Online Game: My Basic Attack Can Plunder Attributes

09: Divine Essence! The Boss Pays The Bill

Lin Tong turned around.

It was Hanjiang and Jiuzhou...

Jiuzhou spoke first: "The battle just now really opened my eyes."

"I didn't expect that this novice village would have a hidden independent strongman like Brother Canghai."

Lin Tong heard this and replied: "Generally... What do you two have to say?"

Hanjiang was about to speak, but Jiuzhou took the lead again.

"Are you interested in joining our Gu Ying?"

"After joining, I can appoint you as the captain of the core team, and the guild resources will also be considered first for you."

"Not only that, I will pay you an annual salary of 10 million, how about it?"

Before he finished speaking, Hanjiang's voice came from the side.

"Brother Canghai, don't pay attention to him, I can increase it by 30% on top of what he gives you."

"How about it?"

Jiuzhou was a little unhappy: "Are you challenging me?"

Hanjiang didn't pay attention to him, but waited for Lin Tong's answer.

"I'll add another 50%..." Jiuzhou's voice came again.

At this moment, the two vice presidents looked at each other.

"I'm 60%!"



"Cao, 100%..."

Both of them saw the terrifying value in Lin Tong, who not only possessed mysterious strength.

He also had the perseverance to not fear Ye Ying at all.

If such a person were recruited, it would not be an exaggeration to say that when he grows up, he would probably bring huge benefits to the guild.

The scattered people who saw this scene not far away began to sigh.

"As expected of the big boss of Canghai..."

"Two big guilds are fighting for people, when can I get such treatment?"


"Next life..."

"I have recorded all the battles from this time to now and posted them on the forum."

"Are you crazy? Be careful of Ye Ying's lawyer's letter."

"What the hell?"

On the other side, Hanjiang and Jiuzhou were arguing very lively. The two have known each other for several years.

But when facing talents like Lin Tong, they would never back down.

"Asshole, you don't give me any face after so many years of friendship?"

"Why don't you give me a face?"

At this time, Lin Tong's voice successfully interrupted the two.

"Sorry, I've already told President Han that I have no intention of joining the guild."

After saying this, the two looked at each other.

"Are you still fighting?"

"No one wants to join now..."

Jiuzhou didn't want to give up: "Really? Our Guying is one of the top ten guilds in the country."


This completely killed the two people's intention to invite Lin Tong.

"I have some equipment on me, do you want it?"

In the previous battle, the wild boar king exploded three pieces of black iron equipment, and Yeying's battle brought five more.

There are also countless blank equipment.

This caused Lin Tong's backpack to be almost full. If he didn't clean it up, he probably wouldn't be able to carry other things.

The most important thing is that Lin Tong is really poor now...

The previous battle almost killed all his arrows.

If Lin Tong hadn't been more frugal before, he would have run out of ammunition and food in this battle.

"What equipment?"

Lin Tong threw the equipment like a small mountain directly on the ground.

Everyone around, including Han Jiang and Jiuzhou, was so surprised that they couldn't close their mouths.

What the hell?

He knew that Lin Tong had gained a lot just now.

But he didn't expect to get so much...

"Tang Xin's sword is good, how much is it, brother Cang Hai?" Jiuzhou seemed to like the weapon very much.

But before Lin Tong could speak.

Han Jiang spoke first: "Three hundred gold coins."

Tang Xin's fine steel sword has very good properties.

He also spent a lot of money to strengthen and bless it, and it can even be comparable to some bronze-level equipment.

It is the best thing in this pile.


"Okay... five hundred."

"Seven hundred."

"Nine hundred."

Jiuzhou looked at Hanjiang: "Do you think your Tianyun is richer than our Guying?"


Three minutes later, Hanjiang bought the long sword for 1,500 gold coins.

In fact, the price of 1,500 gold coins is a bit high, and the normal price should be around 1,000.

But now is the early stage.

When equipment is extremely scarce...

"Don't worry, two presidents, there are still some."

Lin Tong simply ignored the quarrel between the two.

Let the two negotiate the selling price of the remaining equipment, and then report a total to him.

Buy more and buy less, it's clear at a glance.

The two immediately fell into a quarrel, and Lin Tong went to sort out his gains.

[Beast Bone Longbow]

Grade: Bronze

Strength +15

Agility +8

Effect: +7 Critical Hit Rate

It is a weapon with good attributes, and Lin Tong equipped it without any hesitation.

And the replaced fine steel longbow was thrown directly to Hanjiang and the others by Lin Tong.

Next, it's the things in the announcement.

"Open the silver treasure chest"

[Holy Blessing Pants]

Level: 4

Strength +11

Agility +7

Health +300

Effect: +5% Critical Hit Rate

As expected of silver-level equipment, this attribute improvement directly beats the attributes of black iron and bronze equipment.

Open the personal attribute panel.

ID: Canghai

Level: 4 (0/1600)

Profession: Archer (not transferred)

Health: 1680 (Physique x20)

Mana: 260 (Spirit x20)

Attributes: Strength 56, Constitution 19, Spirit 16, Agility 37

Attack: 112 (Strength x2)

Magic Damage: 32 (Spirit x2)

Attack Speed: 2.9/s

"Now completing the blacksmith's task is a sure thing."

Lin Tong now has an attack of up to 110.

Normally, this damage is impossible to appear at this time, but Lin Tong's development is abnormal.

"The last one..."

The most important reward in the world's first kill is also Lin Tong's goal.

[Divine Essence]

Rank: ? ? ?

Effect: After use, the synchronization level in the game +10%

Current progress: 0/10

This thing is a prop for synchronizing strength.

Lin Tong used it without any hesitation, but it seemed that there was no change.

"It seems that we have to return to the real world to change."

This thing is a prop for synchronizing real strength, even in the later stage of the game, it can be auctioned for tens of millions.

And now it is the early stage......

If Lin Tong is willing to sell this thing, it must be worth hundreds of millions.

But he didn't plan to do so.

At this time, the two people who had been arguing finally came to a conclusion, and a pile of equipment was divided into two groups by the two.

Han Jiang said: "Check out!"


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