Online Game: My Basic Attack Can Plunder Attributes

074: A Small Exquisite Ring! It's Time To Buy A Property

Open the treasure chest obtained from the announcement just now, and there is another diamond-quality equipment.

"Good luck............"

[Sun Gauntlet]

Quality: Diamond

Level: 20

Strength +45

Agility +75

Spirit +50

Effect: After wearing, control resistance +11%

It is a good diamond-quality equipment, not only with considerable attribute bonus,

but also 11% control resistance.

In this way.

The negative effects such as dizziness and knockback suffered by Lin Tong will be calculated first.

It is a small top-quality equipment......

Replace the original ring directly, and the attribute will usher in a wave of improvement.


Look at the time, it is almost ten o'clock.

Lin Tong immediately walked towards the appropriate area, and then used the return to the city symbol to come to the square of the main city of Tianxing.

Find a hotel at random and open a temporary room.

Standing in front of the window, Lin Tong looked at the street: "Now our reputation is high enough, we can consider buying a private residence in the main city.

There are several benefits to buying a private residence.

The most important one is to absolutely avoid being blocked at the resurrection point...

After all.

Lin Tong's current enemies can already form a reinforced company.

He roughly determined a plan in his mind and went offline to rest.

The next morning.

Lin Tong logged into the game early and went straight to the North Wind Ranch.

He greeted the guard and stepped into the gate of the ranch.

The owner of Ryan seemed to have known about Lin Tong's arrival and greeted Lin Tong with a cold face.

"Adventurer, is the poison unable to be expelled?"

"Are you here to give up the mission?"

Ryan didn't have any hope for Lin Tong from the beginning...

But Lin Tong smiled faintly: "The mission has been completed, the poison miasma has been successfully dispelled, you can send someone to check it. "What?" Ryan's face changed slightly. He immediately ordered his subordinates to go to the Black Crow Mountains for inspection. The results came back soon. Just as Lin Tong said, the poisonous miasma had been completely dispelled, and the things they needed were slowly recovering. Upon hearing the news, Ryan immediately changed his face. "I didn't expect it...々||." "Thank you very much, Mr. Canghai." "You actually dispelled the poisonous miasma in the valley for us." Lin Tong said: "Don't talk nonsense, where is my reward?" Ryan had already put on a smile. "Don't worry, I have prepared your reward for you a long time ago, and I will give it to you after you have been treated. Then, Ryan took out a high-level mount lasso. At the same time. The sound of the system sounded. "OJ"

"Hidden quest [Dispel the poisonous miasma] to complete"

"Reward: Advanced Mount Lasso x1, Experience +5w, Gold x1000"

[Advanced Mount Lasso]

Quality: Gold

Effect: When capturing a gold mount, the success rate is +15%, and the success rate is -5% for each higher grade

Quantity: 1/1

The average person has only a 10% success rate in capturing a Tianfeng warhorse with this thing


The target of this golden lasso has never been for ordinary Tianfeng warhorses, but a special mount in the ranch.

At this time, Ryan called a subordinate from the side.

"Take Mr. Canghai to the ranch to catch a warhorse......"


After the subordinate agreed, he turned to Lin Tong and said: "Mr. Canghai, please follow me.

After Lin Tong left, Ryan's subordinates came up.

"Owner, should we use some tricks to prevent him from taking our warhorse?"

The smile on Ryan's face also stopped at this time.

"I have inquired about this person in the past two days. His relationship with the city lord and the church is quite unusual."

"He has dispelled the poison. If we do not abide by the agreement, it is very likely to make the church staff unhappy."

"Besides, the chance of catching a mount with a high-level lasso is very small............"

"What we need to do now is to protect the Black Crow Mountains and replenish the missing grass as soon as possible."

The subordinate nodded: "Understood!"


Lin Tong, led by his servant Hagrid, came to the central area of ​​the ranch.

This is a very large plain surrounded by tall fences.

And there are people patrolling the ranch 24 hours a day.

To prevent anyone from stealing the expensive Tianfeng warhorses............

"Mr. Canghai, the Tianfeng warhorses we raise are in front."

Hagrid said this very proudly.

Then he pointed to a small lake not far away and motioned Lin Tong to capture it there.

Lin Tong glanced at Hagrid............010206509Fulu080163391]

If he wants to implement his big plan, he must get rid of him.

After some consideration.

Lin Tong looked at a group of warhorses.

【Skywind Warhorse】

Quality: Diamond

Level: 10

HP: 30w/30w

Attack: 2500

Introduction: Can be captured as a mount.

“Really good…”

This warhorse has bright fur and strong limbs.

It is indeed a very good warhorse…

This is all thanks to the breeding method of rancher Ryan, who first cultivates the newborn warhorse to diamond quality and then keeps it in a pen.

Then feed it regularly with a special feed.

After two years, it can become a diamond quality warhorse.

At that time, it can be sold to the Empire of Light and other forces in exchange for huge profits.

However, these are only one-year-old minors in front of them, and the adult warhorses have been sold not long ago.

“Mr. Canghai, you can capture it once you have determined the target…”

Hagrid reminded him.

Lin Tong nodded and began to talk to himself: “`||Such a good warhorse, I only have one chance to choose.”

“I must choose carefully…”

Then, Lin Tong began to select warhorses by the small lake.

Every time he saw one, he would walk up to observe it for a few minutes and then comment on it.

"This one is good, the fur is so bright...

"This one is also good, the call and body are perfect."

"Oh, I like this one too, it just fits my aesthetic taste."

Each time he commented on one would take several minutes.

For today's action, Lin Tong had done enough homework last night.

He looked up a bunch of words to praise horses.

Time passed...

An hour later.

Hagrid leaned against the wooden fence and was drowsy, while Lin Tong was still praising the warhorse.

"Wake up, help me choose which one is better...

Hagrid looked helpless: "I don't know about this either. "

"Also, we have been selecting for almost an hour, how is your selection going?"

He really wanted to ask Lin...

What's the point of you (Wang Nuo) selecting like this?

You don't think you can really catch the warhorse with just a lasso?

Of course.

Hagrid only thought about this in his heart, and didn't dare to say it to Lin Tong.

Lin Tong replied: "I have to choose carefully, after all, it is a mount that has been with me for a long time, right?"


Time passed again...

Hagrid finally couldn't stand it anymore.

"Mr. Canghai, you can choose slowly here first, I'll go outside to drink some water and wait for you."

"What do you think?"

Lin Tong looked at Hagrid with disgust.

"Hurry up, you can't even give any professional advice. "

"What's the point of staying here?"

Hagrid's face darkened immediately when he heard this, and he turned around and left here angrily.

At this time.

Lin Tong was the only one left in the entire central grassland.

He turned his back to Hagrid.

Lin Tong opened his hands and faced the entire lake: "The horses here will all belong to me..."


ps: Please support, full order, custom order, flowers, and evaluation votes!

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