"That's what you said..."

Patriarch Tifara and Leia looked at the [Wind Bag] in Xu Qiu's hand.

"An item with [Wind Elf Hilve]'s ability?"

Leah tilted her head a little suspiciously:

"How does it look... Like you human drinking wine sacs?

Xu Qiu's face was a little embarrassed.

Is it possible that this is the wine sac used for drinking?

If you have the opportunity to meet the snack of [Earth Elf Nome] in the future.

Then ask her for a bag of rice.

A proper 'sake bag rice bag'!

At this time, the Dryad Patriarch Tiphara spoke:

"I can feel... There is indeed the power of that one on this, and it is not weak! Speaking

of this, Tifara glanced at Xu Qiu.

Although, the Light Divine Dragon and the four elves of the [Light Camp] are the closest to the 'Terrans'.

But it is not enough to casually hand over this artifact to a human with a bad relationship!

What is the identity of this human being in front of you?

"Friend, not only do you know it, I still remind you."

Tiphara spoke, "

There was a great alchemist a thousand years ago who proposed the Law of Conservation of Energy [Destiny]."

"Energy is conserved, it does not disappear out of thin air, it does not appear out of thin air, it only transfers from one pentathing to another."

Saying this, Tifara saw that Leia looked dazed, thinking that Xu Qiu could not understand either, so she explained

: "Let me give you an example: after the [abyss] breath is dispersed, it will not directly dissipate, but will parasitize on another creature or object."

"Friend, if you don't have a container for the breath of [the abyss]."

"Don't do this kind of useless work."

Xu Qiu bowed his head slightly:

"Container, I also have it."

"But facts speak louder than words."

"No matter what I say, only the patriarch can believe it after seeing it with his own eyes."

Patriarch Tiphara was silent for a moment and made a decision:

"Come to my side."

As the patriarch of [Mori no Shu Spirit], he has the strongest fighting power.

Even if there is any danger, you can withstand it.

"Nope! Patriarch!

At this moment, Leia suddenly spoke, and stood up from the ground:

"Let me come."

"This matter is very important, it is of great significance, you are the patriarch, let's try this matter first."

Immediately, Leia looked at Xu Qiu again:

"Moreover, I believe Gege."


Patriarch Tiphara was stunned!

According to his own detection ability, he can see Xu Qiu's ID.

But he is obviously called 'Dusk'!

Could it be that 'Gege' is a code name for this human being or something?

"Then please, Leah."

Patriarch Tiphara breathed steadily.

Leah was right.

As a backer of [Mori no Tree Spirit], he can't be the first to come.

In case of any danger, the destruction of the [Mori no Tree Spirit] will come faster!


His own daughter Leia is also the lightest dryad in the entire race to suffer from the erosion of the abyss aura!

Even if there is an Abyss Breath riot, it is best to suppress it yourself.

Immediately, Tifara looked solemnly at Xu Qiu:

"If there is anything unusual, stop immediately."

Xu Qiu naturally smiled:

"It is necessary."

Leia looked at Xu Qiu, who got up and approached her, and asked in a low voice:

"Gege... Ask in advance.

Leia pursed her lower lips, a little afraid to look directly at Xu Qiu:

"Will it hurt?"

Xu Qiu thought for a moment:

"It may hurt a little, but... I don't know. "

After all.

The guys who were purified [Abyss Breath] are all dead.

"Hmm..." Leia raised her head and looked at Xu Qiu with pure eyes:

"I believe Gege."

Then he clenched his small fists:

"Even if it hurts, I will endure it."

Xu Qiu smiled and bowed his head slightly:

"Don't endure, call it out if it hurts."

"It's also my first attempt (to purify the abyss breath of living things), and if it hurts, I stop, and we go step by step."

Leah snorted and relaxed slightly.

On the main seat of the tree house, Tiphara kept smiling at the scene.

Although there is no change in the face.

But the heart has already set off a terrifying wave!

Are you sure!

Are you purifying the breath of the abyss?!

What are you doing to my daughter in front of one of my mothers?!

But she couldn't stop it.

After all, now, the process of purifying the Abyss Demon Qi has begun.

What if I hurt my daughter because of my interruption?

Xu Qiu held Leia's outstretched tender little hand.

Leah then lifted the Origin Power in her body.


The extremely active and corrosive [Abyss] aura burst out instantly!

It made Leia tremble and her consciousness was confused!

She gasped with difficulty, forcibly suppressing the erosion of the abyss by her own will!

"Gege..." Listening

to Leia's voice, Xu Qiu's mind moved, and he activated the [Wind Bag].


For a while!

Xu Qiu himself was like an eye of the wind.

A light breeze blows around.

Xu Qiu and Leia only felt cool.

In the distance, Tiphara pursed her lips, and her pupils shrank to look at her fingertips:

"This wind! Be...... The wind blows straight to the soul!! "

Wind Elf Hilf, actually gave such a powerful prop to a person who is only able to reach level 20?!

In terms of power.

He belongs to the 'neutral camp' and does not believe in any elves.

For the wind elf Hilve, there is only a trace of respect for the strong.


What is the relationship between this human and the wind elf?

Guessing in his heart, Tiphara also began to act.

In order to prevent the leakage of [Abyss] breath.

The only thing he can do is to channel the [Abyss] breath into his body.

As a patriarch, his origin power is the most powerful.

It can also suppress a lot of abyss breath.

If this human is not skilled enough in the use of props, then come by yourself!

However, Xu Qiu did not give Tifara such a chance!

The [Wind Bag] washed Leah's soul and blew wisps of [Abyss] breath out of her body.

Then it was the turn of the [Key to the Dark Remains Cave] in Xu Qiu's backpack.

"Since this key especially likes

demonic qi..." "Then the [Abyss] aura that is a higher level than demonic qi, this key should like it more, right?"

Sure enough!

The moment [Key of the Dark Cave] came into contact with the breath of the abyss.

For a long time, I felt a strong 'excitement'!

【Ding! [Key of the Dark Cave] absorbs the breath of the abyss, energy +1. 【

Ding! [Key of the Dark Cave] absorbs the breath of the abyss, energy +1. 【

Ding! [Key of the Dark Cave] energy is full, +1 number of openings, +1 experience. 【

Ding! [Key of the Dark Remains Cave] absorbs the breath of the abyss, energy +. 】



Densely packed system prompts, at a rate of a dozen times per second!

Directly filled with Xu Qiu's [Log] function!

The 'Energy' mark for [Key to the Dark Cave].

It fills up every few seconds to become 1 XP and increases the number of openings by 1.

'It is estimated that Lin Ziyun is stunned, why is there no end to the money spent here~' Xu

Qiu smiled slightly and looked at the key carefully.

After improving the experience more than a dozen times.

Xu Qiu found out....

The speed at which this key absorbs the breath of the abyss... It's getting slower.

"What's going on?"

The [Abyss] aura on Ming Minglia's body is still very strong.

When Xu Qiu connected this key with his mind.

I see.



For the keys.

These abyssal breaths are like big fish and meat, mountains and seafood!

But it's just a child, not even teeth!

In the face of this delicacy, I can only snort hard, keep holding, and try to swallow it little by little.

At this stage.

This key is really only the most suitable for absorbing those ordinary demonic qi.

Xu Qiu glanced at his key:

'You don't use it to give you a chance!' ’


PS: Give you a chance ↓

see if you are good at it

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