Online Game: My Basic Attack Can Plunder Attributes

065: I Will Never Close My Eyes Until I Die!

After Ike died, all kinds of spoils were scattered all over the ground...

Let alone the pile of gold coins that was like a small mountain, the large pile of equipment and props above gold quality was enough to shock Lin Tong.

"Now I see that I am really a poor guy...

This time the harvest is quite rich.

There are still a few pieces of equipment that Lin Tong can use.

It is worthy of being a genius cultivated by the elders...

"Hahaha, this annoying mage is finally dead, thank you very much, human archer."

The rough voice of the dragon leader came from the side.

"In order to repay you for helping me kill this mage, I will give you the honor of being killed by my own hands. ”

Lin Tong turned around,

“How could I forget about you, a big lizard that walks upright?”

“Do creatures with dragon blood like to boast so much now?”

The dragon leader glared at Lin Tong.

“You deserve to die for insulting my dragon blood!”

As soon as he finished speaking, he chopped at Lin Tong with a giant sword.

Long before fighting Ike, Lin Tong had already checked the attribute panel of the dragon leader.

[Dragon Leader]

Rank: Diamond

Level: 20

HP: 301w/472w

Attack: 18000

Dragon Vein Fury: Greatly increase attack power

Charge: 117 Impact the target, causing damage and short-term stun

Roar: Inflict fear on the target and reduce the fourth dimension.

“Weak...” Lin Tong sighed.

Although this is a diamond boss, [but because this is in an advanced copy, his strength is not that strong.

Not even as good as some gold bosses.

Of course.

The weak here is for Lin Lin Tong is still very strong for others.

When he breaks through the epic level in the future, the difficulty of that kind of trial will be the real difficulty.

Compared with the dragon leader, he is simply no match...


The roar sounded in Lin Tong's ears.

The giant sword rushed straight to Lin Tong's face, whistling with the sound of wind.

"Get rid of you as soon as possible... ..."


Since the upgrade of Flash, the distance that can be moved is quite large.

This time.

Lin Tong and the dragon leader were successfully pulled apart, and the arrows also whistled towards the dragon leader.

The powerful terrifying force contained in it directly made the dragon leader stand in the punishment.

At the same time, many negative effects were triggered...

"Damn, what the hell is this?"

The out-of-control (ajdc) dragon leader charged at Lin Tong.

And Lin Tong activated the quiver effect and frost field, and the classic penalty package was presented again.




Frost continued to appear on the body of the dragon leader, causing continuous damage to him like a steel knife.


Arrows like Gatling came whistling.

The deceleration effect was fully exerted at this moment...

The dragon leader could only swing the giant sword helplessly and could not move forward.



The dragon leader's defense is very strong.

After various defense reductions were stacked up by him, Lin Tong's normal attack could only cause double-digit damage.

However, with the effect of [Thrust], each attack has an additional 2,000 damage.

Combined with the continuous damage of many negative effects, it can barely reach about 30,000 per second.

At the same time, the deceleration effect continued to appear.

Even if Lin Tong's resistance was refreshed, he could not hit Lin Tong.

And all Lin Tong had to do was kite comfortably……………………


"Damn it!"

"Why are you invaders more disgusting than each other? I beg you to be human?"

The dragon leader almost collapsed.

I thought that after the death of the fast-running mage, I could turn over and sing.

Become the new master of the era...

But who would have thought?

The archer in front of him was as disgusting as the ancestor of the mage.

So far, the dragon leader has not remembered how many negative effects have been added to him.

Poisoning, bleeding, confusion, deceleration, fear, reduced defense!

He knows………………

He has them all!

I may not be a human, but you are real...…………

If he hadn't spread the seeds of love everywhere like a real dragon, causing poor health.

I'm afraid he would have died of vomiting blood by now.

Time passed little by little.

The dragon leader could only watch helplessly as his health bar was depleted by this human.


Before he finished speaking.

The dragon leader's eyes suddenly widened, and then he fell to the ground unwillingly.

Die with eyes wide open...


"You kill the [Dragon Leader] to complete the advanced task"

"To advance to [Basic Night Hunter]"

"Successfully plundered: 50 physical fitness"

"Obtained: Growth +5, reputation +10000, blood value +1000"

This time, the growth rate soared to 11 points.

"The four-dimensional attribute has risen a lot again...

Ignore these.

Look at the biggest gain in this trial, the blood value!

This thing is the key to the [Blood Trial]. After entering, you can improve your blood power.

Original junior high school.

Human blood power is ordinary, so there is no bonus and blood talent.

And the [Blood Trial] can change this.

At the same time.

Another list appeared in Lin Tong's panel, which is the list of all civilizations with blood values.

And Lin Tong's unknown is at around 4 trillion.

The bottom!

More importantly, according to Lin Tong's current blood value, he is not even qualified to buy an admission ticket.

"I'll consider this later..."

Next, it's time to sort out the dropped harvest this time.

A certain Mr. Ike, who did not want to reveal his name, gave Lin Tong a bunch of equipment.

"This source of killing is really a good thing."

"Almost emptied his backpack in one go. ”

More than 2,000 sin points, Lin Tong directly has more than 200 precious items.

I’m afraid that Ike must have hated Lin Tong to death.

But it is unlikely to meet him in the future, after all, the original world is extremely huge.

Even the Empire of Light is just the tip of the iceberg.

Ike will probably have to wait for his next life to take revenge………………

Immediately, Lin Tong put all the things on the ground into his backpack, a total of 200 items and 20 million gold coins.

A rich family...

"I’m afraid even if I kill 100 gold bosses, I won’t have so many things."

"I’ll specifically target this kind of people in the future."


Lin Tong spent a few minutes cleaning up his equipment, and the first thing he took out was the epic ring.

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