Online Game: My Basic Attack Can Plunder Attributes

067: The Pattern Is Too Small, This Wave He Is In The Atmosphere!

There are only two ways to get a mount in the early stage of the game.


It is to summon a mount with some special props, such as the horn of the dragon clan. This mount is like an active skill.

It will fall into cooling after use.

But this method is difficult to implement in the early stage.


It is to capture it by yourself with the mount lasso.

This method is currently a more feasible method.

And now the mount lasso is in the hands of the Church of Light and Tianfeng Ranch.

The Church of Light directly ignores it.

Then Lin Tong's next destination is Tianfeng Ranch!

The Tianfeng warhorse they produce has a very good reputation even across the country.

It is second only to the light warhorse.

And the light warhorse is the mount of the Sanction Group, even the Church of Light has only about 500.

It is precious.

"The target this time is not those ordinary Tianfeng warhorses."ttt" "but the ranch owner's secret mount. '

Lin Tong remembered it very clearly.

The ranch owner has a mysterious warhorse that has been secretly cultivated, and its strength is far beyond the light warhorse.

But since it is secretly cultivated.

It must not be obtained through normal channels.


This time Lin Tong has to use some tricks……………

Thinking of this, Lin Tong's mouth corners can't help but slightly rise.

Then, he began to walk towards the direction of Tianfeng Ranch, which took only about thirty minutes.

Tianfeng Ranch has guards.

Because the war horses inside are as valuable as gold………………

Lin Tong came to the guard and said straight to the point: "Hello, my name is Canghai, I want to meet your ranch owner."

The guard obviously heard the name Canghai.

"Mr. Canghai?"

"I'm sorry, our ranch will not see any visitors recently……………………

Lin Tong smiled faintly.

"Just tell him that I have a way to solve his current troubles,

The guard was stunned when he heard this, and then said: "Then wait a moment."

After that.

Turned around and ran quickly into the ranch.

At this time, there were other players around the ranch, and they were all thrown out because they had just failed to enter.


"This person will be thrown out soon."

The leader is called [Langya Jiu]

"I bet this person will definitely land on his butt first when he is thrown out, do you believe it?"

As soon as he said this, the others around him burst into laughter.

Not long after.

The guard hurried back.

Langya Jiu looked at Lin Tong with a gloating look on his face.

But what happened the next moment surprised him.

The guard who returned stood in front of Lin Tong with respect: "Mr. Canghai, please follow me.

Lin Tong nodded.

Follow the guard into the ranch gate.

Langya Jiu was puzzled and said: "Why wasn't he thrown out?"

A warrior named [Langya Yun] stood aside.

"Boss, he seemed to say something just now that he could help the rancher solve the problem, why don't we try it too?"

Hearing this, Langya Jiu became interested.

Being able to explore an unknown map is no less than killing a boss.

"Just do as you say. "

A group of people came to the guard in a mighty manner.

The guard looked impatient: "Didn't I tell you that you can't enter the ranch now?"

Langya Jiu stood up with a proud look on his face.

"My name is Langya Jiu, and I can help you rancher solve the problem."

The guard was stunned when he heard this.

Then he began to carefully count the people in front of him.

"Brothers, come quickly!"

"The Wolf Fang Fire that attacked Miss Mary yesterday must be their man, beat him up!"

A group of level 25 guards swarmed in.

Surrounded Wolf Fang and others...

The guards took out various weapons and began to smash them on the heads of Wolf Fang and others.

They were not even level 20, and they did not even have the ability to resist in front of the level 25 guards.

The final outcome was to be hacked to death.

"Wolf Fang Fire, thank you for your family... ..."

Not long after, corpses appeared all over the ground in front of the ranch.

The guard cursed: "A bunch of scum, how can you compare with Mr. Canghai who saved a village?"

"Are you worthy?"

On the other side.

Lin Tong successfully met the ranch owner inside the ranch.

Ryan, the ranch owner!

"Adventurer, what do you mean by trouble?" Ryan looked at Lin Tong with a wary face.

Lin Tong replied: "Black Crow Valley... ..."

As soon as these words came out, Ryan's eyes suddenly widened.

At the same time, he waved his hands behind him.

Several warriors holding short knives rushed out and pointed the tips of their knives directly at Lin Tong.

"Why, you want to kill me?"

Lin Tong looked at Ryan with a smile.

Ryan's face was cold: "Tell me, how did you know this?"

The reason why Tianfeng Ranch can breed mounts like Tianfeng Warhorse is largely due to their fodder.

One of the materials in their fodder formula is produced from the Black Crow Mountains.

Not long ago.

A poisonous miasma suddenly appeared in the Black Crow Mountains, which made it impossible for the ranch people to enter and collect materials.

In the previous life.

The ranch owner will look for adventurers to help solve this problem soon.

But now, this matter has not been spread.

Ryan suspected that there was a problem within them and this matter had been leaked.

"Don't worry about how I learned about this matter, you just need to know that only I can help you solve it now."

"Don't worry, I can swear that I will not leak it............"

After saying this, Ryan fell into deep thought.

Now the fodder can't last much longer.

At most, in a week, he will face the situation where the Tianfeng warhorse has no grass to eat.

In that case, it will cause him huge losses.

He struggled for a long time.

"Adventurer, you must swear to the world rules in front of me............"

Lin Tong said without hesitation: "Of course"

Then, Lin Tong completed the oath under Ryan's supervision.

"If you can help me solve the problem of poison therapy, I can promise you a mount lasso and a chance to capture.

At the same time, the system's voice sounded.


"Hidden task [Dispel Poison Therapy], task content: Disperse the horse therapy in the Black Crow Valley within three days.

Lin Tong sneered twice and left the place directly.

Ryan has spent a lot of resources, trying to dispel the poison therapy without any effect.

Now 5.8 actually uses a lasso and a chance to capture as a reward.

This is not equal at all...

But Lin Tong didn't say much, after all, his target has always been some ordinary Tianfeng Gang warhorses.

As long as he is allowed to capture, the price paid by this Ryan will be huge.

Maybe a hundred times, or a thousand times………………

At the same time, Ryan felt a chill on his back.

"Foolish adventurer, a lasso and a chance to capture you can be used to complete a task."

"I am really a genius………………

Then, Ryan began to laugh wantonly.


This time he was too narrow-minded.

He thought Lin Tong was in the first layer, but in fact Lin Tong was already in the atmosphere!

ps: Seeking support, flowers, full order, custom order, evaluation votes!

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