
It also happened that at this time, Xu Qiu's [Bloodthirsty Bat King] sent a message.

Xu Qiu also looked at the shared vision of [Bloodthirsty Bat King]:


A creature with a human upper body and a deer lower body is running around!

She was lean and dressed simply.

Only two leaves are used as the only equipment on the body.

Xu Qiu couldn't help but sigh: "Look at the poor children, they can't afford to wear clothes." "

Of course, this is the habit of the [tree spirit] family.

They who can help plants grow, and prefer to be close to nature.

The male [tree spirit] is even more naked!

The 'hair' of the tree spirit is not hair, but strands of slender vines.

The [tree spirit] in front of him didn't look very old, and even a little young.

But the vines on the head have withered yellow, and they don't look good.

Through the careful observation of [Bloodthirsty Bat King].

The eyes of this [tree spirit] are not normal emerald green, but a strange purple!

Xu Qiu understood:

"This is... A tree spirit infected with [Abyss Breath]! "


Right now, this tree spirit didn't look like it was coming at Xu Qiu.

She dodged left and right, as if she was dodging something.

Next moment!

Xu Qiu had the answer.


Behind the tree spirit, two [mother dryads] that were twenty meters tall followed closely with their thick four tree limbs.

While letting out an ugly laugh, he unleashed the [Flying Leaf Quick Knife] at the tree spirit!


Several leaves pierced straight into the fawn's smooth back.


The fawn has not let its guard down!

The moment she heard the wind being broken, the slender hooves of her limbs under her flicked.

Jump sideways repeatedly from side to side.

Successfully dodged the [Flying Leaf Quick Knife] that were aimed at the point.

Then at the moment of dodging, the green light flashed in his hand.

A wooden spear that seemed to grow naturally appeared in her white little hand.

Immediately, she took advantage of the moment she turned around!

Shoot the wooden spear behind you!


It doesn't look very hard, and compared to the huge [dryad], it is simply a toothpick, and it is like an iron nail!

Deeply inserted into the torso of the [mother dryad]!


directly inflicts decent damage on them!

"Even if Zhong Li is here, if you want to do a thousand damage, you have to scrape for a while."

Xu Qiu couldn't help but look at the wooden spear that was inserted into the [Dryad] and lit up with a faint fluorescence.

"This little deer doesn't look like an ordinary deer."


[Bloodthirsty Batman] asked if he was helping.

Xu Qiu shook his head slightly: "Don't make a move first." "

Based on my memories of my past life.

The settlement beliefs of the [Dryadin] clan are chaotic.

Among them, there are many settlements that have defected to the [abyss].

Those settlements also have a pair of purple eyes.

"Before confirming your identity, observe for a while." Xu Qiu ordered.

But when Xu Qiu looked at the camera again...

I found that I don't have to look at it anymore.

The [Tree Spirit] who was chased and killed had already rushed out of the bushes and appeared in front of Xu Qiu.

"People ... Mankind? A

green voice of doubt came from the mouth of the tree spirit.

It is clear that humans have had contact with tree spirits, and they were friends not long ago.

But at the moment, there was no relaxation on her face.

On the contrary, after being slightly surprised, his expression became a little colder.

"Sure enough, you led [the dryad] to our settlement!"

Xu Qiu looked puzzled: "Who?" It

sounded like he had led the devil here.


But before Xu Qiu could ask, the two huge [dryads] had already broken through the trees and quickly chased after them.

The moment [Dryad] saw Xu Qiu, he did not attack Xu Qiu.

Instead, I still regard [Dryad] as my first goal!

Because it knows that humans dare not fight their dryads.


Countless vines suddenly pulled out!

Pumped in the direction of [Dryad]!

The tree spirit who fled for his life was slightly stunned because he saw Xu Qiuhou.

The movement of the feet slows down.

Can't escape the coverage of the vine [Multiple Attacks].

"I can only resist hard!"

She hated in her heart and glared at Xu Qiu.

The dryad only attacks her, not human behavior.

It made her feel that these two [dryads] were brought by him!

【Ding! [Dryad Leah] favorability for you -10, current favorability -1563 [hate to the bone]!

Xu Qiu: "??? "


This initial favorability is more hated than [Dark Camp] seeing themselves!

Sure enough, it's the guy from the abyss who eats black and eats black!!

And the tree spirit named 'Leia'.

I don't have time to think about it so much now.

The only thing that can be done is to gather the few remaining magic in the body.

[Thorn Tree Armor]!

Leah's originally soft skin lit up with a yellow-brown glow.

It's like attaching a layer of transparent armor.

This scene directly reminded Xu Qiu of the appearance of Catherine wearing a bright battle armor after opening 'Matchless'.


Countless vines then pumped on Leah's body!







Dense damage came out of the top of Leia's head!

Fortunately, Leah opened the [Thorn Tree Armor], and the damage was not too high.

And the [Dryad] as the attacking party.

It suddenly let out a howl of pain:


On the top of their heads, several damage numbers also lit up:



How many times did you hit the tree spirit just now.

The number of damage above their heads is how many times they have risked!

Seeing this, Xu Qiu was extremely envious!

"It is worthy of the [tree spirit's] racial ability 'thorn'."

This passive anti-injury effect simply restrains all high-blooded creatures!

Including Xu Qiu himself.


After Leah gritted her teeth and let out a painful drink, the yellow-brown light on the surface of her body dissipated.

There is not much blood left on the top of the head.


Even if she turned on the defensive skill, she was already reluctantly carrying it.

Immediately, her limbs went limp, she did not stand firmly for a while, and fell to the ground.

However, even if she stretched out her hand and was seriously injured, she still stared at Xu Qiu with bright purple eyes, which was extremely hateful!

【Ding! [Dryad Leah] favorability for you -15, current favorability -1578 [hate to bone]!

Xu Qiu's eyebrows widened:

"Eh, no, little thing."

"I didn't say a word from beginning to end, did I?"

When Leia heard this, she gritted her teeth and said fiercely:

"I have nothing to say to you Terran traitors!"

Immediately twisted his neck:

"Goo, kill me!"

'The Terrans... Traitor? Xu Qiu heard these words, and his brows wrinkled slightly.

The [Dryad] also leaned over at this time and let out a '' laugh!

'Xu Qiu Translator' understood.

The two dryads said that they were a strong guy who was sensible.

There is no big thing about them hunting [tree spirits].

You'll reward yourself later.


Once again, the [dryad] poked out several vines towards Leah.

But this time.

They don't use the [Multiple Whip] skill.

Instead, it was used... [Winding]!

The vine quickly tied Leah's antlers, arms, and three hooves.

Only one hoof was left struggling to swing wildly.

"Ah! What are you going to do!? But

her struggles were useless.

Instead, these two [dryads] became even more excited!

"Obliviously, you little tree spirit can't escape the palm of your aunt's hand)!"

"Thy Origin Force, Mine!) After absorbing it, I will be able to comprehend the [Birth Sapling] skill)! "

Shu Ji (Let me live!) I'm going to give birth to saplings! )! "


A dark green glow lit up on the vine!

Leia also suddenly felt that the original power in her body that resisted the 'Abyss Breath' began to gradually dissipate!

But right now.

The two dryads and a dryad present suddenly heard the voice of the 'orange outsider' human again:

"You bundle is not professional."

PS: Forgot to ask yesterday, did you draw a heterogeneous mourner?

I will stage a large-scale series "Waiting for Summer Live" for everyone

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Who can refuse a silly roe deer?

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