
Beanie raised his hands in gratitude!

Then he changed his hand and scratched the body of the [Poisonous Marsh Dragon Lizard]!


[Poisonous Swamp Dragon Lizard] is dying!

Stomping again! Another tail sweep!

But don't know why?

These guys in front of you.

It's a lot more resistant than just now!

It's obviously all residual blood! But it doesn't hurt if your own attack falls on them!

It's angry, it's really angry.

Let's just say that I can't move myself....

But if you can't move yourself, you're going to be a gazette?!!

However, so far, the [Poisonous Swamp Dragon Lizard] has already done everything in its power!

Since all attacks are ineffective....


【Ding! Congratulations on successfully killing the boss [Poisonous Swamp Dragon Lizard]! With

a deafening system prompt!

This battle has finally come to a successful end!

【Ding! Congratulations on successfully killing the boss [Poisonous Marsh Dragon Lizard], bonus XP +200,000, Gold +5, [Church of Light] reputation +5000! 【

Ding! Hidden hint: [Mori no Shu Spirit] Reputation +10000!


Xu Qiu shook his fist and breathed a long sigh of relief.

After entering the 'big world'.

Killing this kind of boss will no longer provoke world-class announcements.

After all, players from all over the world are scattered in various main cities and places.

BOSSs are also like chickens in Dongguan - everywhere.

If you have to mention it every time you kill, the announcement interface is too cheap!

"At this stage, if you want to provoke an announcement alert, you have to do something big to trigger the alert."

Xu Qiu shook his head slightly, and suddenly felt empty!

Some strength was lost, not much, but uncomfortable enough.

More than Xu Qiu.

All the summoned beasts also let out a whimper

: "Woo~", "Hiss

~", "Twitter

~", "Babble~"

Only those summoned beasts whose attributes are not all provided by 'magic attacks' are better.

【Ding! Congratulations on successfully killing the boss [Poisonous Swamp Dragon Lizard], and [Whiteward Catherine] successfully promoted to [10-Star Cardinal]! 【

Ding! [Cardinal Catherine] successfully completed [Purple Bishop]'s auxiliary test! After completing the [Combat Power Test], you can be successfully upgraded to Purple Bishop! Two

more system prompts came in succession.

Xu Qiu smiled slightly.

It was in order to promote Catherine to [Cardinal] that he came to Gan [Poisonous Swamp Dragon Lizard].

"At this time, [Poisonous Swamp Dragon Lizard] can also be considered dead~"

Xu Qiu's voice just fell.

I saw a few 'lizards' crawling on the side!

Only recognize it when you look at it!

It is their own [Frost Dragon Lizard], who is facing a weak state, moving towards [Poisonous Swamp Dragon Lizard] little by little.

"Hiss... Ho...... (Dragon Zhi... Blood...... "

That's a shame!

"Rest, you guys!"

Xu Qiu smiled dumbly, got up and patted their butts, and walked towards the corpse of the [Poisonous Swamp Dragon Lizard].

"Hiss~ (thank you master~)" [

Frost Flame Dragon Lizard] were momentarily moved.

Unexpectedly, even if he secretly counted the master, the master was still so good to himself.

It's just that the butt is a little itchy.


After the [Power] effect expires.

Although I also have feelings of weakness.

But compared to the summoned beasts, they are much stronger!

On the battlefield.

The poisonous mist has slowly dispersed with the death of the [Poisonous Swamp Dragon Lizard].

Xu Qiu came to the corpse of the [Poisonous Swamp Dragon Lizard].

In the expectant gaze of the [Frost Flame Dragon Lizard], he stretched out his hand to...

[Bloodthirsty Demon Wolf] spread on the ground next to it.

[Frost Dragon Lizard]: "[・_・]? Slightly

stunned, the dragon lizards comforted in their hearts: Also

... Also normal!

After all, in this battle, it was the wolves and wolves who sacrificed the most, and it was reasonable for the master to comfort them first!

After Xu Qiu finished the bloodthirsty demon wolves, he immediately got up and came...

[Water Slime] around!

At this time, the [Water Slime] were blown up by the self-explosion of the last [Poisonous Lizards].

Not dead though.

But the body has been dyed green.

It's like the faces of the [Frost Dragon Lizards]!

[Frost Dragon Lizard]: "(ᗜ _ ᗜ)"

Master, I shouldn't have deliberately hung my appetite, right?"

Should...... No way?

He's just caring about his companions, definitely!

Finally, Xu Qiu got up and stretched out his hand....

Caught the [Bloodthirsty Bat King] flying down from the sky.

"Squeak~~" [

Bloodthirsty Bat King] coquettish in Xu Qiu's arms.

[Frost Flame Dragon Lizard] suddenly became angry: "[○・'Д ́・ ○]!!

"Ho! Ho!! (Master!) You're still finished!! "

Ho! (You did it on purpose!) "

Ho! Ho! (Don't move!) Let me do it myself! "


swarm of 'lizards' moved faster on the ground!

Xu Qiu turned around and grinned:

"Xiao Zhang, tell you to speak ill of me!"

At last.

Xu Qiu stopped playing and put his hand on the corpse of the [Poisonous Marsh Dragon Lizard].

【Ding! Decomposition successful, [financial luck] trigger! 【

Ding! Gain additional XP +24058 (4x), Copper +2480 (8x), [Poison Capsule] +18 (18x)! In

addition to the material.

Some equipment and props also burst out of the ground!

Xu Qiu didn't think about watching those, and directly activated the [Card Master] class effect!

Check out the boss material [Poison Capsule]!

【Ding! It was detected that the material [Poison Capsule] contained [Poisonous Blood], [Explosive Hormone], [Toxin Aura], [Summoning Poisonous Lizard], [Dragon Bloodline]...]

Xu Qiu's eyes couldn't help but brighten:

"It's worthy of being a level 30 boss!"

The essence contained in this one material is so old!

Fortunately, there are 18 materials that I brushed out!

Otherwise, I'm afraid it won't be enough for my own summoning beasts to share!


Xu Qiu clapped his hands: Snap!

"Let's open the meal!"


All the summoned beasts raised their heads and forcibly opened their eyes to look at Xu Qiu.

The slimes had no eyes and no movement.

After being stained with venom, their reaction was much slower.

It seems to be still detoxifying now.

The 'lizardworm', who had already crawled over, stuck out his tongue at Xu Qiu:

"Ho! (I'm coming!) "

Ho! (Hate you!) "

Ho! (Master, you're a scoundrel!) "


Doudou, Jing Jing and Bubble ran over and hung directly on Xu Qiu.

Returns to 'Master Energy'.

And Xu Qiu smiled slightly:

"Today is also a day of peace."

Immediately, he smashed all the [Fierce Poison Bag] in his hand with one hand!

【Ding! Congratulations on your successful extraction......

PS: When you gaze at the reflection ~

reflection is also staring at you

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