Online Game: My Basic Attack Can Plunder Attributes

080: I Curse You, Feng Hanxiao And Tang Xin!

One thousand meters in the sky...

Lin Tong sat on the back of the sacred griffin and adjusted the distance to a suitable position.


[Purifying Arrow Rain]

Accompanied by the powerful purifying power, this arrow accurately hit Mailer's head.

The damage prompt appeared immediately.

"-17832 (Critical Hit)

"-881 (Darkness)"

"-691 (Toxin)"


The effect of Mailer's giant lizard skin is still very considerable.

As a result, except for the critical hit, the other damage of Lin Tong's arrow did not even reach four digits.

However, after this arrow, he was given various negative effects.

Maier: "???"

After being hit by this arrow, Mailer was in a state of confusion.


Sir Feng Hanxiao, what are you doing?

Are you attacking me?

But before he could raise the question in his heart, a frost field had been thrown to his side by Lin Tong.

The fierce frost power began to ravage Mailer's body...

At the same time

With the help of the riding effect, Lin Tong's attack speed also successfully broke through ten arrows per second.

The storm-like attack came in an instant...

In the air.

Only a shadow could be seen constantly attacking Mailer.

This speed was too fast...

Mailer couldn't stand it.

"-4051 (Critical Hit)"


"-4061 (Critical Hit)"

This time, Lin's DPS successfully broke through 3w+

and even rose rapidly at a terrifying speed...

Mailer gritted his teeth and said: "Sir Feng Hanxiao, please stop immediately and stop attacking."

He didn't know why Lin Tong attacked him.

But he found another thing...

Lin Tong's attack didn't seem as terrible as imagined, and the attribute was very mediocre.

"In this way, I should be able to take back my sacred object."

As soon as this idea came to mind.

Mailer's eyes were quickly filled with killing and malice.

The next second. The original normal-sized body suddenly changed at this moment, and the real muscles became stronger.

"Sir Feng Hanxiao, you forced me to do this............"

As soon as the voice fell.

Mailer's lower limbs began to bend.

It was accumulating strength like a spring.


Accompanied by a loud bang, the whole person rushed into the sky like an arrow.

But in the blink of an eye, he was a hundred meters away, and the distance from Lin Tong was getting closer and closer.

Lin Tong saw this and laughed: "You really jumped very high. If it were an ordinary person, you would really be dragged down by you."


While speaking, Kun Tong's arrow shot out faster and faster.

Various negative effects poured towards Mailer............

All hit Mailer's bald head accurately.

"Sir Feng Hanxiao, you are looking for death!"

Maier felt that he was greatly insulted, and the anger in his eyes almost turned into substance and gushed out.

The strong murderous intent turned into the power for him to chase Lin Tong.

At this time, the bloody mouth suddenly opened, and then a black fireball spit out of Mail's mouth.

Lin Tong gently patted the griffin's body,

and the griffin immediately understood and shifted to the left more than ten meters before the black fireball arrived.

Successfully avoided...

And the huge fireball exploded in the air, like a brilliant black flower.

After one blow.

Mail's upward sprint strength also began to decrease.

Finally, he completely lost his strength and began to fall freely to the ground.

At this time, Mail, who could not do anything at all, was just a human target, allowing Lin Tong to attack.

Still can't hide...

He can only watch the arrow shoot out of his body.

After a while.

The blood-residual Mail successfully fell back to the ground, looked up at Lin Tong in the sky, and was extremely angry.


He had no other way to hit Lin Tong except jumping up.

Not long ago, he had a pair of wings, but they were torn off in the battle with the enemy.

That's why he targeted the griffin.

His target was the huge wings......

"Damn it!"

"Feng Hanxiao, I'll remember you. When I regain my strength, I will tear you and the griffin apart.

After saying a harsh word, Maile turned and ran.

He was able to survive until now, all thanks to this flexible hand……………..

He ignored the demonized creatures he created and ran away at full speed.

But Lin Tong's deceleration effect was really on him.

At this time, his speed was not as fast as Lin Tong in riding state……

He ran in front.

Lin Tong maintained his speed and output in the sky……………

Although Lin Tong had top combat skills in his previous life, most of his skills needed to be matched with strong power.

Or attributes to support, otherwise they could not be used at all.

And now……

Both of them were moving at high speed, which caused the accuracy of Lin Tong's arrows to drop significantly.

The most important thing was that Maile had [Crisis Prediction], and many arrows could be avoided.

For this reason, Lin Tong needed to block the movement with several arrows, and the arrows that really hit were behind.

Often, at most four arrows hit out of ten arrows………………

But this was enough.

At this time, [Frost Field (ajai)] and [Dead Curse] are both on cooldown, and Lin Tong's normal attacks can't break the defense at all.

So he can only rely on continuous damage such as poison bleeding to cause damage to Maile.

The damage per second is about 5,000...

Time passed little by little.

And Maile's health was slowly decreasing under Lin Tong's torture, but fortunately Lin Tong had enough arrows.

Fifty thousand arrows.


Fifty thousand arrows, even if only a few arrows hit Maile, it would be enough to take his life.

Half an hour later...

Maile was close to despair.

For such a long time, he almost ran out of the range of Green Forest, but even so.

Lin Tong's pursuit did not stop for a moment.

And his health was also rapidly decreasing during this period.

"Sir Feng Hanxiao...

"We don't have any hatred, please let me go, I can give you everything I have.

Maile kept begging Lin Tong for mercy along the way.

But Lin Tong didn't respond at all...

In his previous life, when the strong men of the Church of Light were about to kill him, he also knelt down and begged for mercy.

But just when the strong men of the Church of Light relaxed their vigilance, this guy suddenly made a dying struggle.

In the end, he even sacrificed his soul to curse the strong men of the church.

Whoever believes his lies is a fool!

This is also the reason why Lin Tong didn't tell him his real name. In the original, the player's ID is the only name.

Some curses and sacrifices are also carried out through names.

So in the later period, almost everyone has a purification...

On the other side.

Under Lin Tong's violent attack, Maile's health finally dropped to about 5%.

He also knew that he would never get away today.....

He turned around and stared at Lin Tong.

"Sir Feng Hanxiao, are you sure you don't want me to leave?"

Lin Tong just looked at him coldly, and his attitude said it all.

Mail nodded, took out a blood-soaked fang from his backpack, and held it high above his head.

"Great God of Wild Beasts, Mail curses... two people, Feng Hanxiao and Tang Xin, at the cost of his life and soul."

Lin Tong told him two names at the beginning.

He didn't know which one was true. If one was false, wouldn't he have paid his soul in vain?

He might as well curse both of them, so that he couldn't escape.

The curse took effect!

The next second, Mail's remaining life value was completely exhausted.

His life value dropped to 1 point at this moment, and at the same time, the blood-colored fang broke free from Mail's control and flew straight into the sky.


The vast voice echoed in his ears.

Mail laughed with his last life value: "The Omniscient... I'm afraid you don't know that your death is coming?"

"Today, you will be buried in this land with me... ..."

After that.

Mail began to laugh crazily.

But at this moment, the cursed fang bypassed Lin Tong and went straight to another direction.

Mail was stunned……………



But before he could figure it out, an arrow pierced his head and the remaining blood disappeared.


The body fell to the ground, and his eyes completely lost any breath.

The soul had been risked, and Mail was dead and could not die anymore……………….

At the same time.

A large amount of loot was scattered all over the ground.


"You killed [Beast Warlock. Mail] and obtained: 850,000 experience points"

"You reached level 25 and obtained: four-dimensional attributes +11, free allocation points +11"

"Successfully plundered: Stealing Claw (Peerless)"

After killing Mail, Lin Tong's experience bar successfully broke through and reached level 25.

At the same time.

I also plundered the latest peerless passive.....

ps: Please support, full order, custom order, flowers, evaluation votes!

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