think about it.

This is the highly concentrated [Source Gas Bead]!

And the source gas spring that produced the source qi was collected by the tree spirit...

It was as if it had been picked and languished.

It can only spew out an air flow that is no more than a dozen centimeters high and almost transparent.

No longer rich, very diluted.

Seeing that Xu Qiu's attention was still on the spring, the tree spirit smiled and reminded

: "The source qi and qi springs after the collection are like this

~" "You have to give it a period of nourishment before you can continue to collect~

" "My patriarch said that this is called sustainability..." The

tree spirit thought for a while, and then decided to give up thinking: "I forgot!"

She struggled to carry the small basket with both hands

: "Let's go back~

" Xu Qiu bowed: "Next, it's no problem to protect you back to the high ground, right?" The

tree spirit nodded his little head:

"Yes! (sodayo! As

soon as she answered, she suddenly remembered something and hurriedly glanced at the time!

After finding that this halfway took only 8 minutes, he relaxed:

"It's too late to come ~ you don't have to hurry back."

Then, under the protection of the summoned beast, the tree spirit went straight back to the dead giant tree.

This time back to the target point.

Because Xu Qiu was familiar with the road, he directly expanded the protective circle of the summoned beast!

Before the monster got close, it was directly dismantled into [Vine Round Flower].

Then the [Blood Disciple Bat] in charge of 'logistics' brought back to Xu Qiu.


This trip home took only 7 minutes to reach the [Wind Rising Tree].

"Thank you!!"

The tree spirit carried a small basket, circled around Xu Qiu several times, and flew towards the tree hole where she appeared:

"I'm back~"

Just after the tree spirit flew into the tree hole.

A loud system prompt passed into Xu Qiu's ears:

[Ding! Congratulations on successfully collecting [Source Qi] X1, current warehouse resources: [Vine Round Flower] X0, [Source Qi] X1] [

Ding! Congratulations on unlocking the [Wind Rising Tree] production panel! [

Produce 1 [Tree Spirit], consume [Vine Round Flower] X20.] [

Produce 1 [Great Tree Spirit], consume [Vine Round Flower] X80, [Source Qi] X1.] [

Produce 1 [Ancient Tree Spirit], consume [Vine Round Flower] X500, [Source Qi] X10.] 】


[Upgrade Level 1 [Flower Basket], consume [Vine Round Flower] X5, [Source Qi] X2] [Upgrade Level 2 [Flower Basket], consume [Vine Round Flower] X10, [Source Qi] X4] [Upgrade Level 3 [Flower Basket], consume [Vine Round Flower] X20, [Source Qi

] X8]



PS: I am dedicated to the return of Ms. Xi!

anime: "Lonely Rock" Kita Energy Help Me Relieve the Summer....

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