Online Game: My Basic Attack Can Plunder Attributes

086: The Only Purpose Of The Prophet Church Is To Make Money!


Bishop Adam's voice sounded.

It seemed to be hinting something to Lin Tong.

Lin Tong smiled faintly and waved his hand gently. The ground in front of him was piled up with gold coins like a small mountain.

A full five million!

The light reflected by the gold coins in the sun was so dazzling that people couldn't open their eyes.

But Bishop Adam's eyes were wide open, almost turning into the shape of gold coins.


So many!

At this moment.

Bishop Adam, the kind old grandfather who was originally a fairy, was as happy as a 109-year-old child.

Lin Tong just smiled faintly when he saw this.

As the saying goes... The wool comes from the sheep.

The money was temporarily given to Bishop Adam, but sooner or later he would be asked to pay it back, even ten times.

Bishop Adam felt a sense of malice... But he didn't care.

After all, what could be unhappy in front of the gold coins like a small mountain?

Immediately, he waved his hand, and a pile of gold coins disappeared in the blink of an eye, and Bishop Adam turned into the master again.


Lin Tong couldn't help but give a thumbs up to the bishop in his heart.

You definitely have other jobs when you are a bishop, such as changing your face.

"Since you believe in my God so much, then I will make an exception and unlock the first layer of restrictions for you."

After saying that.

Bishop Adam tightly grasped the mysterious orb.

The azure power burst out at this moment and began to rotate around the orb.

Not long after.

The power was successfully integrated into the orb.

With a crisp cracking sound, the first layer of restrictions was also unlocked.

Bishop Adam's face was already pale.

"The restriction on it should be left by a god. With my current strength, I'm afraid this layer of restriction is already the limit.

Then, exchange the things to Lin Tong.

Lin Tong glanced at it.

[Mysterious Orb]


Effect: Luck +5

Sealing progress: 99%

Good fellow………………

You spent so much effort and actually unlocked one layer of seal.

But it's acceptable.

Five million to buy five points of luck, no matter how you look at it, it's not a loss………………

The status of luck in [Origin] has always been mysterious, and things that increase luck are also very rare.

Lin Tong only has two now………………

Put the things away and look at Bishop Adam again.

"Can only unlock one layer?"

"Then is there any way to unlock all the seals of this bead?"

Hearing this, Bishop Adam regained his kind look.,

"Of course.

"If my god takes action, then there is no seal in the world that cannot be unlocked."


Bishop Adam paused, and then looked at Lin Tong very seriously.

"I believe you should know that if you want my help, you have to make a huge contribution to the church." Before he finished speaking, Lin Tong's voice sounded. "How much?" Lin Tong knew the character of this group of people very well. But Bishop Adam sneered when he heard this. "Young man, if this is the case, I should criticize you a few words. Don't think that money can buy everything." "Those are all external things............" "What's more, it is the guidance of God and can be measured by money. If you continue like this, you are not welcome here!" Bishop Adam's righteous voice sounded. If outsiders saw it, they would really think that this was a master who regarded money as dirt. Lin Tong couldn't help but sneer a few times. In the past. It was easy to get the guidance of the God of Prophecy. That is to donate money...... If you donate enough money, you can even let the God of Prophecy chat with you. But now...... The Pope has an order. Any donated money must belong to the cathedral. Since then, the bishops of the branch church could no longer get any money, but they quickly figured out a way to deal with it.

Let people do things for them to gain corresponding benefits.

Lin Tong asked: "What should I do?"

Bishop Adam continued to look serious.

"You are right to think so..."

"But I want to tell you in advance that this is to contribute to the church and the gods, not to do things for me."

Lin Tong agreed indifferently: "Understood, to contribute to the great prophet god."

Adam heard this and nodded with satisfaction.

"Since you are so sensible, then my god will give you a chance."

"Tomorrow at noon is the celebration day of my church, and various magic materials will be used to decorate it at that time."

"But right now, there is a material missing [Sun Feather]. If you can find this thing, you are contributing to the gods. "

What Bishop Adam said was a material of epic quality.

There is a lot of stock in the Grand Church.

But in the knowledge church where money is the most important thing, you have to pay a certain amount of money to get anything.

Not to mention materials?

How could Bishop Adam, who is so frugal, spend money?


This task fell on Lin Tong.


At the same time, the system's voice sounded.


"Hidden task [Find the Feather of the Sun], time limit: 12 hours"

At this time, when the bishop came to Lin Tong with a smile, "Young man, do you need me to tell you where to find the Wing of the Sun?" Lin Tong refused without hesitation. Looking at this guy's smile, this information must cost money. To be more specific. This so-called omniscient and omnipotent Prophet Church is really a super weirdo from top to bottom. Looking at the entire church. As long as there is a person who can breathe, including the cleaners. They are all trying to make money! Some businessmen who have been working for a lifetime are called experts... And the reason for this. Because the god of the Prophet Church is actually a dual-professional god, called the God of Prophet and Wealth. He has the two major priesthoods of wealth and prophet. In the previous life. Because the main church of the Prophet Church is made of all gold, coupled with the phrase "There is a golden house in the book." They are affectionately called the Golden House Church by players. Very rich... Then. Lin Tong quickly left this place full of the smell of money. "Has the celebration day finally arrived?"

The celebration day of the Prophet Church is a world-wide event in the Primordial Continent.

Due to the neutrality of the Prophet Church, every country in the Primordial Continent will have a branch of the Prophet Church.

All can participate...

Lin Tong plans to participate in this event this time.

Although the leader is very stingy, even a person who takes stinginess to the extreme, as such a grand event.

He will still give out a lot of rewards.

Among them, there is even [Knowledge Essence]

The function of this thing is very similar to that of ordinary Essence, the only difference is that it can materialize the player's skills.

0………………Please give me flowers…………

"In the list of all activities, the top ten rewards have treasures that can be materialized."

Lin Tong is looking forward to it.

As for the celebration of the Church of Light, it will be next month.

The rewards there are even more terrifyingly rich

Put away your thoughts.

Lin Tong immediately went to the teleportation array, and then built a teleportation array directly to [Silver Sea City] in the south of the Empire of Light.

Due to the remoteness of this city, coupled with the complex terrain.

As a result, there are a large number of bandits in the surrounding mountains... Among them, one of the bandits has the [Sun Feather] that Lin Tong wants, so the next goal is to eliminate harm for the people. "Ying!" Immediately. Summon the Holy Griffin directly and go straight to the target location. Twenty minutes passed in the blink of an eye. Lin Tong controlled the griffin to land in the open space in the forest. "DA-" Perhaps the two of them made a lot of noise, so they attracted the attention of some monsters in the forest. At this moment, a group of monsters rushed out. [Steel Thorn Bison] Grade: Black Iron Level: 250 HP: 20w/20w Attack: 2000 Skills: Charge, Steel Thorn "DA-" [Purification Rain of Arrows] Lin Tong did not hesitate and raised his hand to use a skill. Under the effect of [Perfect Sniper], this arrow accurately pierced the huge body of the bison. "-31000 (Critical Hit)"

"-2000 (Bleeding)

"-3005 (Black Flame)"

A large amount of damage appeared on the top of the wild boar's head.

Just one arrow knocked off about 25% of their health.

Lin Tong also released [Frost Field]

Under the powerful frost damage, the wild animals' health bars, which were not high to begin with, dropped rapidly like a rocket.


"You killed [Steel Spike Bison] and obtained: 6550 experience points"

"Successfully plundered: 5 points of physical fitness"

Instant kill...

This battle ended a little too quickly. A group of bison didn't even last five seconds and died cleanly.

The Frost Field was used in vain...

To be honest.

This thing should be the most rubbish monster Lin Tong has encountered since leaving the Novice Village. It can't even withstand five arrows.


Lin Tong walked towards the target location while killing the monsters he encountered.

And the dropped experience points were all distributed to the sacred griffin in the space, which made the griffin not only happy.

Life is getting better slowly………………

And Lin Tong's panel is constantly showing prompts.


"Successful plunder: 4 points of strength"

"Successful plunder: Steel Thorn (rare)"

Lin Tong took a look at the latest passive while the monsters were cleared.

[Steel Thorn]

Quality: Rare

Effect: After being damaged, automatically block 30 damage, if it is melee damage, it will cause 30 points of counter damage to the attacker.

Number of layers: 1/100

It turned out to be a rare one with 100 layers………………

Really rare!

If it is stacked to the full layer, it will block 3000 points of damage and rebound 3000 points of damage.

The effect is still very good………………

"It's really unexpected that there is such a harvest?"

ps: Please support, self-order, full order, flowers, and big evaluation votes!

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