And so fast the clock goes.

Whenever Xu Qiu's [Key to the Dark Remains Cave] digested the abyss breath.

Xu Qiu returned to the settlement of [Mori no Tree Spirit].

Then activate the [Windcatcher] to purify the abyss breath on the dryads.

After purifying, walk in the direction of [Poisonous Swamp Dragon Lizard] again to explore the field of vision.


With Xu Qiu's purification.

The tree spirits in the entire [Forest Tree Spirit] settlement were also like riding a rocket for Xu Qiu's favorability.

Rub up!

[Key to the Dark Cave] has also gained a lot of experience during this time!

【Ding! [Key to the Dark Cave] has full experience points and has been successfully upgraded to level 2! On

the third day.

Xu Qiu heard this system prompt.

The action of purifying the tree spirit stopped.

"Let's purify it here today."

The key also lit up at the same time.

Xu Qiu took out

the key: [The

key to the copy] Introduction: The key to open the copy, and having it gives you the right to open the hidden copy.

Level: 2 (0/4000) Energy: (0/200) Remaining: (684/10000)



master key that can open a quest to detect nearby hidden dungeons, and after clearing a quest for the first time, you can gain control of the quest (1/2), and after clearing a new quest, control is -1.


Xu Qiu's eyes widened slightly!

Originally, this key could only control the copy of [Dark Cave].

Now, however.

This [Key to Quest] himself can detect nearby hidden dungeons!

If nothing else....

"The higher the level of my quest key, the more control I can gain over the hidden quest..." Xu

Qiu gasped:

"Moreover, the number of times my quest is rechargeable!"

As soon as I think of it.

Xu Qiu was full of energy!

This means that the 'accelerated growth' of one's own copies is sustainable!


I haven't made a copy for a long time!!

"Dusk, what happened?"

Tiphara separates her Origin Power to help the purified Dryad to restabilize its state.

Looking at Xu Qiu, who had stopped his hand, he asked,

"Why did you stop?"

Xu Qiu said that it was okay, and said with a smile: "

It's my props that purify the abyss breath that have been upgraded."

"At this time, the purification speed should be faster."

Xu Qiu looked to the side, the tree spirit who had just been stabilized.

[Windcatcher] and [Key of Quest] are working again!

[The purifying power of the windcatcher] itself has not changed.

But [the Key of Quest] has doubled its 'digestion' speed!

From jumping 'energy +1' a dozen times per second at the beginning, it has evolved to almost 30 times a second!

Even the tree spirit who was absorbed the breath of the abyss felt a trace of strangeness at this moment:

"Inhale... Good force, but... It's so comfortable..."There

is a pleasant feeling that the filth in the body is being quickly eliminated from the body!

This pleasure lasted for more than ten seconds, half a minute, and it was already amazing.

But Xu Qiu controlled the [Key of Copy], but it lasted for a full few minutes!

So long that the tree spirit can't hold on!

"Slightly... Slow down...... Please.

"I want it, I can't eat it."

Her skin became flushed, and the deer body on her lower body seemed to be undergoing 'touch training'.

Trembling slightly from time to time.

The fine fluff shakes into the sieve bran!

Even her thoughts were already disorganized.

It feels like my head is going to break.

"Patriarch... Help me..." Seeing

this, Tiphara quickly mobilized the power of the origin again, like a lid, cutting off the contact between the [Key of Copy] and the abyss breath in the tree spirit's body!

Until then.

The tree spirit softened and fell to the ground.


Breathing faintly passed out.

Tifara stretched out her hand to summon a green light, wrapped the tree spirit, and looked at Xu Qiu with a slight frown:

"What did you do to my people?"

Xu Qiu was also embarrassed for a while:

"Just... "

I didn't expect that my purification would become so powerful."

After forcibly ending the purification process, Patriarch Tiphara sighed slightly:

"Maybe it's because... This child is a priest and has a poor physique..."

Immediately added to Xu Qiu:

"Today troubles you, you should also go and rest."

"This purification intensity... Perhaps only the clansmen of the warrior profession can withstand it.

Xu Qiu blinked:

"Patriarch, she still has a bit of abyss aura in her body, don't you need me to help her deal with that last point?"

Tifara caressed the 'frightened' clansmen with some helplessness.


If they really can't hold on, I'll absorb their abyss breath into my body."

"At that time, just have to do it for me to suffer."

Xu Qiu was touched in his heart for a while:

"Team leader, you are really a good tree spirit."

Immediately, Xu Qiu and the patriarch retreated.

"Mr. Dusk, you're out."

"Dusk handsome guy~ When will it be my turn?"

"Dusk Gege~ When the evening comes, can you help me purify it again? The feeling of purification last time was great..."


soon as he left the tree house, Xu Qiu was surrounded by a group of tree spirits who didn't know where to come from!

These tree spirits were either purified by Xu Qiu through the abyss breath, and they 'knew the taste of the essence' and wanted to do it again.

Either I heard that I was very comfortable after purifying the breath of the abyss, and I wanted to try it early.

This made Xu Qiu helpless:

'Cupping, go to the poison gas, is it so cool? And

they said as if they had done something...'

"Another day, friends."

Xu Qiu smiled bitterly and squeezed out from the fragrant jade:

"I can't purify it today, I have to rest and take a walk."

Subsequently, in the eyes of the tree spirits, Xu Qiu left the [Forest Tree Spirit] settlement.

After leaving the gathering.

Xu Qiu took out the [Key of Copy] from his backpack.

When I was still in the tree house just now.

[The Key of Copy] is shimmering.

It seemed to guide Xu Qiu in a certain direction.

"The effect says... This [Replica Key] can detect nearby hidden copies..."

A fine light flashed in Xu Qiu's eyes:

"There is also a hidden copy hidden near the [Forest Tree Spirit] settlement!"


PS: Today 1999 is a new event, I am ten in a row! Wow~ Hey hey!

the fish that slipped through the net! prprpr~

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